Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Modern Civilisation and its Consequences

In case there’s a difficulty in working out the logic of the graphics—here they are, line by line:-
Internet Porn-Lesbian-Gay
Low Birth Rate
Rampant Muslim Immigration
Left wing liberals
Destruction of Indigenous Society

It’s your decision!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Putinnochio Speaks

President Putin told his favourite Russian rag LIFENEWS, that Russia “poses no threat to anyone,” and would “resist efforts to draw it into geopolitical intrigue.” Hah! That’s a Putin joke—right?

Now that’s also a might peculiar—bearing in mind that Putin does nothing BUT threaten his neighbours. Is this a change of mind? Does he mean that he’s going to withdraw his Russian troops from Moldova’s Transnistria, and from Georgian Abkhazia, and Georgian South Ossetia, and Ukrainian Crimea and from Eastern Ukraine altogether. Otherwise the statement makes no sense in a rational world. If he doesn’t, it simply means Putin is drivelling vile mendacity once more. It must also presuppose he stops sending subs into Swedish waters, returns the kidnapped Estonian agent, stops threatening Lithuania and Latvia? Maybe he’ll also cease funding the neo-Nazi parties in the European Union in an underhanded threat to European democracy? 

What about threatening Belarus with an economic boycott if they didn’t sell all their gas pipeline network to Gazprom—wait on, that’s a done thing isn’t it. Lukashenka caved in, and as a result, there’s now a Russian Airforce squadron in Baranovichi, and Russia’s built another Russian controlled base in Babruysk, with another to follow in Lida. Russian airbases are to follow in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and any other country stupid enough to allow it, all in a sick effort to revive the Russian Empire and its pathetic ambitions of domination. That's Putin's Russian Empire!

Putin only admitted later his ‘little green men’ were actually Russian troops after the annexation of Crimea, having previously denied their presence in Crimea altogether. So NO threat there?

Not surprising then, that France has stopped the outrageous Mistral helicopter carrier sale, since both ships were likely to head for Mariupol to invade Eastern Ukraine so that Putin could have his land-bridge to Crimea.

It’s clear that nobody really takes Putin’s drivel seriously—not coming from the mouth of a KGB thug. Remember Katyń? That’s the work of NKVD/KGB and his pals.

Come on, Western Media, you’re being played for a sucker by the Kremlin—wake up!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Crackpot Dickhead 'President'

Is this is the self-promoting psychopath the 
Russians WANT as their President? 

Their morphing Stalin?

Wake up YOU dozy Russians!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Putin’s Ode To His Lubyanka Home

Putin’s Ode To His Lubyanka Home
(Tune to Home On The Range)

Oh, give me a home, where the Stalinists roam
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

How often at night, when the heavens were dark
With the light blocked out in the cells
Have I sat there amazed, and asked as I gazed
If Stalin had come back from the dead

Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

Then give me a land, where democracy’s sand
Flows leisurely down to the people
Where the graceful bells, of freedom ring out
From a church that has a tall steeple

Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

Oh, I would not exchange, my home for those cells
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay

Putin's Philosopher

Alexander Dugin, Russia’s poor man’s Friedrich Nietzsche, believes the separatist struggle in East Ukraine has re-awakened the "Russian Empire spirit." This is a so-called Russian ‘intellectual’ who has to grow a beard to look like a philosopher, but fails miserably. He has an old-style Stalin mouth, spouting fascist claptrap to the masses. No real brains, so he plays to the visual media with his beard. 

Alexander Dugin is the founder of Russia's Eurasian movement and a darling of the moronic pseudo nationalist movements of Europe and America. His only philosophy and the centrepiece of his geopolitical theory is that Russia's mission is to challenge the US domination of the world. A cringingly old style Soviet era anti-Americanism; this is Dugin’s great contribution to Russian philosophy—this is the great thought.

The motive force throughout Russia’s notorious history has been grabbing other people's lands, lands that don’t belong to them, building up the Tsarist Empire, and later, in twisting Marx’s pathetic egalitarian drivel, and continuing the Empire building process via a distorted socialism and the Soviet Union. A Union of half-wits and grabby corrupt apparatchiks who climbed out of the mire of the rural farms and urban factories of Tsarist serfdom. 

This is where the roots of Dugin’s great philosophy come from—a profound anti-democraticism rooted in a history of totalitarianism. Dugin, a Russian nationalist toilet thinker who has championed the annexation of Crimea and Russian intervention in Ukraine, who is pleased Belarus has knuckled down to Russian domination, and who would like to see the re-annexation of the Baltic states, followed by Poland and the other former Soviet dominated European nations like Hungary, Czechia and Bulgaria. 

Dugin’s garbage is what is being fed to the Russian population as a future, with full approval of his KGB master, PutinAlexander Dugin called for the annexation of Crimea as far back as 2008, during Russia's war with Georgia. He travelled to the disputed region of South Ossetia, where he was photographed posing with a rocket launcher, putting his two Russian fingers up at the Georgians.

Frankly, the only humane solution with a rabid dog, is to put it out of its misery. With Dugin’s rabid philosophy, there can’t be any other solution than to do the same. The world is tired of all these Genghis Khans, Hitlers, Stalins and Napoleons. 

Is this is what the Western European nationalist want for the rest of Europe? Dugin style nonsense?

Europe for the Europeans—yes, but without Putin’s crap, surely….or have this Nationalist lot gone simple minded?

Sunday, 31 August 2014

European Union (EU) leaders decided early Sunday 31/8/14, to give Russia one week to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis, otherwise the bloc would impose tougher sanctions on Moscow, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy told a news conference after a special summit in Brussels. According to a draft statement from the summit, the EU leaders were set to ask the European Commission and the EU's diplomatic service "to urgently undertake preparatory work" on further sanctions that could be implemented if necessary.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Никогда мы не будем братьями

Никогда мы не будем братьями
ни по родине, ни по матери.
Духа нет у вас быть свободными –
нам не стать с вами даже сводными.

Вы себя окрестили “старшими” -
нам бы младшими, да не вашими.
Вас так много, а, жаль, безликие.
Вы огромные, мы – великие.

А вы жмете… вы всё маетесь,
своей завистью вы подавитесь.
Воля - слово вам незнакомое,
вы все с детства в цепи закованы.

У вас дома “молчанье – золото”,
а у нас жгут коктейли Молотова,
да, у нас в сердце кровь горячая,
что ж вы нам за “родня” незрячая?

А у нас всех глаза бесстрашные,
без оружия мы опасные.
Повзрослели и стали смелыми
все у снайперов под прицелами.

Нас каты на колени ставили –
мы восстали и всё исправили.
И зря прячутся крысы, молятся –
они кровью своей умоются.

Вам шлют новые указания –
а у нас тут огни восстания.
У вас Царь, у нас - Демократия.
Никогда мы не будем братьями.

Анастасия Дмитрук, 2014 год

We will never be brothers,
Neither by Fatherland, nor by mother.
You don’t have the spirit to be free,
You and us cannot be…even allies.

You’ve proclaimed yourself to be senior,
We may be younger…, but we’re not yours.
You are many but, what a pity, all so faceless,
You are big…, We are grand.

You keep pressing us, you keep drudging,
You will choke on your own envy.
Will—that word is unknown to you,
Ever since your childhood, you’ve been in chains.

At your place, “silence is golden,”
At ours, Molotov cocktails are burning.
Yes, the blood in our hearts is hot,
What are you to us? Blind “kinsfolk?

Our eyes are fearless,
Unarmed we are still dangerous.
We have matured and become bold,
At the gunpoint of a sniper.

Executioners knocked us down on our knees,
But we have risen up and got even.
The rats aren’t running to hide for nothing,
They will bathe in their own blood.

You keep getting new orders,
We have flames of revolution burning here.
You have Tsar, we have Democracy,

We will never be brothers!

To the Fascist KGB Dictator-PUTIN!

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Cynical Russian Mistakes

Canada mocked Russia’s assertions that their paratroopers crossed the border by mistake by releasing this map. The biggest mistake Russia made, was not in crossing the Ukrainian border, but in letting Putin gain power and create a KGB state. 

The mantle of the last ‘dictator in Europe’ moves from Lukashenko to Putin, since part of Russia is also in Europe. 

By publishing the map, Canada is offering Russia’s elite paratroopers a lesson in geography. It might be useful to teach them map reading lessons as well. Clearly they’re a bunch of lamebrains to make such an elementary mistake. 

It would also seem that Russian troops make this elementary mistake quite often in other countries. Abkhazia comes to mind, so does Moldova and their squatters Dniestria, South Ossetia, and many others.

Monday, 4 August 2014

The conflict in eastern Ukraine has a surrealist, absurdist air to it. Weapons and terrorist fighters - colloquially known as “little green men” - appear seemingly from nowhere (as they did in Crimea), and yet from a well-known source: Russia. Government buildings are occupied. Strange, pseudo-official stamps are issued. The fighters battling the administration in Kyiv use WWII Communist rhetoric throwing the meaningless moniker “fascist” at all who oppose them; they make reference to obscure geographical concepts that were thought to have died with the Russian empire, and attempt to impose a Zhirinovsky/KGB doctrine on another sovereign country.

This is for Putin the dickhead
"You're wasting your time. You can't have the Ukraine. It's joining the European civilization, and turning its back on your Asiatic Mongol confederation." 

Why Merkel is SOFT on Russia sanctions

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

If the Moon falls out of the sky, we’ll implement 
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.
If the Moon is made of cheese, we’ll implement 
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.
If pigs learn how to fly, we’ll implement 
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.
If cows learn how to fly, we’ll implement 
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.
If aliens built the pyramids, we’ll implement  
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.
If Putin learns what TRUTH is, we’ll implement 
         Phase Three of the sanctions on Putin.


If a cow jumps over the Moon and a BIG cow pat lands on Moscow, drowning it, we’ll pardon Putin, maybe.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Russian Terrorists Bring down Malysian Flight MH17

Doesn’t Putin’s and Lavrov’s apportioning of blame over Flight MH17 sound like the ravings of Stalin’s denunciation over the infamous Katyn massacre, where Stalin and his henchmen blamed the Nazi SS for the massacre rather than the true culprit, his own NKVD. 

Putin later admitted his KGB/NKVD were to blame for Katyn although it choked him to do so. 


How long is it going to take this time 
before Russia admits that its 
own terrorists brought down 
Flight MH17?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

So why are Ukrainians calling Putin a DICKHEAD?

Could it be for the 360 years of Russian occupation of lands that don't belong to them?
Ever since the Treaty of Pereyaslav of 1654 the Russian parasite has parked in the Ukraine, robbing, stealing and parking their rotten Russian migrants as a future lever. Russification, serfdom, and Holodomor were just a few of the consequences of that foul Treaty. In 1954 on the 300 anniversary of that stinking Treaty, the Soviets put out a whole batch of propaganda insisting Russia and Ukraine are forever together in a Russified unity where Ukraine entirely disappears as a country with its own language and separate history.

Could it be for stealing Ukrainian history and calling it Russia's history?
Rus was the name used for Ukraine until the Moscovites grabbed it for themselves calling themselves Rus-sians. Then they stole the Orthodox Metropolitanate and moved it from Kyiv to Moscow. They even stole Knyaz Vladimir II Monomakh for themselves and have tried to Russify him. Silly Russian cartoons keep appearing of him as if he were something to do with Moscovy. The ravages and crimes committed against the Ukrainian people by Russia are legions

Could it be for grabbing other people’s property such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Konigsberg, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Karelia and Moldova, Belarus, as if Russia had any right to these lands?

They don’t—this miserable rabble of Mongoloid WARMONGERS are an uncivilised bunch of megalomaniacs who actually do need locking behind an Iron Curtain for the sake of their neighbour's protection.

So, is it any wonder Putin is called a DICKHEAD?

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

His Dream---Our Nightmare

Putin, "I have a dream!"

Europe, "We have a nightmare!"

Monday, 12 May 2014

Adolf Putin Wants MORE!

Communist rhetoric, 
gangster oligarchs, 
twisted propaganda, 
self promoting narcissistic President, 
mass corruption, 
deceitful communist type elections,
ignorance of democratic values,
looming poverty.

Are Russians happy living
up their own arses?

Just thought I'd ask.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Ineffective Sanctions

Adolf Putin sneering
 at Obama’s and Merkel’s pathetic sanctions
Here come my Storm Troopers
Donetsk, Luhansk, Transnistria 

And if Russia invades eastern Ukraine
Obama promises 
to wag his finger at Putin 
and Merkel will 
stamp her foot…..hard!

That'll put a stop to Adolf Putin’s aggressive actions…..or will it?

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Moscow's Terrorists in Ukraine

Putin's Bandits

Ukrainian troops bag those responsible for using Stinger missiles to down their helicopters.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Russian Savages always trying to steal other people's lands

Don't deal with thieves!

Patton was right when he called Russians Mongolian Savages.

Thursday, 10 April 2014


Putin can shovel his propaganda shit at his own population, who are too stupid and too downtrodden to know any better, but it won’t wash with the rest of Europe, who know what Russia is like.

They still remember Berlin 1953, Hungary 1956, Prague 1968, Afghanistan 1979, Poland 1981, Abkhazia 1992, Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014.

The Kremlin has always been controlled by lunatic thugs who live in an imperial fantasy. They’ve always threatened their neighbours. Not once have they ever tried living in peace with the countries surrounding them.

They fought with the Chinese in 1969 on the Amur, sent nuclear missiles to Cuba 1962. This is not counting the pact with Hitler where the Russians invaded the independent Baltic countries, began a winter war with Finland, annexed Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1940, and partitioned Poland. Hitler’s Reich and Russia’s USSR was one and the same animal, the same barbarian mentality. The Soviet Army sat in all the Eastern European countries until 1991. Nobody has forgotten this dirty army which contaminated everywhere it went.

This is the USSR that Putin wants to revive and his stone heart is full of ache for. There is only one language the Russians understand—that is the language of a kick in the crutch or a bullet to the brain.

There should be standing orders issued for NATO troops to deploy in strength all along the Russian border with orders to march on, and take Moscow, should Russia ever cross its own borders into another country ever again. Putin—you’re a sick man—beyond the help of Psychiatry.

Lock him up in a secure facility 
and throw away the key!

Slava Ukrainiy!

Monday, 7 April 2014


Religion tells you what you can and cannot eat.
It tells you how to mutilate your children’s genitals.
And like any good conman, it demands that you trust and have faith in its pronouncements. Religion insists you give them money and devotion, in return for their priest’s absolution—on behalf of an unseen god.
Faith! YES!

With the money they aggrandise themselves and build Vaticans, Meccas, Golden Temples in Amritsar, huge Buddhas, Angkor Wats, impressive Taoist temples on mountain tops, Shinto shrines to mass murderers, huge Hindu Temples, ever bigger Mosques to awe inspire the gullible with concrete and stone devils…..since that is the only concrete evidence they’ll ever have of their faith and trust in the Monks, Rabbis, Imams and Priests.

Those sponging priests living off of religions are those that preach most vociferously on behalf of themselves and the unseen phantom gods they profess to serve. Through their mouths the people are told what the gods wish, what the people must do to appease the gods. From the omnipotent Popes come the papal bulls…as if they are the words of god himself. From the Fatwas come the edicts for life and death. From the obsidian knives of the priests of Huitzilopochtli came the torn out hearts of the Aztec prisoners so that the Sun would rise the next day.

From Ra to Ishtar, from Zeus to Mithras. From Baal to Jehovah, from Buddha to Dalai Lama. From Virachocha to Quetzalcoatl, from Odin to Perun. From Dagda to Kali. All of the priests who have ever made themselves comfortable in the bosom of religion demand that the ordinary people believe……….or else.

Rabbis, Priests, Imams all get very angry if a person questions their pronouncements, their contradictory stories of the longevity of the Jewish prophets, of the weird and strange story of the Catholic Trinity, of Mohamed’s one night flight to Jerusalem. God forbid anyone should question the Allah nonsense, which prompts every Muslim knife to come out with the shout of, ‘Blasphemy, cut off his head!’ And until recently, the Vatican was the same. Because of the nonsense that is FAITH, no sensible discussion can ever be entertained with religion.

‘Give me a child and I’ll give you the brainwashed Catholic….Muslim….Hindu…Buddhist!’

Here we are, almost ready to colonize Mars…and humans are just as superstitious as if we’d only just stepped out of our caves. And if some of us have abandoned those phantom gods…then we simply find NEW gods to worship. All we have done is changed their names. We now call them Trotsky, Marx, Climate Change, Human Rights, Political Correctness, Gay Rights, Equality, Liberty, or some such human CONSTRUCT.

The Earth is our gigantic nursery where we humans play with our constructed toys whilst we grow up.

Is this what we propose to take out into the Solar System with us? Will we take out our Priests, our Rabbis, our Imams, and peddle our phantoms to any extra-terrestrials we come across?

I’m sure the Priests, the Rabbis, the Imams hope so.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Without Words

Monday, 31 March 2014

Ukraine not allowed to join EU or NATO—who the hell is this KGB Putin to dictate to sovereign Ukraine what allegiances and alliances it can form or not? Go play with your Ju-Jitsu!

Ukraine must enact a federal constitution so Russia can stir up trouble and do what it did in Crimea—first the Russians park Russians on foreign soil, then they insist they protect them with force of arms—Estonia, Latvia, Konigsberg, Transnistria, Abkhazia, Georgia, Crimea—send the Russians back to Russia! Plenty of room in Siberia.

Ukraine to enact bilingual law making Russian equal to Ukrainian language in Ukraine—so it presumes that Russia is willing to do the same, make Russia bilingual in Ukrainian and Russian-there's enough Ukrainians in Siberia to warrant that, thanks to Stalin.

Ukraine to force people to hand in arms so they can’t defend themselves against Russians—more dictates as to what happens in a sovereign country. Why not tell the US government to force their own population to hand in all the arms in private hands?

Ukraine to acknowledge Russian annexation of Crimea—when hell freezes over that might be considered, but maybe not.

Come on Moscow—get real
Join the 21st Century

Colonies are History!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

A Thought For Putin

Monday, 24 March 2014

Without Words

Russia is full of KGB Thugs!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

It’s 1939 all over again and the dozy politicians in the EU and US are doing it again—appeasing Putin for the sake of their rotten economics. When is Chamberlain-Borosso going to step of the plane and wave his silly paper in the air. “Peace in our time,” while the French continue with their Mistral deal, and the EU with their Northstream and Southstream Gazprom deals as if nothing is happening. Maybe we should have Gerhard Schröder in charge of negotiating with the Russians?

 “Pro-Russian politicians and activists in Moldova's breakaway Trans-Dniester region have asked the Russian parliament to draft a law that would allow their territory to join Russia. The region split from Moldova in a war in 1991-92, as the USSR was collapsing. The Trans-Dniestrian appeal comes as Moscow moves towards absorbing Crimea into the Russian Federation. Ethnic Russians dominate Trans-Dniester, with support from Moscow.”

The toothless sanctions imposed so far are tickling the Russians to death? Rogozin thinks they’ve been thought up by a kid—he’s laughing out loud at the pathetic impotent western politicians.

The USSR understood the Iron Curtain, and collapsed under those sanctions. The current nonsense is encouraging the thugs in Trans-Dniestria to repeat the Crimea fiasco.


Monday, 17 March 2014

Breaking News

Over 159% of Crimean’s voted to Anschluss with Russia. Those voting included Petrograd, the Kremlin and Vladivostok. (Inspired by the KGB voting system)

A particularly strong turnout came from Putin’s office, who voted 112% to join Crimea to Russia. Putin’s office also demanded that all of Ukraine join Russia and be absolved of not being Russian—a crime in Putin’s thinking. 

“We’re working on Poland and the Baltic states holding a similar referendum,” Putin was quoted as saying. “We’d really like for all of Europe to join Russia, the way Königsberg did after WWII, so that we can take a rest from all this Empire re-building. Pity about the USSR going like that. It’s awfully exhausting holding these types of referendums.” 

Of course the French builders of the Mistral class helicopter carrier sent a letter of congratulation to Putin on his success. After all, it might turn into more orders for the French warships. 

Business is business! 
To HELL with morality.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Lavrov has a twisted sense of morality—no shame in all-out lying—then using the word ‘honesty’ dishonestly

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, following in the footsteps of Ribbentrop and Molotov, said in Moscow on March 8 that Russia is open to having an "honest (?), equal" dialogue with foreign states on the Russian made crisis in Ukraine, but he insisted that Moscow bears no responsibility for the situation. "They are trying to represent us as a participant in the conflict, which we are not,"  said Lavrov with a smirk. (How screwy can you get? With 20,000 Russian troops in bandit camouflage occupying Crimea?) "This conflict is of an inner-Ukrainian nature (really?), inspired from outside, and not by us (As if Azarov and Yanukovich aren’t Russian puppets instructed by the Kremlin to wreck Ukraine’s economy so that Putin could come in and offer his pathetic last moment $15bn rescue package?). The so-called interim government is not independent (you mean it is)—to our huge regret, it is dependent on the radical nationalists who seized power in an armed attack." (but Russian nationalists seizing power in Crimea is okay? Russian Nazi is fine—Ukrainian nationalists are bad—for Russia) Lavrov also criticized the government in Kyiv for allegedly barring Russian journalists from entering the country, saying it was an assault on freedom of information. (What the hell does Lavrov or Russia’s KGB inspired regime know about the freedom of information?) This is Lavrov and his old twisted communist propagandistic manner in the old 1984 style. Orwell would be proud of him.

Brainwashed by Communism, both Putin and Lavrov can’t abandon their upbringing—it came out in Georgia’s Abkhazia, in Moldova’s Transnistria, again in Georgia’s South Ossetia, and now in Ukraine’s Crimea. Russia thinks it can get away with a Crimea Anschluss. It’s almost ingrained in the Russian DNA—grab, grab, grab. The Tsarist Empire’s foreign policy was perpetuated by Russia’s Communists, and now by Putin’s nationalists. No wonder Zhirinovsky feels at home in Russia’s so-called parliament. The Cold War never ended—it simply went through an Inter-Cold War Period. Russia needs to be isolated from the civilized world to wake them up to what they should NOT be doing. Thugs need to be isolated!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

You gonna send these bandits in to rob a bank next? Cos that’s all they’re fit for!

As for Crimea’s election and referendum—you and your North Korean pals are holding their elections about the same time. Maybe you should combine them—and their results? Both would be just as democratic and legal.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Thursday, 27 February 2014

"It's okay, I've wrecked the Ukrainian economy and the military, just like you asked me to!"

I’m informed by a news source that the Royal Bank of Scotland has now managed to lose all £46bn it was given in a rescue package by the UK Government using taxpayers money. 

Yet the EU, UK and US are moaning and groaning about finding $35bn (£21bn) to rescue Ukraine’s finances…and in the process to detach the Ukraine from Moscow and orientate it towards the EU. Without the Ukraine Moscow is nothing, and its Eurasia Union is dead in the water. Bringing the Ukraine into the EU would be an enormous coup—and would kick the KGB thug Putin right where it hurts. Surely even paying twice the £21bn would be worth it. Or are the EU politicians only in the game to enrich themselves and to hell with morality

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.