My carer was flabbergasted by Lord Tebbit’s carefully leaked outburst to The Times.
The former Tory Chairman Lord Tebbit, in an interview with The Times to be published this weekend, praises Gordon Brown for his "principled conduct," and suggests he was the real “heir” to Margaret Thatcher.
It more or less vindicates my yesterday’s posting (see New Government—New Slogans—Old Policies).
The media are full of Lord Tebbit putting in the boot to David Cameron for rejecting Thatcher’s failed legacy. One of Tebbit’s gripes is that Cameron and his clique are too intellectual—since when was that a bad thing? Tells us where Tebbit’s coming from, doesn’t it? Thatcher was certainly NO intellectual—harping on about "Victorian Values," and such nonsense, as a way forward for our society.
The cynicism of politicians has sunk to a new low when we have Gordon Brown being hailed as the natural heir to Margaret Thatcher by Tebbit, of all people, and Tebbit went on to praise Mr Brown, saying, "I think he is a clever man and I have very considerable regard for him." One autocratic lowbrow pouring praise on another autocrat who fancies himself as “Thatcher’s heir,” having invited her in for “tea” and a consultation to 10 Downing Street. It looks to me like the parties ought to swap names and stop playing insulting games with the electorate.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.