The EU supports the mass killing of unborn children by their sexually promiscuous mothers when they promote unlimited ABORTIONS. It used to be illegal until the lefties came into power and legalised the sick women. The women’s movement wants to booze, have lots of sex of all kinds…and to hell with the responsibilities that go with it. That’s the ‘new’ liberated woman for you. Porn and more porn. The responsibility for the future of the human race has been handed over to the Dykes and the porn industry.
Until 1968 being homosexual was illegal throughout European society. It was accepted that same sex unrestrained immature fiddling was unhealthy and abnormal. Nothing has changed to disabuse most people of this idea, except the incessant propaganda pushed out by the lefties and their supporters. Communist China still outlaws homosexuality, as do most healthy societies on this planet. India, Russia and ALL of Islam. Islam may be screwy in its beliefs, but when it comes to procreation—it’s unhealthily healthy—its only unhealthy for non-Muslims. That means the majority of people on this planet believe homosexuals are abnormal. The dead-end Spartans ought to be eminent proof that such sexual fiddling leads to nowhere, yet throughout the EU it is almost becoming compulsory to accept this immature sexual fiddling as normal. More problematic is this idiotic idea of the EU’s wholesale support for same sex ‘marriage’. What ‘Marriage’? Have they gone totally nuts? The queers play games and normal people are supposed to accepts this toilet society? Countries wanting to join the EU like the Ukraine must sign up to this stupid policy. This is proof, if it were ever needed, that the pocket lining politicians in the EU have gone off the rails and are driving the EU into a brick wall of oblivion.
The two above have led to a large deficit in new births in the EU with populations falling in every country, whilst the Business Manufacturing community screams out for more cheap labour—and the EU solution—is to import immigrants….to replace the European population.
Immigrants are flooding into the EU through the eastern borders, through Greece, through Italy, through Spain, and any other hole they can climb through. One section causes artificial wars between Shia and Sunni, creating refugees which then push and shove to get into Europe. Others are simply piled in by people traffickers. Brussels population is more Muslim than Belgian. Muslims now account for over 50 million in Europe, thanks to misguided EU and US support for Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, and the various Muslim millions parked in other parts of the EU. Turkey keeps pushing to join with their 90 million Muslim population, giving the EU borders with Iran, Syria, and Iraq. What kind of European Union is that? Europe built by Europeans is to be handed over to immigrants so they can destroy Europe’s culture. That’s our EU politicians for you! It’s a free for all. Islam would swamp Christian Europe. It would destroy Europe as the Turks and Arabs have been trying to do for centuries.
Good old SOCIALISM, and down with Europe—is that the self-destructive aim? No wonder the left is called dysfunctional. Abortion—compulsive queers—and swamped by immigrants. That’s a future to look forward to in our Brave New Europe.
Angola has ordered the shutdown of all mosques and declared Islam illegal!