Saturday, 28 February 2015

Looking for the killer of Boris Nemtsov?

The media talks of some unidentified assassin? If Moscow police are looking for the killer of Boris Nemtsov, they should be heading straight to the Kremlin. That’s where the KILLER is! Surly it’s as obvious as the nose on your face.
Ignoring the fact that Putin is the killer is a farce. As for Putin claiming he’s ordered a search for the killer—hey thug, look in the mirror!

It's time this KGB thug was brought to justice for his horrendous crimes against humanity!

"The investigators' nonsensical theory about Islamist motives in the killing suits the Kremlin and takes Putin out of the firing line," Mr Yashin said on Twitter. He said he did not believe Mr Nemtsov's killers were from outside Russia, calling his murder "an act of terror to scare society". "I believe that the organisers of the murder are in Russia and I believe that they are in the Russian government," he added.

It’s the clearest indicator that NOBODY believes in the Kremlin attempt to mislead people by yet another propaganda stunt. History will rightly accuse Putin of having ordered Nemtsov’s murder.

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