Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The EU supports the mass killing of unborn children by their sexually promiscuous mothers when they promote unlimited ABORTIONS. It used to be illegal until the lefties came into power and legalised the sick women. The women’s movement wants to booze, have lots of sex of all kinds…and to hell with the responsibilities that go with it. That’s the ‘new’ liberated woman for you. Porn and more porn. The responsibility for the future of the human race has been handed over to the Dykes and the porn industry. 

Until 1968 being homosexual was illegal throughout European society. It was accepted that same sex unrestrained immature fiddling was unhealthy and abnormal. Nothing has changed to disabuse most people of this idea, except the incessant propaganda pushed out by the lefties and their supporters. Communist China still outlaws homosexuality, as do most healthy societies on this planet. India, Russia and ALL of Islam. Islam may be screwy in its beliefs, but when it comes to procreation—it’s unhealthily healthy—its only unhealthy for non-Muslims. That means the majority of people on this planet believe homosexuals are abnormal. The dead-end Spartans ought to be eminent proof that such sexual fiddling leads to nowhere, yet throughout the EU it is almost becoming compulsory to accept this immature sexual fiddling as normal. More problematic is this idiotic idea of the EU’s wholesale support for same sex ‘marriage’. What ‘Marriage’? Have they gone totally nuts? The queers play games and normal people are supposed to accepts this toilet society? Countries wanting to join the EU like the Ukraine must sign up to this stupid policy. This is proof, if it were ever needed, that the pocket lining politicians in the EU have gone off the rails and are driving the EU into a brick wall of oblivion. 

The two above have led to a large deficit in new births in the EU with populations falling in every country, whilst the Business Manufacturing community screams out for more cheap labour—and the EU solution—is to import immigrants….to replace the European population. 

Immigrants are flooding into the EU through the eastern borders, through Greece, through Italy, through Spain, and any other hole they can climb through. One section causes artificial wars between Shia and Sunni, creating refugees which then push and shove to get into Europe. Others are simply piled in by people traffickers. Brussels population is more Muslim than Belgian. Muslims now account for over 50 million in Europe, thanks to misguided EU and US support for Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, and the various Muslim millions parked in other parts of the EU. Turkey keeps pushing to join with their 90 million Muslim population, giving the EU borders with Iran, Syria, and Iraq. What kind of European Union is that? Europe built by Europeans is to be handed over to immigrants so they can destroy Europe’s culture. That’s our EU politicians for you! It’s a free for all. Islam would swamp Christian Europe. It would destroy Europe as the Turks and Arabs have been trying to do for centuries. Good old SOCIALISM, and down with Europe—is that the self-destructive aim? No wonder the left is called dysfunctional. Abortion—compulsive queers—and swamped by immigrants. That’s a future to look forward to in our Brave New Europe. 

Angola has ordered the shutdown of all mosques and declared Islam illegal!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

If the Ukraine is pushed into the arms of Moscow by those blundering incompetent fools running the European Union, then it will be the biggest geopolitical mistake of our generation. The Cold War has resumed but the fools at EU’s helm are so engrossed in themselves that they attempted to treat Ukraine’s EU Association Agreement as if it were another poor country trying to join their EU club without regard to the geopolitical implications. 

On November the 28th the EU was offered an opportunity of finally pulling the Russian thorn from Europe’s foot. The EU should have offered the Ukraine billions of Euros in aide, offered to nurse it through any economic hardship the Russians might have forced upon the Ukraine, simply in order to pull the Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence. The cost would have been paid back many times over—and it would have castrated Russia’s ambitions. Without the Ukraine, the Russian Customs Union is a lame duck. Putin has been working overtime to get the Ukraine back into his dirty little grasp. That the Russophiles Yanukovich and Azarov were contemplating signing the Association Agreement with the EU was an astounding bit of luck and entirely shocking to a Ukraine watcher—that the EU missed the cue is worse yet.

However, here we are with the introverted EU leadership, almost unable to comprehend the importance of pulling the Ukraine into Europe. That lefty gormless woman Ashton is no help. If Russia succeeds getting the Ukraine into its Customs Union the consequences will be dire for the so called West. 

The Warsaw Pact has been replaced by the Shanghai Pact (STO) and the tussle of whose version of the World we are to live in is still being played out. The focus may have shifted to the East but the impact will be felt everywhere. This blunder bodes foul for the future of the EU if this is the quality of their own perspective.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

An END to the Left, Centre, Right Governments

Governments currently argue and tussle over being socialist, liberal, or right-wing.

  • Labour in Britain is currently in the hands of former members of the Communist Party of Great Britain, led by Harriet Harman and her partner, courtesy of Gordon Brown.

  • The so called liberals are a wishy-washy bunch of soft hearted do gooders who would give away everything as long as they got a pat on the head in return.

  • The right in Britain and Europe are pulling towards the past when order was the norm and everyone knew their place.

In the various parliaments of the West the left pulls in one direction and the right in the opposite direction—with the people in the middle. Frankly, this is no way to run a government. The continual seesaw is destructive and merely allows infiltrators to take advantage of the unsettled situation. The Muslim invasion being the latest. This has been the case since the end of the eighteenth century, until the present. Its tearing Europe and the other Western nations apart.

The encyclopaedia definition of a technocracy is muddled and biased. It quotes disreputable individuals like Howard Scott and Alexander Bogdanov as proponents of technocracy, yet one was a simple engineer and the other biased by socialist ethics.

Lets return to basics. Technocracy is derived from the Greek words τέχνη, tekhne meaning skill and κράτος, kratos meaning power, as in governance, or rule. Neither Scott nor Bogdanov had the skill or subjectivity to propose an impartial technocracy.

By a technocracy, I mean that the head of government has a minimum of an MBA to lead the administration, and I ask you, which government President or Prime Minister has a Masters in Administration? None! No wonder most governments are corrupt and incompetent.

  • I expect the head of the government’s Economic Department to be an impartial lead Professor of Economics in the country.

  • I would expect the Health Department to have a leading Professor of Medicine at its head, not some dim witted politician.

  • I would expect the Agricultural Department to be run by an impartial leading Professor of Agriculture, not by a politician.

That’s what I mean by technocrats—impartial experts in their chosen field dedicated to running their department with a maximum of efficiency on behalf of society. This would be a true Altruism. In the next hundreds of years, this is going to be inevitable. You can’t have amateurs playing at politics and administration.

Currently, in the name of democracy, any illiterate dogma pushing lout can enter Parliament and cause utter chaos with their narrow minded agendas.

The loud mouthed lefties and right wing merchants should have to sit an entrance exam to get into parliament—which would preclude uneducated left wing Union louts from entering government.

The educated right, who use their millions and pay their way into Parliament to further their ambitions for a Knighthood or to further enrich themselves, thrusting themselves onto the stage—should be vetted by a committee of eminent psychologists to determine their suitability for such high office.

And here I would question the motives of the most vociferous country that insists on defining the word ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom.’ I would hardly call the US a democracy—maybe a plutocracy if I was generous. Otherwise a political Mafia. That tends to be the case for most of the so-called Western democracies. Politicians grasping for expenses, hiking up their salaries, nepotism, cronyisms, and the like—these are synonymous with Politicians. They are there in politics to help themselves at the taxpayers’ expense. What kind of government is that? If one was kind—it could be described as dysfunctional.

Look at the Gerhard Schröders, George W Bushes, the Silvio Berlusconis, the Gordon Browns, the Le Pens, the Blairs, the Reagans, and a host of other ungifted harbingers of the political system who have aspired to rule, and failed.

It threw up a loud mouthed corporal in the German army, it gave us a Georgian monk; both murdered countless of millions in the name of dogma and government. Even the silly lefty French now think Napoleon is something to be proud of, rather than be ashamed of.

In a technocratic government there could be no lobbyists, no NGOs, no Quangos, no loopy minority agendas, and NO silly political LAWS.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Sister Teresa Forcades, a Catalan disaster
—and Europe's most radical nun

Catalonia has always been notorious for loony left wing movements—vis-a-vie the Barcelona Anarchist of their Civil War days.

This item has been enthusiastically reported by the lefty BBC—who else?

Her 10-point programme, drawn up with a loony economist, Arcadi Oliveres, who insists the way forwards is for all people to stop all economic growth.

They are both calling for an independent Catalonia to do the following:
  1. A government takeover of all banks and measures to curb financial speculation
  2. An end to job cuts, fairer wages and pensions, shorter working hours and payments to parents who stay at home
  3. Genuine "participatory democracy" and steps to curb political corruption
  4. Decent housing for all, and an end to all foreclosures
  5. A reversal of public spending cuts, and renationalisation of all public services
  6. An individual's right to control their own body, including a woman's right to decide over abortion
  7. "Green" economic policies and the nationalisation of energy companies
  8. An end to xenophobia and repeal of immigration laws
  9. Placing public media under democratic control, including the internet
  10. International "solidarity", leaving NATO, and the abolition of armed forces in a future free Catalonia

This backwards looking pair actually think they’ve come up with something clever?

The lazy worker will love this—the power hungry lefty will shout this at the top of their voices, but who the hell is going to finance all these handouts?

Now most of the above were the ‘official policies’ in the ex USSR, and were a total disaster. Workers fiddled away their work time and were happy doing so—but were a financial disaster for the factory and state. Banks didn’t function and housing was shoddy. As for ending so called xenophobia (another senseless name calling) and repealing the immigration laws, all it would do is open the flood gates to those economic migrants that are filing into Europe looking for an easy life. This loony nun seems to be media hungry pouring out all the pious drivel that she can muster. As for the so called economist, he’s clearly a depressive who thinks going backwards is going forwards.

Someone once said, ‘Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.’ An independent Catalonia with the above policies will join Belarus and North Korea as a pariah state.

However, I’m fairly certain that the people of Catalonia, building on their current financial success, will send this loony nun to the rubbish dump of dystopia filled with such ideas.

That’s before the Vatican finally throws her out of her comfortable nunnery she’s ensconced in. Women priests? Queer priests? Feminism in the Vatican? How out of touch can one silly nun get? 

No wonder the dykes in the BBC are so eager to push her thoughts.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Here we are again, the US, UK and France vying to support the Sunni rebels in Syria so as to disguise the legitimate outrage at the US NSA PRISM spying programme. The one where Obama lied on camera to everyone that the NSA only targeted terrorism. Obama’s cry, parroting Bush jnr., ‘Let loose the dogs of war!’ seems a bit sick.

Any excuse will do to obfuscate the PRISM spying and help the Saudis; if it weren’t an alleged gas attack, then they would have found another reason. The West is constantly egged on by Sunni Turkey, Sunni Emirates, and the Wahhabi (Sunni) Saudis to do the dirty on the Shia.

The West should sit back and watch with contentment in Syria at the Sunni and Shia battling it out, destroying each other, as they did with the Iraqi Iranian war—just shows how the petrodollars have changed the world since the 1980’s. The Sunni hooligans have acquired a Yank protector thanks to the 9 trillion dollars the Arabs have invested in America. The so-called Arab Chaos (Spring) has allowed Islamic fanatics to gain power in Tunisia, almost in Libya, and nearly in Egypt—all supported by Turkey’s sly Islamist Erdogan. “Free Syrian Army?” Who you’re kidding?

Currently the BIG story out in the media and on the web is how the US’s NSA uses its global Embassy’s to spy on the host country and on the UN, be they friend or foe. Then they have the cheek to accuse China of global hacking. Well done Snowdon for revealing the extent of US criminality. 

I cynically assumed the extent of this spying went on by default—shame there was proof to support my assumption.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Governments inviting trouble

Whose side are our so-called elected governments on?

When the Christian Serbs and Croats took on the Muslim Bosnians, the US and EU sided with the Bosnian Muslims. When Muslim Kosovo demanded a piece of Serbia, the EU and the US sided with the Muslims  and NATO bombed Serbia.

Now both the stupid US government and the EU are getting involved in the religious war in Syria and siding with the Sunnis against the Shia.

The media invented this silly ‘Arab Spring,’ which in reality is the usual ‘Arab Chaos,’ and keeps lauding it.

Obama has given his approval to the Muslim Brotherhood fanatics and is currently upset the Egyptian military have kicked them out. This I would expect from Hussain Obama, but that British fool Haig is warning Egypt regarding the military clampdown and seems to have sided with the Brotherhood fanatics as well, probably as a result of his Muslim advisers at the FO.

These PR orientated western governments are wedded to the Sunni cause—due to the oil? The Saudis have 7 trillion invested in the US and there must be a similar sum invested in the EU.

Is that why our governments are selling out their own people—siding with that fascist Muslim rot? 

It looks like common sense has deserted our politicians!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

“The European Commission told Malta on Tuesday it had a duty to admit the 102 African economic migrants.”

The left-wing mindset of the European Commission will eventually destroy the European cultural character of the EU turning it into a mishmash of Internationalism that the lefties are so fond of.

It doesn’t stop there; the EU becomes a battleground for the various cultures that have invaded it i.e. like Bosnia and Kosovo. The Muslim invaders are already bombing and killing the Europeans, yet here we are—the stupid dogma ridden Commission insisting tiny Malta take in more economic migrants. People who try to enforce these ‘refugee’ and ‘human rights’ dogma driven edicts don’t have to live with the consequences.

The consequences show up clearly within some 40 years, vis-a-vie Europe of the 1970’s. The social contrast is so dramatic that it’s hard to believe it’s the same country or the same continent. Housing under pressure; all the services under pressure; transport and infrastructure under extreme pressure—and this is only getting worse as time goes on.

Back in Brussels, the bloated uncaring politicians continue to pronounce their liberal dogma to all and sundry oblivious of the consequences.

It is estimated that people of Muslim background account for 25.5% of Brussels' population, a much higher concentration than those of the other regions. People of foreign origin make up nearly 70% of the population of Brussels. So that is the so-called capital of the European Union.

Now how surprising is that?

Thursday, 30 May 2013

According to Oxfam and the English Church: More than half a million people forced to use food banks as families seek emergency help to stave off hunger ——but according to the NHS obesity is the No 1 health problem in the UK. Britain’s obesity is the worst in the EU. Oxfam and the English Church ignore the latter fact because they’re on a media promo campaign. These two lefty organisations need to push this false nonsense that, “Up to half of those seeking help were doing so as a direct result of having benefit payments delayed, reduced or withdrawn.” This contrived Church Action on Poverty and Oxfam report puts out what is on their agenda. To hell with reality.
You can’t have it both ways.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development forecast, “The British economy will perform better than all its major European rivals this year as the sluggish recovery picks up pace.”

However, the AAA rating for Britain has gone. The economic forecasters who predict a better 2013 are still gloomy about the UK's long-term prospects without some big policy changes. The much-promised return to the more normal 2.5% growth rate is now several years away, with Moody's saying the economy will be sluggish until beyond 2015.
You can’t have it both ways.

It depends on who you listen to. Lefties or the soft Right in the UK.

The whole country is in a deteriorating mess: Uncontrolled borders allowing in 2 million illegal immigrants creating: Poor Education, Overburdened NHS due to non-EU immigrants, Greedy GP’s, Housing in crisis, Greedy MP’s, Sloppy Policing, Out of control Legal System, a greedy Bonus culture, Collapsing Transport system, a greedy out of control bureaucracy, a rapacious Insurance industry feeding the Loony Health and Safety industry.

Yet the biggest menace to this country is the numbers of Muslim asylum seekers, who not content with the chaos they've created in their own countries, want to turn Britain into a Muslim state by force. 

In the last thirty years over 30 million Muslims have sneaked into Europe. So much for the EU defence forces! This is mostly thanks to the Left wing louts who want to destroy Europe.

If this is democracy, then for the sake of the indigenous populations, bring on the Xi Jinpings and Putins of this world. 

Watching the Left and Right tear a country apart is sickening!

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.