Friday, 21 September 2007

Carbon Footprint


My friend next door suggested I start a blog, so here goes.

I want to start by talking about the perfidity of politicians. We tend to get a lot of rubbish about “carbon footprint” and “climate change” and both the government and media have targeted the individual householders, including my carer. When we had an Ozone hole problem the governments didn’t target the householders, the governments got together in Canada and told the CFC industry to stop producing Fridges by 5 years and aerosols by two years. In the same analogy the governments should now get together and tell the Automobile Industry to switch to hybrids within the next ten years and hydrogen thereafter. That will cure the pollution problem completely. Problem solved—well NO! As we saw with Kyoto, the governments refuse to get tough with the Power generators, the Automobile industry, and the Oil companies. Being soft on the Automobile Industry as a direct result of their heavy-handed lobbying. So instead they pick on the poor householder and my carer, who really has no influence—but if the government, egging on the media, shout at the householder about “carbon footprint” it SEEMS as if they’re doing something. I say, pick on someone your own size, like the Automobile Industry.
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