Saturday, 7 November 2009

The self important fantasy pushing media keep trying to tell us that:

Britain will suffer a short, sharp recession (A. Darling, Nov 2008, Glasgow Solicitor)
Seeing green shoots of recovery (Baroness Vadera, UK Business Minister, Jan 2009)
The US and Global recession has come to an end (Mark Zandi, Aug 2009)
The Recession is bottoming out (MarketWatch Sept 2009)
Recession ‘very likely over’ (Bernanke, Sept 2009)
The UK recession has ended (ICAEW, Aug 2009)
Even some claptrap rapper has jumped on the bandwagon and farted out an album called Recession

All eager to talk the ‘Bankers’ recession into an early grave.

I’m only a silly CAT, but even I can tell you that the recession will last until at least 2012—so forget what the media priests are preaching on behalf of the Bankers. Tighten your belts and be sensible—ignore the propaganda! Do NOT go back to your old bad spending habits.
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.