Thursday, 15 August 2013

Governments inviting trouble

Whose side are our so-called elected governments on?

When the Christian Serbs and Croats took on the Muslim Bosnians, the US and EU sided with the Bosnian Muslims. When Muslim Kosovo demanded a piece of Serbia, the EU and the US sided with the Muslims  and NATO bombed Serbia.

Now both the stupid US government and the EU are getting involved in the religious war in Syria and siding with the Sunnis against the Shia.

The media invented this silly ‘Arab Spring,’ which in reality is the usual ‘Arab Chaos,’ and keeps lauding it.

Obama has given his approval to the Muslim Brotherhood fanatics and is currently upset the Egyptian military have kicked them out. This I would expect from Hussain Obama, but that British fool Haig is warning Egypt regarding the military clampdown and seems to have sided with the Brotherhood fanatics as well, probably as a result of his Muslim advisers at the FO.

These PR orientated western governments are wedded to the Sunni cause—due to the oil? The Saudis have 7 trillion invested in the US and there must be a similar sum invested in the EU.

Is that why our governments are selling out their own people—siding with that fascist Muslim rot? 

It looks like common sense has deserted our politicians!

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