Saturday, 15 March 2014

Lavrov has a twisted sense of morality—no shame in all-out lying—then using the word ‘honesty’ dishonestly

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, following in the footsteps of Ribbentrop and Molotov, said in Moscow on March 8 that Russia is open to having an "honest (?), equal" dialogue with foreign states on the Russian made crisis in Ukraine, but he insisted that Moscow bears no responsibility for the situation. "They are trying to represent us as a participant in the conflict, which we are not,"  said Lavrov with a smirk. (How screwy can you get? With 20,000 Russian troops in bandit camouflage occupying Crimea?) "This conflict is of an inner-Ukrainian nature (really?), inspired from outside, and not by us (As if Azarov and Yanukovich aren’t Russian puppets instructed by the Kremlin to wreck Ukraine’s economy so that Putin could come in and offer his pathetic last moment $15bn rescue package?). The so-called interim government is not independent (you mean it is)—to our huge regret, it is dependent on the radical nationalists who seized power in an armed attack." (but Russian nationalists seizing power in Crimea is okay? Russian Nazi is fine—Ukrainian nationalists are bad—for Russia) Lavrov also criticized the government in Kyiv for allegedly barring Russian journalists from entering the country, saying it was an assault on freedom of information. (What the hell does Lavrov or Russia’s KGB inspired regime know about the freedom of information?) This is Lavrov and his old twisted communist propagandistic manner in the old 1984 style. Orwell would be proud of him.

Brainwashed by Communism, both Putin and Lavrov can’t abandon their upbringing—it came out in Georgia’s Abkhazia, in Moldova’s Transnistria, again in Georgia’s South Ossetia, and now in Ukraine’s Crimea. Russia thinks it can get away with a Crimea Anschluss. It’s almost ingrained in the Russian DNA—grab, grab, grab. The Tsarist Empire’s foreign policy was perpetuated by Russia’s Communists, and now by Putin’s nationalists. No wonder Zhirinovsky feels at home in Russia’s so-called parliament. The Cold War never ended—it simply went through an Inter-Cold War Period. Russia needs to be isolated from the civilized world to wake them up to what they should NOT be doing. Thugs need to be isolated!
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