Saturday, 25 April 2009

Unpopular Stagnant Islam

All Muslim countries are seen as stagnant by their own populations as far as politics and social progress is concerned, making most Muslims either fatalistic or frustrated. They risk their lives trying to get out of Islamic countries to the West. They watch the ‘good life’ of the West on TV and film and want to know why their Governments can’t supply the same.

From the Wahhabi lunatics in Saudi Arabia, who can’t seem to spell ‘democracy,’ to so called secular Turkey, which is finding ‘democracy’ hard to swallow, the people are the last thing in the minds of the ruling elite. All the Islamic countries hold predictable Communist style elections which leave the ruling classes sitting on their self appointed thrones. Mubarak’s been unopposed on the Egyptian throne since 14 Oct 1981. Muammar Gaddafi grabbed power in Libya 1 Sept 1969. Zine Ben Ali grabbed power in Tunisia 7 Nov 1987. The military dominated FLN government in Algeria has been in power since 1962 in a one party state with Bouteflika as its latest figure head. Morocco, like Saudi is an absolute monarchy with pretend elections. Syria has been under the thumb of the Assad family since 1970 who run it like a private fiefdom. Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Chad, have rejected French impose democracy and reverted to their natural omnipotent Islamic ruling styles. Yemen, Qatar, et al think their populace is there to serve them, thanks to Islam.

Is it then surprising that those who want to see progress within their society eventually turn to ‘fundamentalist Islam’, ready to promise the earth to the disaffected, to supply them with guns and money and redirect their pent-up frustrations against the an age old enemy, the Kafirs. The Inquisition had its ‘heretics’; Islam has its ‘Kafirs’ to fall back on. The Muslim fanatical louts don’t have to think, simply follow the brainless dogma spouted by twisted Imams and self appointed interpreters of that nasty book, the Koran, and they are promised a fantasy paradise.

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