My carer hates dogma, whether leftwing, rightwing, liberal, or religious, so I got a little worried as I watched him frown at the conference news coming from Bournemouth, until he finally couldn’t contain himself and burst out:
New promises on Law and Order, on Education, Housing, the Environment, NHS, and Europe—as if this was a NEW government, rather than one that’s been in power for over TEN years. Brown has been at the heart of that government for over ten years—yet now he pretends he’s only just come to power. We, the electorate, are complete idiots—at least Brown hopes we are.
“I will stand up for British values” as Brown interprets them (reminiscences of Thatcher):— of multiculturalism, lax immigration, and stolen conservative policies—an idea plucked straight from the Clinton years.
Brown promises a crackdown on crime (having promoted an over-bureaucratized police), drugs (now more easily available than at any other time), and binge drinking (encouraged by Chancellor Brown with lax licensing laws), and a return to Brown’s version of British values. "I will stand up for British values. I will stand up for a strong Britain. And I will always stand up for you." Mr Brown also wrapped himself in the flag, referring to “Britain” or “Britishness” 80 times in his speech, as if saying “Britain” would appeal to the right. Maybe a slogan too far?
Brown is a secretive, autocratic, and full of hot-air promises politician, packaging cheap phrases into easy sound-bites. Slogan after slogan trips easily from Brown’s tongue since he relies on people having a short attention span.
Where is my NHS Dentist Mr Brown? What happened to my Pension? Why can’t ‘A’ Level students spell, and are poor at maths? Why are we short of housing, Mr Brown? Why are criminals laughing at Law and Order? Why is Britain supporting an Asian Muslim country for EU membership? As for the Environment, when is your Government, Mr Brown, going to tell the Automobile Industry where to get off?
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.