If the Ukraine is pushed into the arms of Moscow by those blundering incompetent fools running the European Union, then it will be the biggest geopolitical mistake of our generation. The Cold War has resumed but the fools at EU’s helm are so engrossed in themselves that they attempted to treat Ukraine’s EU Association Agreement as if it were another poor country trying to join their EU club without regard to the geopolitical implications.
On November the 28th the EU was offered an opportunity of finally pulling the Russian thorn from Europe’s foot. The EU should have offered the Ukraine billions of Euros in aide, offered to nurse it through any economic hardship the Russians might have forced upon the Ukraine, simply in order to pull the Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence. The cost would have been paid back many times over—and it would have castrated Russia’s ambitions.
Without the Ukraine, the Russian Customs Union is a lame duck. Putin has been working overtime to get the Ukraine back into his dirty little grasp. That the Russophiles Yanukovich and Azarov were contemplating signing the Association Agreement with the EU was an astounding bit of luck and entirely shocking to a Ukraine watcher—that the EU missed the cue is worse yet.
However, here we are with the introverted EU leadership, almost unable to comprehend the importance of pulling the Ukraine into Europe. That lefty gormless woman Ashton is no help. If Russia succeeds getting the Ukraine into its Customs Union the consequences will be dire for the so called West.
The Warsaw Pact has been replaced by the Shanghai Pact (STO) and the tussle of whose version of the World we are to live in is still being played out. The focus may have shifted to the East but the impact will be felt everywhere. This blunder bodes foul for the future of the EU if this is the quality of their own perspective.