Tuesday, 6 October 2009

No Niqab Bandits in Europe

Egypt's top Islamic cleric, Sheik Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, who heads the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Sunni Islam's premier institute of learning, insists the niqab is not an Islamic religious requirement, but is merely a custom that dates back to tribal, nomadic societies living in the Arabian desert before Islam began. The niqab has been adopted and perverted by extreme Islamists for their own propaganda purposes. There is no uniform religious opinion across the Muslim world about whether a head scarf - much less a niqab face veil - is a religious requirement.

Sheik Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi was quoted as telling a student, “The niqab has nothing to do with Islam. ... I know about religion better than you and your experts,” after ordering her to remove her niqab face veil. The Sheik is planning to bar students wearing the niqab face veil from entering the al-Azhar educational establishments.

Would those lefty PC politicians in Britain pause for a moment from lining their own pockets, and listen to real Islamic experts as to the rights and wrongs of Islamic women wearing veil. THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED!
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