Monday, 22 September 2008

The Ambulance Chasing Media in the Soft West is Out of Control

It is with a profound deep regret that I find myself denouncing the Western media’s addiction to negative calamity reporting. It seems clear to me that every facet of our media industry is dedicated to finding the nastiest story, uncovering the most banal concoctions, purveying the worst dirt and determinedly undermining the beleaguered institutions of our society. “That is what sells the papers,” used to be their excuse for trawling through the sewers. The fact is that the media is “Out of Control.”

The consequences of decades of pounding the public with their inane drivel, is a harassed nervous population who are undoubtedly impressionable to their message. The constant pointless “news” barrages online and on TV to justify their fat-cat media jobs, backed up by the oft-repeated supplication: “You must have an opinion on ………..” whatever they are pushing at that moment, must be declared as simply brainwashing. People who ignore or dismiss their mouldy sensationalist news are implied to be somehow stupid or not with it. This type of continual indoctrination in the name of freedom of speech and liberalism is obviously supported by the Advertising Industry for whom a malleable public is a bonanza—and by the sordid politicians who employ the media and advertising industry at election time. Not only have the media brainwashed the public, but even themselves into believing they are doing a worthwhile job. Out of Control.

If an example was needed, then the current US Presidential elections are apt. The only message “donkey” Obama has for his campaign is: “change,” and what kind of silly message is that? McCain’s message isn’t much better—both contenders relying heavily on their financial support to buy the media coverage (Plutocracy not Democracy). Another example was the Western media’s single-handed destruction of the US war effort in Vietnam, supported by the lefty loons. Look at Vietnam now—corrupt and poor. Compare it with the situation where the media behaved impeccably in support of it armed forces and the US won the war in 1953 in Korea. Look at South Korea and compare it with North Korea. These are hard examples of cause and effect. A third example was where the media unquestionably was the single cause of death of Princess Diana. The pros and cons of her behaviour is not the point—the cause of her death is. Not only do they report tatty news, but also they chase the tat in the most aggressive and intrusive way. What was the point of such reckless paparazzi behaviour? A few lousy pictures and a column in a scandal sheet. Out of Control.

I’m certainly no supporter of Putin or his KGB Government, but I do applaud his suppression of an out-of-control media and it has my support. The Russian media was even worse that the Western media with its continual outrageous gossip on non-existent “conspiracy theories.” The Russians and other ex-communist state populations are more susceptible to media brainwashing and consequently their media should have been more sensitive to what it published—yet it wasn’t; they dived into imitating the worst of the Western media. They were entirely Out of Control.

Were the media more responsible, I would be writing in support of their “freedom” to “publish and be damned.” However, it must be pointed out that the current liberalist-publishing regime is corrupting and destroying the West. Most of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East rigidly control their media, knowing the power the media has at its command.

Our media acts as a propaganda tool for Al Qaeda, every time Bin Dustbin (Laden) issues a pronouncement, our media rushes to inform us of what he says. Out of Control. It acts as a voice of the illegal immigrant, taking their side as opposed to the law-abiding majority in the country. BBC pushes the gays, C4 and ITV push the Muslims, and most of the rags lean to the left, some more reluctant than others. All the Media Department in Britain are staffed by left leaning lecturers—producing lefty journalists. (From personal experience). The ordinary person in the street is portrayed as being Asian or black, at least the camera searches that particular type out to interview—marginalising the majority White Anglo Saxon Protestant for PC dogma. The Western media is Out of Control. Unless governments begin to clamp down—and I can hear the phoney outraged screams already—the West is going to go down to the new Muslim and immigrant invasion and they will impose Sharia and the like on our Out of Control media. Gadaffi got rid of his programme of Weapons of Mass Destruction in anticipation of this future outcome—with this sneaky takeover attempt, he didn’t need them.

Wake up people of the West—you and your values are about to become extinct with your soft “oh!” PC mentality. Get off your couches. Toughen up—bring your kids under control and think for yourselves. Lobby your politicians to impose a restraint on the media. Save Western values. They are worth fighting for.
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