Saturday, 22 September 2007

DAB Ripoff

Hi Again,
My carer keeps on about the DAB ripoff going on out there by the electronic retailers—and I wouldn’t care, but it makes him so angry that the vibes rub off on me. He claims that any receiver is simply a matter of tuning in to the right frequency with a cheap tuner, so there should be little or NO difference in price between an analogue radio or a digital radio. So why, he rants, is there such a price disparity?

The DAB ripoff by Britain’s retailers is caused by greed and customer ignorance, since there is no difference between analogue and digital apart from the tuner being tuned from

FM = 88-108 MHz or 3.4m-2.8m to
DAB = 175-230 MHz or 1.7m-1.3m

so why does a cheap and nasty plastic Chinese DAB personal radio worth no more than £2 or £3 cost £80 in the shops instead of a max of £20—which still allows the retailers to make a very healthy profit? Is it simply because retailers think customers are suckers. Everybody is very quiet about this and I’m trying to talk him out of starting an online protest petition.
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