Tuesday, 8 December 2009

The person on the left is responsible for the drinking binges on the streets of Britain

Gordon Brown and his cronies pushed for the relaxation of the drinking laws to be able to fill the Government coffers with tax revenue from alcohol. They lost the revenue from the smoking ban and needed to find a way of filling the gap—so Blair’s Cabinet, at Brown’s proposal, relaxed the alcohol laws knowing full well what this would do. It was a callous disregard for people’s health and safety.

The binging culture is costing the economy something in the order of £4 billion per year from sickness, and hangovers producing mistakes—and Brown and his cronies don’t seem to care as long as the money keeps coming in. Doctors and Police are complaining bitterly they have to pick up the pieces, but Brown just shrugs.

Just on this issue alone Brown is a complete disgrace. This is Brown’s version of ‘Socialism’.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

5,000 Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
from the religion of peace,
and now the latest outrage ~ Fort Hood

When we let Muslim trash into our civilised Western society, we actually let in a terrorist fifth column which causes NY 9/11, Bali 10/12, Madrid 3/11, London 7/7, and the latest outrage in Fort Hood, where a supposed PTSD psychiatrist and a ‘Major’ in the US army kills 13 and wounds 31 in a fit of Islamic righteousness, straight out of al-Qaeda’s handbook. If the US army has such disgusting infiltrators, what chance have we civilians with these vipers in our midst?

A lot of claptrap comes out of America such as the Hollywood porn, repulsive paparazzi, garbage TV, junk food, misleading marketing, and corrupt politics. However, one of the worst throw away dogmas they’ve produced in recent years is Political Correctness—which has cramped their ability to act against their enemies—and they elect Hussein Obama to fight Osama. So when a Fort Hood type incident occurs—I can only say; serves them right for letting the fifth column into their army.

In the aftermath of Fort Hood, the papers are full of ‘warning signs’ exhibited by this terrorist minded Islamist ‘Major’, but PC probably made it difficult to pursue this crackpot Muslim with the vigour needed. A retired Colonel Terry Lee who worked with the major said: 'He was so outspoken I once said to him, "Look, you got to cool it". 'He was reacting with open glee at the death of some US soldiers by a suicide bomber.’ Well lets see now, we are talking about a supposed Major in the US army—a psychiatrist no less. Yet he’s only told, “You got to cool it.” Instead of reporting him to the army authorities—we get, “You got to cool it?” This is from a Colonel of the US army. Boy is that army in trouble and hoodwinking itself!

In Europe we’ve incorporated a terrorist’s and criminal’s charter in adopting the ‘Human Right’ law—and in a parody of our silly action, the Muslims have set up an ‘Islamic Human Rights’ organisation of their own, sticking two fingers up at us.

Blair and Brown opened the British door to this fifth column in their expectation of producing a permanent Labour government with their multicultural invention.


Muslims are told that making friends with the Kafir is prohibited in Islam—but sponging off the Kafir society seems to be quiet acceptable.

Some facts:

• More Iraqis have died at Iraqi hands than were killed in both Gulf Wars.
• More Afghans have died at Afghan hands than were killed during the Russian
occupation or the recent Western invasion.
• More Somalis have killed their fellow Somalis than any Western infidel could
ever do.
• More Pakistanis have killed their fellow Pakistanis than have died in their war
with India.
• This is the crackpot religion of peace!

11.09.2001—USA New York, NY—Murdered 2772 and injured 251—Fanatical Islamic hijackers steer two planes packed with fuel and passengers into the World Trade Centre, killing hundreds on impact and eventually killing thousands when the towers collapsed. At least 200 are seriously injured.

11.09.2001—USA Washington, DC—Murdered 184 and injured 53—Nearly 200 people are killed when fanatical Islamic hijackers steer a plane full of people into the Pentagon.

12.10.2002—Indonesia Bali—Murdered 202 and injured 300 Series of Al-Qaeda bombs in nightclubs kill more than two-hundred people, injure at least three-hundred more.

11.03.2004—Spain Madrid—Murdered 201 and injured 1841—Ten coordinated al-Qaeda bomb blasts on commuter trains during the rush hour leave over two-hundred people dead and some fifteen hundred injured.

03.09.2004—Russia Beslan—Murdered 344 and injured 600 Islamic militants shoot fleeing children in the back, then blow them up, along with their mothers and teachers with nail-packed bombs. Others are crushed or burned to death from the effects of the bombs. More than three-hundred innocents slaughtered.

29.10.2005—India New Delhi—Murdered 62 and injured 155—Three coordinated blasts that tear through a bus and two markets crowded with people celebrating a Hindu festival bear all the hallmarks of the Religion of Peace. An Islamic group claims responsibility.

07.07.2005—England London—Murdered 52 and injured 750—Islamic terrorists massacre more than fifty commuters on three separate subway trains and a double-decker bus on the street with four suicide bombs. Over seven-hundred people are injured.

21.07.2005—England London—A second mass murder attempt by Islamic fanatics was botched when their bombs failed to explode.

11.07.2006—India Mumbai—Murdered 200 and injured 700—A series of seven blasts on Mumbai’s suburban trains by at least 10 members from Islam’s finest, the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the outlawed Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) were responsible for the terrorist attacks that left many innocent commuters dead and wounded.

25.08.2007—India Hyderabad—Murdered 42 and injured 70—At least forty-two people, including children, are blown to bits by bombs placed at a food stall and an amusement park by Muslim militants.

26.11.2008—India Mumbai—Murdered 178 and injured 370—Islamic terrorists throw grenades and machine-gun over one-hundred and fifty civilians and tourists to death as they attack several sites, including a hotel, cafe, market and train station.

30.10.2008—India Assam—Murdered 81 and injured 300 Harkat-ul-Jehadi-e-Islami terrorists massacre over eighty people in six deadly blasts across several towns.

18.08.2008—Philippines Mindanao—Murdered 49 and injured 50—Forty-nine Christian villagers are shot or hacked to death by Moro Islamists rampaging through three towns.

26.07.2008—India Ahmedabad—Murdered 57 and injured 161—Islamic bombers rock India for a second day, setting seventeen bombs and killing over fifty innocent people.

13.05.2008—India Jaipur—Murdered 63 and injured 216—A Hindu temple is among several targets of Islamic bombers. Over sixty innocents, including children, lose their lives in the carnage.

10.07.2009—China Urumqi—Murdered 137 and injured 800—Chinese Muslims (Uyghur Turks) rampage through Chinese Han neighbourhoods, murdering one-hundred and forty, including women, children and even an 84-year-old who is stoned and set ablaze—just proving that the religion of peace is worldwide.

Remember-all the above died due to Muslim violence from the religion of peace!

So who’s next? Which child, which woman are these brave warriors of Islam going to murder next?

Mainly due to the lunatic behaviour of fanatical Islam, the world has become less safe in the 21st Century. So much for the lasting peace at the end of the Cold War!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

The self important fantasy pushing media keep trying to tell us that:

Britain will suffer a short, sharp recession (A. Darling, Nov 2008, Glasgow Solicitor)
Seeing green shoots of recovery (Baroness Vadera, UK Business Minister, Jan 2009)
The US and Global recession has come to an end (Mark Zandi, Aug 2009)
The Recession is bottoming out (MarketWatch Sept 2009)
Recession ‘very likely over’ (Bernanke, Sept 2009)
The UK recession has ended (ICAEW, Aug 2009)
Even some claptrap rapper has jumped on the bandwagon and farted out an album called Recession

All eager to talk the ‘Bankers’ recession into an early grave.

I’m only a silly CAT, but even I can tell you that the recession will last until at least 2012—so forget what the media priests are preaching on behalf of the Bankers. Tighten your belts and be sensible—ignore the propaganda! Do NOT go back to your old bad spending habits.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

No EU President Blair!

Because he is a nasty devious greedy and corrupt anti European spin merchant who would do for Europe what he’s done for Britain. The secretive open door policy for economic Muslim migrants, the lefty cronies and their corrupt practices, the outrageous spin, and finally the shameful sucking up to the US. But worst of all, he would insist on sponsoring Turkey’s 90 million Muslims into joining the ‘Muslim overload’ of the European Union.

This is a left wing loon who would attempt to con EU governments into opening the door to all sorts of immigrant trash because he thinks they will then vote for left wing governments, as he has done in Britain, enforcing a "multicultural" disaster. It would be the death knell for the indigenous Europeans and its overwhelming Christian society.


PS Rags like the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have been deliberately pushing the idea of 'Blair for President' and 'Milliband for EU Foreign Affairs,' knowing they would never be accepted or chosen by the EU leaders. Moreover, when they are NOT chosen, then it is supposed to somehow diminish them in the eyes of the British public--it's a cheap journalese trick which has NO merit and simply diminishes them as newspapers to become 'rags'. Blair's and Milliband's rotten record speaks for itself without these cheap tricks!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

No Niqab Bandits in Europe

Egypt's top Islamic cleric, Sheik Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, who heads the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Sunni Islam's premier institute of learning, insists the niqab is not an Islamic religious requirement, but is merely a custom that dates back to tribal, nomadic societies living in the Arabian desert before Islam began. The niqab has been adopted and perverted by extreme Islamists for their own propaganda purposes. There is no uniform religious opinion across the Muslim world about whether a head scarf - much less a niqab face veil - is a religious requirement.

Sheik Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi was quoted as telling a student, “The niqab has nothing to do with Islam. ... I know about religion better than you and your experts,” after ordering her to remove her niqab face veil. The Sheik is planning to bar students wearing the niqab face veil from entering the al-Azhar educational establishments.

Would those lefty PC politicians in Britain pause for a moment from lining their own pockets, and listen to real Islamic experts as to the rights and wrongs of Islamic women wearing veil. THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Now This is What 'They' Call "Democracy"

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Russian YouTube Videos
Perverting the Sentiments of
an Old Russian WWII Song

I’ve noticed on YouTube that there is a proliferation of videos perverting the sentiments of an old Russian WWII song. It’s now being used to pretend that the Russians were reluctant to somehow invade Georgia, that somehow the Georgians might be equated with Nazi Germany; if the Russians use this WWII song for their escapade in Georgia, how could it be interpreted otherwise?

Russia has tried to take Georgia to pieces, first by detaching Abkhazia, and now South Ossetia. All because Georgia refuses Russia’s “bear-hug embrace.” So for Russia’s Imperial Georgian adventure the modified words below might be more suitable.

Русские Хотят Войны!

Русские хотят войны!
Спросите вы у тишины,
Над ширью пашен и полей,
И у берез, и тополей,
Спросите вы у тех солдат,
Что над гробамы стоят,
И вам ответят их сыны
Русские хотят, русские хотят,
Русские… хотят войны.

Не только за свою страну
Солдаты eхали в войну,
А чтобы люди всей земли
B ночью спать нe могли.
Спросите тех, кто воевал,
Кто вас на Кубанье обнимал,
Мы этой памяти верны.
Русские хотят, русские хотят,
Русские…. хотят войны.

Да, мы умеем воевать,
И любым очень воевать
Солдаты падали в бою
На Грузинскую землю.
Спросите у Грузинских матерей,
Спросите у жены моей,
И вы тогда понять должны
Русские хотят, русские хотят,
Русские…. хотят войны.

Поймет и докер, и рыбак,
Поймет рабочий и батрак,
Поймет народ любой страны
Русские хотят, русские хотят,
Русские…. хотят войны.
Русские хотят, русские хотят,
Русские…. хотят войны.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Decaying “Great” Britain and its New Priorities

Foreign Office Ambassadors hanging out gay flags from their embassies

SIS (MI6) chief’s wives undermining their husbands on Facebook

PM’s wives marching in queer parades

Armed Forces ‘proudly’ marching for queers

Glasgow Solicitors as Britain’s top financial expert (Ha..Ha..Chancellor)

Grasping MP’s fiddling expenses

Home Office spouses busy watching porn and charging it to taxpayers
What a shambles! What a sad decline to a long and glorious history!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

What the hell are you doing David Milliban????

A spokesman for the British Foreign Office said the ministry 'does have a policy of promoting LGBT ( lesbian gay bisexual transgender) rights' abroad.'——What the shit? What the hell are you doing David Milliban????

Last year, 2008, the British Ambassador to Poland, Ric Todd, hoisted a 'rainbow flag' - a symbol of gay rights - next to the Union Flag in front of the British embassy, causing British expatriates in Warsaw to dub him 'Rainbow Ric'. Would this gay promoting Ambassador raise the rainbow flag at the British embassies in Iran or Saudi Arabia???? I think not! They’d string him up at the nearest lampost. What kind of message is this sending about Britain to Poland? That Britain is full of queers? Is this what a British Ambassador is supposed to do, Mr Millibrand????

This same loony Milliband is a frontrunner in the race to become leader of the new Brownite “Red Flag” Labour Party.

This new Brownite Labour Party supports the Hamas Palestinians and all the gays in the world. When Hamas and its fanatics hand out sharia to the gays, how will we recognise the Brownite Labour Party with all that egg on its face?

This same so-called British Ambassador handed out a manual to homosexual rights leaders entitled a “UK Guide To Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender People And Their Rights”, translated into Polish at British taxpayers expense. This useless manual was adapted from the so-called Transgender Toolkit, a political correctness manual for civil servants that the Foreign Office funds with taxpayers' money. This is Britain's future! Promoting a DEAD END campaign!

Saturday, 16 May 2009

A Corrupt Mother of Parliaments

MP’s caught with their hands

in the public till

have outrageously blamed the TILL

for allowing them to act corruptly

This is the quality of the people WE send to parliament. This is the worst example of corrupt human behaviour in a long time. This is from people we supposedly TRUST to run the country? “The SYSTEM allowed us to do this, so WE took ADVANTAGE.” How would this stand up in court? What kind of example is this to set to the rest of the country?

More to the point! How STUPID are WE for sending such rotten people to our legislature, to enact laws by which society should live.

It is a privilege for them to be in Parliament, and they should not behave like pigs at a trough. Many claim £70,000 is NOT enough for them to do their jobs? How dare they say that? Many are poor calibre individuals who are lucky to have ANY employment. Porn, nappies, food—all at the taxpayer’s expense? So what do they spend their salaries on?

Who set up such a system? Should we blame anybody but OURSELVES if the MP’s set up the trough they feed from later on?

With some of the silly and frivolous laws that are coming onto the statute books, especially in the realms of Health and Safety, it would seem the MP’s are NOT up to the job they claim their salaries for. It is then even more cynical then, that many have OTHER JOBS and other salaries that occupy their time. Unable to do their Parliamentary jobs, they join a number of Boards as Directors for larger salaries, and even that is NOT ENOUGH, they then put through expenses on Moats, hanging baskets, pot plants, and other facetious items while “flipping” their residences to maximise the expense fiddle.

Get rid of them all. Start afresh but with new rules. If they don’t like it—they don’t have to stand for Parliament. Let them find another charity to give them handouts.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Apology NOT accepted, Gordon

Gordon Brown’s “expenses apology” is about as useless as is Gordon himself. He didn’t apologise for the Labour Party, or for himself—in his arrogant omnipotence, he said, "I want to apologise on behalf of politicians of ALL PARTIES for what has happened in the events of the last few days." He went on, "We must show that, where mistakes have been made and errors have been discovered, where wrongs have to be righted, that that is done so IMMEDIATELY." If not sooner? He does think regally, does he not…and with DICTATS. His silly pronouncements know no bounds. Does he dream these stunts up with his PR partner?

Gordon—The country demands you resign and hold elections immediately! YOUR CORRUPT SETUP MUST GO!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

"How did we two get together--far left Trotskyites and Islamic Fascists?"

Unpopular Stagnant Islam

All Muslim countries are seen as stagnant by their own populations as far as politics and social progress is concerned, making most Muslims either fatalistic or frustrated. They risk their lives trying to get out of Islamic countries to the West. They watch the ‘good life’ of the West on TV and film and want to know why their Governments can’t supply the same.

From the Wahhabi lunatics in Saudi Arabia, who can’t seem to spell ‘democracy,’ to so called secular Turkey, which is finding ‘democracy’ hard to swallow, the people are the last thing in the minds of the ruling elite. All the Islamic countries hold predictable Communist style elections which leave the ruling classes sitting on their self appointed thrones. Mubarak’s been unopposed on the Egyptian throne since 14 Oct 1981. Muammar Gaddafi grabbed power in Libya 1 Sept 1969. Zine Ben Ali grabbed power in Tunisia 7 Nov 1987. The military dominated FLN government in Algeria has been in power since 1962 in a one party state with Bouteflika as its latest figure head. Morocco, like Saudi is an absolute monarchy with pretend elections. Syria has been under the thumb of the Assad family since 1970 who run it like a private fiefdom. Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Chad, have rejected French impose democracy and reverted to their natural omnipotent Islamic ruling styles. Yemen, Qatar, et al think their populace is there to serve them, thanks to Islam.

Is it then surprising that those who want to see progress within their society eventually turn to ‘fundamentalist Islam’, ready to promise the earth to the disaffected, to supply them with guns and money and redirect their pent-up frustrations against the an age old enemy, the Kafirs. The Inquisition had its ‘heretics’; Islam has its ‘Kafirs’ to fall back on. The Muslim fanatical louts don’t have to think, simply follow the brainless dogma spouted by twisted Imams and self appointed interpreters of that nasty book, the Koran, and they are promised a fantasy paradise.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Has Britain run out of Economists? No wonder this man thinks the Credit Crunch will be over by the end of this year! 

Germany has a Professor of Economics in charge, we have a Lawyer. 

This is the measure of this Government. Greedy expenses, porn films and a Home Office and Treasury NOT fit for purpose.

Saturday, 18 April 2009


Al Jazeera—Qatari mouthpiece supporting fanatical Islam.
Al Qaeda—self appointed interpreters of the Koran who want to subjugate the whole world to Sharia, a primitive legal system invented by a paedophile.
Belarus—in the omnipotent grip of a pig farm manager, backed by land-grab Russia.
Burma— Military dictatorship began in 1962 when General Ne Win led a military coup d'état. Slavery and misery imposed by military for purely selfish reasons.
Eritrea—Islam refused to live within Christian Ethiopia and so they invented Muslim Ertra. It flirted with socialism but now supports Al Qaeda.
Hamas—Iran supported Arab fanatics who want to destroy Israel.
Hezbollah—Iran supported Arab fanatics who want to destroy Israel.
Human Rights in Islam—this is a joke declaration made by the IOC in 1990, to climb on board the disgraceful western fetish for so called “Human Rights”. Human Rights can be a perfectly respectable concept for those who take its philosophy seriously and adhere to its precepts, but the concept has been horrendously but successfully abused by criminals, lawyers, terrorists, bogus asylum seekers, and illegal immigrants. The idea that Islam has any notion of Human Right is laughable, bearing in mind Sharia. So this is another attempt by the IOC to abuse the Western Legal System and cynically subvert a UN declaration by setting up their bogus HRI.
Iran—Absolute Theocracy run by fanatical Ayatollahs wasting oil resources on nuclear weapons instead of benefiting their populations.
Islamic International Court of Justice—Set up by the IOC to parallel the ICJ and “guide” the world towards Islam’s concept of justice of Sharia, that primitive legal system invented by that paedophile.
Muslim Brotherhood—hard-line Islamists founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928 in Egypt to promote fundamentalist Islamic dogma. Religious fanatics.
North Korea—selfish elite making people starve while they build nuclear weapons.
OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference)—unites the religious, economic, military, and political strength of 56 Muslim states plus the Palestinian Authority, claiming to speak in the name of the ummah, vowed in its fundamental aim to recreate a worldwide Caliphate, rooted in the Koran and the Sunnah. This body exerts pressure on the UN, other international bodies, and Western governments to adopt laws punishing “Islamophobia” and blasphemy against Islam, while promoting the infidel hating Koran. It supports terrorist organisations like Hamas, Hesbollah, and secretly al Qaeda. It has thrown its support behind the indicted war criminal, Omar Bashir. The OIC is the real head behind the push to promote the hateful Koranic dogma designed to enslave the world under Islam. Among the manifestations of Islamophobia, in the OIC’s view, are European opposition to illegal immigration, anti-terrorist measures, criticism of multiculturalism, and indeed any efforts to defend Western cultural and national identities from lunatic Islam.
Pakistan—nuclear power, almost in civil war. Run by a weakened Western educated elite at odds with a populist fundamentalist minority element determined to impose Sharia at all cost.
Qatar—Absolute Monarchy run by an obese Emir, Al Thani, who is trying to eat as much of his oil income as possible while paying obeisance to Al Qaeada.
Saudi Arabia—Wahhabist-oriented Absolute Monarchy supported by power mad Wahhabi clerics, with a ‘legal system’ based on Sharia, a primitive legal system invented by a paedophile. While in the West these same Wahhabist-oriented princes drink alcohol, use prostitutes, and gamble away the oil wealth in Casinos—one law for the rich and another for the Saudi poor.
Somalia—fundamentalist squabbles has ruined this pseudo country where fanatical Islamist are trying to impose Sharia on the cowed populace. Piracy is the latest business, robbing and thieving in the name of the Koran.
Sudan—is run by an indicted war criminal, Omar Bashir, accused by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of genocide; supports Al Qaeda.
Taliban—self appointed interpreters of the Koran who want to subjugate the whole world to Sharia, a primitive legal system invented by a paedophile.
Venezuela—Chavez has done a Castro and overthrown the constitution, scrapping his two term limit.
Wahhabis—fundamentalist form of Sunni Islam invented by Saudi Muhammad Al-Wahhab, an 18th century Muslim fanatic. Osama dustbin Ladin was brought up in this pseudo Jihadi Salafist dogma.
Zimbabwe—pretend socialism imposed in 1965 by omnipotent racist lunatic, Mugabe, who is simply power mad.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

A grossly unskilled Gordon Brown and his bungling team

As a result of the self induced Credit Crunch, the Banks and the disgraced Bankers are utterly reluctant to lend any money, thus freezing commerce, which relies on short term and long term loans. A sadly belated and retroactive response to prudence.

In an attempt to unfreeze the lending system, both the US and UK Governments have thrown money at the Banks as if they were throwing confetti rather than taxpayers money. In return, the Banks have NOT unfrozen the lending market in the certain knowledge that the irresponsible Governments will throw more money at them—and so the farce continues.

In a further farcical move, the above two Governments, US and UK, have vociferously attacked the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and her Finance Minister, Peer Steinbrück, for NOT dishing out more money to the Banks; in fact for being prudent and careful with the taxpayers finances. On 10 December 2008 in an interview with Newsweek, Peer Steinbrück controversially attacked the British Keynesian approach to economic policy in its rush to stimulate the demand side with a pitiful VAT reduction—and another sorry attempt by Gordon to spin himself into the limelight. That’s what comes of marrying a Public Relations merchant and relying on her empty spin tactics.

Instead, the US and UK politicians are more worried about their political careers than they are in responsible prudent management of the debt and their economy. The result for the US is $10,000,000,000 in the red and for Britain the public debt is a massive one trillion pounds (£1,000,000,000). This puts the British children’s children into debt for the next fifty years or more.

The correct response to the Credit Crunch is to let the lending market readjust and reposition themselves in the light of tighter lending rules—and that will take time. No more money for the irresponsible Banks, who are still handing out bonuses to themselves and all and sundry. The next five years are going to be tight and tough, and the huge artificial lending party where everybody was encouraged to spend, spend, spend…IS OVER.

Here is the crux of the matter. It’s the time factor that the politicians can’t tolerate, can’t live with—because it diminishes their voter base. So the fix has to be instant; has to be now—has to be seen to satisfy the voter. That simply isn’t possible, and the contradiction is driving the politicians on both sides of the Atlantic into a frenzy of handouts and other useless activity in the hope they can throw sand into the faces of the voters. If the voters see the politicians frantically doing something, anything, maybe they won’t blame them. FAT CHANCE!

So much for the reputation of Britain’s ‘best prudent’ Chancellor of the Exchequer of recent years, Gordon Brown, and his fragile spin eminence. There is NO chance the voters will re-elect a failed Labour administration in 2010, run by the grossly inept Gordon Brown and his bungling team.

Friday, 6 March 2009

The only thing green about Peter Mandelson

is the slime on his face

Mandelson normally only pays obeisance to himself, but

Leila Deen has committed her life to campaigning, this time round for Plane Stupid. It was her green custard that Peter Mandelson is wearing on his face—all in a protest against Heathrow’s planned third runway. Leila Deen, originally from Brighton, has been a lefty activist for various different campaigns since being politicised at Leeds University, where she read politics and development studies.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Al-Qaeda founder attacks Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri as distorters of Islam

Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, who goes by the nom de guerre of Dr Fadl, helped bin Laden create al-Qaeda and then led an Islamist insurgency in Egypt in the 1990s. In a book written from his Egyptian prison cell, he asks, “What good is it if you destroy one of your enemy’s buildings (9/11), and he destroys one of your countries (Afghanistan, Iraq)? What good is it if you kill one of his people, and he kills a thousand of yours? That, in short, is my evaluation of 9/11.” 

He is equally scathing about Muslims migrants who move to the West and then become terrorists. “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum,” writes Dr Fadl, then it is “not honourable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction in the name of Jihad”. 

Unless you're a suicide bomber and simply have  become psychotic, un-Islamic, and kill-happy—thus nothing to do with religion but simply filled with hatred.

Are those fanatic Muslims in Britain listening? Those Jihadists in the Mosques preaching murder and the takeover of Britain——listen to one of your own—take heed! No firdaws Paradise is waiting for you—and certainly NO houris virgin consorts!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Britain Brought to its Knees by 4 inches of SNOW

Wimpish Britain!

Credit to the Daily Mail for the cartoon and the Telegraph.co.uk for large parts of the article (see link).

Other countries have looked on with a mixture of puzzlement and glee as a small snow fall brought ‘Great’ Britain to its knees—largely due to the authorities pandering to their stupid Health and safety fears over accidents and lawsuits. What kind of message does it send to the kids? It fuels a 'sick note culture' and soft permissive society. Over-cautious, Politically Correct and bureaucratic Britain broadcasts its DECLINE as Ministers condone the closing of schools, the halting of all London bus transport and encourage people to stay at home when a little snow falls. 

It is clear that not only is the ‘Home Office not fit for purpose’ as Dr John Reid pointed out in May 2006, but in my opinion, the whole of British Government is not fit for purpose and should be franchised out, to say Denmark.

Countries which regularly experience more inclement weather than the UK found it hard to believe that a few inches of snow could ground flights, halt trains, close schools and keep buses off the streets of London.  "The nation that beat back the Blitz couldn't, it seems, cope with four inches of snow," reported the International Herald Tribune, noting that the worst storm to hit London in nearly 20 years had raised the "vexing question of why a predicted snowfall caught authorities so off-guard." Canada's Globe and Mail ran a picture on its front page of a cyclist pedalling past a row of red phone boxes covered in snow. "Britain blindsided by record snowfall," said the headline, above an article which explained how the snowfall had brought London to "an uncharacteristic halt." The Toronto daily quoted a fuming British commuter who was trying to make his way to work in the capital. "It's absolutely diabolical. It's like we're a Third World country," the man said.

On the other side of the world, the New Zealand Herald announced: "Snow brings London to a standstill," adding that although there were ample warnings of the bad weather, transport officials "failed to keep a semblance of normalcy in the city" when snow fell on Sunday and Monday. In Australia, The Age of Melbourne ran the headline "Freeze Britannia – blizzards bring London to a halt", with a photograph of Big Ben frosted with snow and ice. The paper's London correspondent reported that there was "widespread anger that, despite five days of severe weather warnings, London has been paralysed by the snow while other European cities deal with it as a matter of course." Continental Europe, which has experienced some of its heaviest winter snowfalls for years, was also aghast at how Britain was practically shut down by the weather. "The image of a country paralysed with snow has harmed the reputation of ‘Great’ Britain, underlined by a quarter of the country's employees not being able to go to work," wrote the French business newspaper Les Echos. The Italian daily La Stampa printed a picture of commuters forlornly tramping along a snow-covered bridge across the Thames and reported that disruption to airports had caused "misery" for tens of thousands of travellers. "All the European channels were showing images of London at a complete standstill, which was not a very positive image for the UK," David Frost, director-general of the British Chambers of Commerce, told the BBC's Today programme.

Foreign expatriates living in the UK, especially those of Nordic origin, were particularly scathing towards Britain's inability to deal with the blanket of snow. Describing herself as a "born and bred Viking", Swedish journalist Stina Backer, who also lives in London, asked how so little snow could cause so much chaos. "After listening to colleagues compare their commuter journeys like battle-scarred veterans, all I could think was, 'It's only water'." Backer, who has lived in Britain for eight years, wrote in The Independent. "As a Swede practised in these matters, I brought a change of clothes to work and planned my journey with military precision. And that is where we differ, us Scandinavians and you Brits: preparation and perseverance. We’re not WIMPS!"

Monday, 26 January 2009

Sky joins BBC in banning Gaza appeal

Hamas is a Sunni terrorist organisation, and the Arabs in Gaza voted them in, thus approving of their terrorism. So why would anybody in the West want to help Hamas restore order, never mind feed them? Why would you want to help them rebuild any housing or tunnels?

The advertisement, by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), asks for donations for Palestinian Arabs left without homes, food, water or medicine after 22-days of retribution by the Israel Defence Forces after Hamas’ incessant but pointless rocket firing. I compare it to having someone spit at you. You ask them to stop—yet they keep spitting at you. It may not hurt you, but it’s not pleasant. You warn them what you’ll do if they don’t—they respond by more spitting. Finally, you punch them in the nose, hard. They stop. Now bystanders appeal on behalf of this lout for a supply of a hanky to stench the blood. My reaction is to tell them to sod off!

I consider Hamas and those poor civilians as one and the same. Dump Hamas, and I would be only to happy to have DEC give them help—not otherwise.

This ‘charitable’ appeal has Tony Benn and George Galloway standing outside the BBC demonstrating against their spot on decision not to help Hamas, and in my view, the ‘charities’ have got into bed with the Trotskyites like Benn and Galloway, to help Arab terrorism aimed at the Western ‘infidel.’ How screwy can this world get? Hamas chose to pursue war with Israel rather than the welfare of its Arab people—now it's prepared to accepts ‘charity’ from those ‘infidels’ it wants to destroy. Let the Arabs help their own—why is DEC involved. Could it be for straight forward lefwing political reasons?

I’m glad Sky and the BBC have told DEC to sod off! Sixty MPs have signed an early day motion, 11,000 BBC Trotskyites viewers have lodged complaints and hundreds of Trotskyites protesters have picketed BBC offices to protest against the corporation's stance—amongst them, Tony Benn, George Galloway, and other Trots with illegal Arab immigrants. Even that useless Druid, Rowan Williams, has joined the afray. My reaction is—they can sod off!
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