Thursday, 4 September 2008
Yulia Tymoshenko’s “high treason” plays to Kremlin’s divide-and-rule scenario
I’m absolutely disgusted by the rapaciousness of Yulia Tymoshenko’s obsession with power. This “gas industry” oligarch wasn’t so much pro an independent Ukraine, as more vehemently anti Kuchma, when she joined the Orange Revolution. Kuchma seemed to have prevented her from grabbing more of the energy sector—putting her into the realms of a real kleptocrat. Both she and her key Russian adviser, Vitaly Gayduk, have
amassed fortunes in gas companies while she became one of the wealthiest oligarchs in the Ukraine, exporting metals during the 1990s.
Yulia Tymoshenko is a latter day convert to the Ukrainian language from the Russian city of Dnipropetrovs’k, her maiden name was Grigean, half Armenian, and she currently seems to be doing everything Moscow would want of her in their divide-and-rule scenario. Latest reports are that Tymoshenko’s Block and Yanukovich’s Party of Regions is preparing to form a coalition to unseat Yushchenko—which would be the final betrayal of the Orange Revolution by the Tymoshenko turncoat.
To vote with that Moscow stooge, Viktor Yanukovych, in the Ukrainian Parliament in an attempt to reduce Yushchenko's Presidential powers, and in the process destroy the anti Moscow coalition, is to dance to Moscow’s tune. This is the same tune that destroyed the Ukraine in the seventeenth century with the ego-tripping Hetman disputes. The current coalition is extremely fragile to say the least and requires a determined cohesion in the face of Russian predation, yet the Tymoshenko ego-tripper, with her false hair style, is all about herself and she really can’t be bothered with NATO or the European Union—SHE WANTS POWER above all else. SHE wants to be President so she can practice her kleptomania.
Ukraine has 8 years to consolidate its independence from the Kremlin before the 2017 Sevastopol treaty is challenged by Moscow in a manner, which will be reminiscent of Georgia. Crimea is already an Autonomous Republic readying itself to follow Abkhazia. Half of Ukraine in a line NE to SW is Russian and these Russians listen to Moscow not Kyiv. They’re eager and ready to suppress any Ukrainian national aspirations with the Kremlin’s help. Yet the bickering still goes on as if the leadership in Kyiv were frozen in the year 1667, a year of infamy in which the Treaty of Andrusovo divided the Ukraine between Russia and Poland. I can see why Yushchenko called Tymoshenko a traitor—with her silence on Georgia and her tacit backing from the Kremlin. Tymoshenko is the prime reason why I firmly back Yushchenko with his push towards NATO and EU membership, which would put the Ukraine beyond the Kremlin’s suffocating embrace. Much like the toffs of Britain who eye Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, as if it were their private property, so the Kremlin thugs eye Belarus and Ukraine as being an integral part of Imperial Russia—and to hell with what the populations of those countries think. Time they grew up!
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.