Democracy is a
system whereby (a rotten Islam states) man violates the (fantasy) right of
Allah. Then the same nasty clutch of halfwits set up a pretend “Islamic Human Rights”
group. Uncivilized barbaric bunch of MURDERING scum!
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Islamic Human Rights,
Saudi Arabia,
Suicide Bombers
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Looking for the killer of Boris Nemtsov?
The media talks of some unidentified assassin? If Moscow
police are looking for the killer of Boris Nemtsov, they should be heading
straight to the Kremlin. That’s where the KILLER
is! Surly it’s as obvious as the nose on your face.
Ignoring the fact that
Putin is the killer is a farce. As for Putin claiming he’s ordered a search for
the killer—hey thug, look in the mirror!
It's time this KGB thug was brought to justice for his horrendous crimes against humanity!
"The investigators' nonsensical theory about
Islamist motives in the killing suits the Kremlin and takes Putin out of the
firing line," Mr Yashin said on Twitter. He said he did not believe Mr
Nemtsov's killers were from outside Russia, calling his murder "an act of
terror to scare society". "I believe that the organisers of the
murder are in Russia and I believe that they are in the Russian
government," he added.
It’s the clearest indicator that NOBODY believes in the Kremlin
attempt to mislead people by yet another propaganda stunt. History will rightly
accuse Putin of having ordered Nemtsov’s murder.
Boris Nemtsov,
Crimes against humanity,
Monday, 16 February 2015
Saturday, 7 February 2015
European Union’s Illusions And Its Soft Headed Money Grubbing Leaders
- Hitler invaded and annexed the Rhineland in March 1936
- Hitler invaded then annexed Austria in March 1938
- He then went after the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia invading and annexing it in June 1938
- The Sudetenland wasn’t enough, so in March 1939 Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia.
- And in response to all this, we had Neville Chamberlain climbing out of a plane from Munich in September 1938, smiling and saying he’d managed to give us: ‘Peace in our time’
- By August 1939 war had been declared as a result of trying to appease the out of control thug, Hitler. Millions of deaths and WWII later, the thug had his lesson and peace was restored.
- Russian armed forces invaded and annexed Moldova’s Transnistria in 1992
- Russian peacekeepers armed forces invaded and annexed Georgia’s Abkhazia in 1993
- In keeping with his desire to reinvent the USSR, Putin invaded and annexed Georgia’s South Ossetia in 2008. EU’s response was a shrug.
- Putin saw the poor response to his war mongering, so his ‘little green men’ infiltrated and annexed Crimea in 2014. Then a fixed referendum in March 2014 declared Crimea a Republic.
- Putin’s infiltrators stirred up the Russian population of Donetsk and in 2014 annexed it as the puppet DNR with a fabricated poll in April 2014
- Putin’s infiltrators continued and then stirred up the Russian population of Luhansk and in 2014 annexed it as the puppet LNR with another fabricated poll in April 2014
- In May 2014 Putin announced the creation of Novorossiya to replace the LNR and DNR thus attempting to annex both Luhansk and Donetsk to Russia.
In the meantime, a dozy soft-headed Angela Merkel, backed
by a lefty useless Hollande, both constantly looking for ways to appease Putin
and get on with Germany’s and France’s desire to make money off of the Russians,
are intent on another ‘Peace in our time’ effort—which as with all KGB thugs,
is doomed to failure—but at a huge cost in lives.
As with Hitler, so with Putin—you can’t talk sensibly with thugs. There’s only one language both Hitler and Putin understand—that of force. A good kick up the backside usually sends the recipients brain back to where it should have been in the first place.
Nobody is asking for NATO soldiers to become involved—NO US soldiers or German or French soldiers are needed. All Ukraine needs is up-to-date weaponry to allow its own capable soldiers to fight the Russians back to their own international borders.
As with Hitler, so with Putin—you can’t talk sensibly with thugs. There’s only one language both Hitler and Putin understand—that of force. A good kick up the backside usually sends the recipients brain back to where it should have been in the first place.
Nobody is asking for NATO soldiers to become involved—NO US soldiers or German or French soldiers are needed. All Ukraine needs is up-to-date weaponry to allow its own capable soldiers to fight the Russians back to their own international borders.
Appease Putin and start another European war.
Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, Crimea,
Donetsk, Luhansk. WHO’S NEXT? Latvia, Estonia, all of Ukraine, then Moldova,
followed by Georgia and Azerbaijan? Are the dozy Merkel and Hollande going to
sit by and simply watch, getting irritated they can’t get at the Russian money?
The Lubyanka Thugs WARNS
has warned the West against sending weapons to the Ukrainian government or
putting pressure on Russia.
warned on Monday that he will not be spoken to in the language of ultimatums.
Putin warns US, 'Don't arm Kiev'.
would see US moves to arm Ukraine as declaration of war.
Putin says "all-out war" could result if
the US supplies arms to the Ukrainian government in Kiev.
I wonder, will Washington
take kindly to being warned OFF?
Clearly pacifist GERMANY will!
Clearly pacifist GERMANY will!
If you're dealing with PUTIN, it's pointless. You might as well be making peace agreements with the corpse of Genghis Khan. What's the point of talking to a closed mind filled with self-love. If you want to outmaneuver Putin, talk to a Japanese Judo master.
If Navalny was in power in Moscow, Russia would be a civilized state with democratic ambitions, but Putin would never allow that, and the docile brainwashed Russian people won't topple Putin.
Merkel, you moneygrubbing Oster, wake up and see some sense. No more MONEY from Russia. STOP being so greedy.
Arm the Ukraine!
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Stop Being a Softy Liberal Lefty With Muslims!
Typical Asinine Liberal Lefty Response to Muslim
If you want to draw a cartoon a Muslim can understand,
Do onto them,
before they do onto you—
This is an invasion under the guise of refugees!
This is an invasion under the guise of refugees!
Al Qaeda,
Charlie Hebdo,
Human Rights,
Lefty cartoonists,
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Modern Civilisation and its Consequences
In case there’s a difficulty in working out the logic of the
graphics—here they are, line by line:-
Internet Porn-Lesbian-Gay
Low Birth Rate
Rampant Muslim Immigration
Left wing liberals
Destruction of Indigenous Society
It’s your decision!
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Putinnochio Speaks
President Putin told his favourite Russian rag LIFENEWS, that
Russia “poses no threat to anyone,” and would “resist efforts to draw it into
geopolitical intrigue.” Hah! That’s a Putin joke—right?
Now that’s also a might peculiar—bearing in mind that Putin
does nothing BUT threaten his neighbours. Is this a change of mind? Does he
mean that he’s going to withdraw his Russian troops from Moldova’s Transnistria,
and from Georgian Abkhazia, and Georgian South Ossetia, and Ukrainian Crimea
and from Eastern Ukraine altogether. Otherwise the statement makes no sense in
a rational world. If he doesn’t, it simply means Putin is drivelling vile mendacity
once more. It must also presuppose he stops sending subs into Swedish waters,
returns the kidnapped Estonian agent, stops threatening Lithuania and Latvia? Maybe
he’ll also cease funding the neo-Nazi parties in the European Union in an
underhanded threat to European democracy?
What about threatening Belarus with
an economic boycott if they didn’t sell all their gas pipeline network to Gazprom—wait
on, that’s a done thing isn’t it. Lukashenka caved in, and as a result, there’s
now a Russian Airforce squadron in Baranovichi, and Russia’s built another
Russian controlled base in Babruysk, with another to follow in Lida. Russian airbases are to follow in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and any other country stupid enough to allow it, all in a sick effort to revive the Russian Empire and its
pathetic ambitions of domination. That's Putin's Russian Empire!
Putin only admitted later his ‘little green men’ were
actually Russian troops after the annexation of Crimea, having previously
denied their presence in Crimea altogether. So NO threat there?
Not surprising then, that France has stopped the outrageous Mistral
helicopter carrier sale, since both ships were likely to head for Mariupol to
invade Eastern Ukraine so that Putin could have his land-bridge to Crimea.
It’s clear that nobody really takes Putin’s drivel seriously—not
coming from the mouth of a KGB thug. Remember Katyń? That’s the work of
NKVD/KGB and his pals.
Come on, Western Media, you’re being played for a sucker by
the Kremlin—wake up!
Little Green Men,
Russian Empire,
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Crackpot Dickhead 'President'
Is this is the self-promoting psychopath the
Russians WANT
as their President?
Their morphing Stalin?
Wake up YOU dozy Russians!
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Putin’s Ode To His Lubyanka Home
Putin’s Ode To His
Lubyanka Home
(Tune to Home On The Range)
Oh, give me a home, where the Stalinists roam
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
How often at night, when the heavens were dark
With the light blocked out in the cells
Have I sat there amazed, and asked as I gazed
If Stalin had come back from the dead
Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
Then give me a land, where democracy’s sand
Flows leisurely down to the people
Where the graceful bells, of freedom ring out
From a church that has a tall steeple
Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
Oh, I would not exchange, my home for those cells
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
Home, home in Lubyanka
Where the KGB goons play all day
Where seldom is heard, a democratic word
And the skies are grim with decay
Home on the Range,
Totalitarian loon
Putin's Philosopher
Alexander Dugin, Russia’s poor man’s Friedrich Nietzsche, believes
the separatist struggle in East Ukraine has re-awakened the "Russian Empire
spirit." This is a so-called Russian ‘intellectual’ who has to grow a
beard to look like a philosopher, but fails miserably. He has an old-style
Stalin mouth, spouting fascist claptrap to the masses. No real brains, so he plays
to the visual media with his beard.
Alexander Dugin is the founder of Russia's
Eurasian movement and a darling of the moronic pseudo nationalist movements of
Europe and America. His only philosophy and the centrepiece of his geopolitical
theory is that Russia's mission is to challenge the US domination of the world. A cringingly
old style Soviet era anti-Americanism; this is Dugin’s great contribution to
Russian philosophy—this is the great thought.
The motive force throughout Russia’s notorious history has
been grabbing other people's lands, lands that don’t belong to them, building up the Tsarist Empire,
and later, in twisting Marx’s pathetic egalitarian drivel, and continuing the Empire
building process via a distorted socialism and the Soviet Union. A Union of
half-wits and grabby corrupt apparatchiks who climbed out of the mire of the rural farms and urban factories of Tsarist serfdom.
This is where the roots of Dugin’s great
philosophy come from—a profound anti-democraticism rooted in a history of totalitarianism.
Dugin, a Russian nationalist toilet thinker who has championed the annexation
of Crimea and Russian intervention in Ukraine, who is pleased Belarus has
knuckled down to Russian domination, and who would like to see the re-annexation
of the Baltic states, followed by Poland and the other former Soviet dominated
European nations like Hungary, Czechia and Bulgaria.
Dugin’s garbage is what is being fed
to the Russian population as a future, with full approval of his KGB master,
Putin. Alexander Dugin called for the annexation of Crimea as far
back as 2008, during Russia's war with Georgia. He travelled to the disputed
region of South Ossetia, where he was photographed posing with a rocket launcher, putting his two Russian fingers up at the Georgians.
Frankly, the only humane solution with a rabid dog, is to
put it out of its misery. With Dugin’s rabid philosophy, there can’t be any
other solution than to do the same. The world is tired of all these Genghis
Khans, Hitlers, Stalins and Napoleons.
Is this is what the Western European nationalist want for the rest of Europe? Dugin style nonsense?
Europe for the Europeans—yes, but without Putin’s crap, surely….or have this Nationalist lot gone simple minded?
Alexander Dugin,
crap philosophy,
Empire building,
Eurasian Movement,
European nationalists,
Sunday, 31 August 2014
European Union (EU) leaders
decided early Sunday 31/8/14, to give Russia one week to de-escalate the
Ukraine crisis, otherwise the bloc would impose tougher sanctions on Moscow,
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy told a news conference after a
special summit in Brussels. According to a draft statement from the summit, the
EU leaders were set to ask the European Commission and the EU's diplomatic
service "to urgently undertake preparatory work" on further sanctions
that could
be implemented if necessary.
EU sanctions,
European Commission,
Russian Empire,
Ukraine Invasion,
Friday, 29 August 2014
Никогда мы не будем
Никогда мы не будем братьями
ни по родине, ни по матери.
Духа нет у вас быть свободными –
нам не стать с вами даже сводными.
Вы себя окрестили “старшими” -
нам бы младшими, да не вашими.
Вас так много, а, жаль, безликие.
Вы огромные, мы – великие.
А вы жмете… вы всё маетесь,
своей завистью вы подавитесь.
Воля - слово вам незнакомое,
вы все с детства в цепи закованы.
У вас дома “молчанье – золото”,
а у нас жгут коктейли Молотова,
да, у нас в сердце кровь горячая,
что ж вы нам за “родня” незрячая?
А у нас всех глаза бесстрашные,
без оружия мы опасные.
Повзрослели и стали смелыми
все у снайперов под прицелами.
Нас каты на колени ставили –
мы восстали и всё исправили.
И зря прячутся крысы, молятся –
они кровью своей умоются.
Вам шлют новые указания –
а у нас тут огни восстания.
У вас Царь, у нас - Демократия.
Никогда мы не будем братьями.
Анастасия Дмитрук, 2014 год
We will never be brothers,
Neither by Fatherland, nor by mother.
You don’t have the spirit to be free,
You and us cannot be…even allies.
You’ve proclaimed yourself to be senior,
We may be younger…, but we’re not yours.
You are many but, what a pity, all so faceless,
You are big…, We are grand.
You keep pressing us, you keep drudging,
You will choke on your own envy.
Will—that word is unknown to you,
Ever since your childhood, you’ve been in chains.
At your place, “silence is golden,”
At ours, Molotov cocktails are burning.
Yes, the blood in our hearts is hot,
What are you to us? Blind “kinsfolk?”
Our eyes are fearless,
Unarmed we are still dangerous.
We have matured and become bold,
At the gunpoint of a sniper.
Executioners knocked us down on our knees,
But we have risen up and got even.
The rats aren’t running to hide for nothing,
They will bathe in their own blood.
You keep getting new orders,
We have flames of revolution burning here.
You have Tsar, we have Democracy,
We will never be brothers!
To the Fascist KGB Dictator-PUTIN!
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.