Sunday, 14 September 2008
Chaos in English Society with a PC agenda
‘Creationism should be discussed in school science lessons,’ says the director of education at the Royal Society in Britain. He added that with increasing numbers of children holding alternative beliefs, creationism should be viewed not as a “misconception” but a “world view”. Sometimes, some science teachers think that because creationism and intelligent design are scientifically invalid, that means anybody holding them is being a bit stupid. That is something I would not want to convey,” Reiss said. He continued, “I don’t think that Richard Dawkins would probably at the moment be an ideal teacher (in Reiss’s piss-poor opinion) for teaching classrooms where a high proportion of the children come from families that hold creationism beliefs……And that about says it all “Professor,” thank you and kindly leave the room.
Zoologist Professor Richard Dawkins, a Royal Society fellow, said, ‘A clergyman in charge of education for the country’s leading scientific organisation—surely it’s a Monty Python sketch.’
Kids hold “alternative beliefs” because of people like “Professor” Michael Reiss who is keen on confusing them for his own agenda. One moment he declares that creationism is scientifically invalid, the next he wants to explain it in science classes. Typical double talk by a priest cum teacher.
Science education in the UK is in crisis with the Government allowing the building of a swathe of religious backed academies—and this so-called Professor of Science Education suggests that Science Masters waste Science classroom time on “world views” and alternative “beliefs” that he admits are scientifically invalid. What fantasy world is he living in? If you must address creationism, or the PR version of it—“Intelligent Design,” then do it in religious classes and leave science classes to teach bona fide science.
UK teachers push Trotskyism, liberalism, and now religion; anything but what the kids needs to be taught. France leads the European Space Agency but Britain can’t even afford a national space programme. Science is NOT a priority in the UK—however, Brown’s ego is. China, Japan and India are blossoming with hard-headed Science and science students who are eager to innovate while this muddle headed fool of a “Professor” invites more chaos into UK science classes. This chaotic British approach has lead to UK Universities having a decaying science base staffed by disillusioned science lecturers churning out poorly qualified scientists, and even then there is a short fall of these new scientists. Oh how the mighty British Empire has fallen!
Other Fellows of the Royal Society, including a number of Nobel Prize winners, complained about the financial links between the Royal Society and the Templeton Foundation, a conservative US organisation that seeks to establish links between science and religion. The latter funded a lecture course at the society as a direct result of Professor Reiss, a biologist and Church of England minister, making a mockery of its founding fathers.
A (idiot) spokesman for the Royal Society rejected the principle that it was inappropriate for a clergyman to hold a senior post at the organisation. ‘Michael Reiss’s views are completely in keeping with those of the Royal Society,’ he said. (Are you kidding?)
Professor Michael Reiss MA, PhD, PGCE, MBA, FIBiol, Anglican priest and journalist, Professor of Science Education, Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy, Dept. of Geography, Enterprise, Mathematics & Science, Institute of Education, University of London.
This professor has his fingers in many distinguished pies, which suggests he’s energetically following his aggrandisement, much in the manner of his pastoral leader, Rowan Williams, while disseminating chaos wherever he goes.
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.