Monday, 7 April 2014


Religion tells you what you can and cannot eat.
It tells you how to mutilate your children’s genitals.
And like any good conman, it demands that you trust and have faith in its pronouncements. Religion insists you give them money and devotion, in return for their priest’s absolution—on behalf of an unseen god.
Faith! YES!

With the money they aggrandise themselves and build Vaticans, Meccas, Golden Temples in Amritsar, huge Buddhas, Angkor Wats, impressive Taoist temples on mountain tops, Shinto shrines to mass murderers, huge Hindu Temples, ever bigger Mosques to awe inspire the gullible with concrete and stone devils…..since that is the only concrete evidence they’ll ever have of their faith and trust in the Monks, Rabbis, Imams and Priests.

Those sponging priests living off of religions are those that preach most vociferously on behalf of themselves and the unseen phantom gods they profess to serve. Through their mouths the people are told what the gods wish, what the people must do to appease the gods. From the omnipotent Popes come the papal bulls…as if they are the words of god himself. From the Fatwas come the edicts for life and death. From the obsidian knives of the priests of Huitzilopochtli came the torn out hearts of the Aztec prisoners so that the Sun would rise the next day.

From Ra to Ishtar, from Zeus to Mithras. From Baal to Jehovah, from Buddha to Dalai Lama. From Virachocha to Quetzalcoatl, from Odin to Perun. From Dagda to Kali. All of the priests who have ever made themselves comfortable in the bosom of religion demand that the ordinary people believe……….or else.

Rabbis, Priests, Imams all get very angry if a person questions their pronouncements, their contradictory stories of the longevity of the Jewish prophets, of the weird and strange story of the Catholic Trinity, of Mohamed’s one night flight to Jerusalem. God forbid anyone should question the Allah nonsense, which prompts every Muslim knife to come out with the shout of, ‘Blasphemy, cut off his head!’ And until recently, the Vatican was the same. Because of the nonsense that is FAITH, no sensible discussion can ever be entertained with religion.

‘Give me a child and I’ll give you the brainwashed Catholic….Muslim….Hindu…Buddhist!’

Here we are, almost ready to colonize Mars…and humans are just as superstitious as if we’d only just stepped out of our caves. And if some of us have abandoned those phantom gods…then we simply find NEW gods to worship. All we have done is changed their names. We now call them Trotsky, Marx, Climate Change, Human Rights, Political Correctness, Gay Rights, Equality, Liberty, or some such human CONSTRUCT.

The Earth is our gigantic nursery where we humans play with our constructed toys whilst we grow up.

Is this what we propose to take out into the Solar System with us? Will we take out our Priests, our Rabbis, our Imams, and peddle our phantoms to any extra-terrestrials we come across?

I’m sure the Priests, the Rabbis, the Imams hope so.

All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.