Saturday, 7 February 2015

European Union’s Illusions And Its Soft Headed Money Grubbing Leaders

  • Hitler invaded and annexed the Rhineland in March 1936
  • Hitler invaded then annexed Austria in March 1938
  • He then went after the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia invading and annexing it in June 1938
  • The Sudetenland wasn’t enough, so in March 1939 Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia.
  • And in response to all this, we had Neville Chamberlain climbing out of a plane from Munich in September 1938, smiling and saying he’d managed to give us: ‘Peace in our time’
  • By August 1939 war had been declared as a result of trying to appease the out of control thug, Hitler. Millions of deaths and WWII later, the thug had his lesson and peace was restored.

  • Russian armed forces invaded and annexed Moldova’s Transnistria in 1992
  • Russian peacekeepers armed forces invaded and annexed Georgia’s Abkhazia in 1993
  • In keeping with his desire to reinvent the USSR, Putin invaded and annexed Georgia’s South Ossetia in 2008. EU’s response was a shrug.
  • Putin saw the poor response to his war mongering, so his ‘little green men’ infiltrated and annexed Crimea in 2014. Then a fixed referendum in March 2014 declared Crimea a Republic.
  • Putin’s infiltrators stirred up the Russian population of Donetsk and in 2014 annexed it as the puppet DNR with a fabricated poll in April 2014
  • Putin’s infiltrators continued and then stirred up the Russian population of Luhansk and in 2014 annexed it as the puppet LNR with another fabricated poll in April 2014
  • In May 2014 Putin announced the creation of Novorossiya to replace the LNR and DNR thus attempting to annex both Luhansk and Donetsk to Russia.

In the meantime, a dozy soft-headed Angela Merkel, backed by a lefty useless Hollande, both constantly looking for ways to appease Putin and get on with Germany’s and France’s desire to make money off of the Russians, are intent on another ‘Peace in our time’ effort—which as with all KGB thugs, is doomed to failure—but at a huge cost in lives.
As with Hitler, so with Putin—you can’t talk sensibly with thugs. There’s only one language both Hitler and Putin understand—that of force. A good kick up the backside usually sends the recipients brain back to where it should have been in the first place.
Nobody is asking for NATO soldiers to become involved—NO US soldiers or German or French soldiers are needed. All Ukraine needs is up-to-date weaponry to allow its own capable soldiers to fight the Russians back to their own international borders.

Appease Putin and start another European war.


Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk. WHO’S NEXT? Latvia, Estonia, all of Ukraine, then Moldova, followed by Georgia and Azerbaijan? Are the dozy Merkel and Hollande going to sit by and simply watch, getting irritated they can’t get at the Russian money?

The Lubyanka Thugs WARNS

Putin has warned the West against sending weapons to the Ukrainian government or putting pressure on Russia.
Putin warned on Monday that he will not be spoken to in the language of ultimatums.
Putin warns US, 'Don't arm Kiev'.
Putin would see US moves to arm Ukraine as declaration of war.
Putin says "all-out war" could result if the US supplies arms to the Ukrainian government in Kiev.

I wonder, will Washington take kindly to being warned OFF?
Clearly pacifist GERMANY will!


If you're dealing with PUTIN, it's pointless. You might as well be making peace agreements with the corpse of Genghis Khan. What's the point of talking to a closed mind filled with self-love. If you want to outmaneuver Putin, talk to a Japanese Judo master.

If Navalny was in power in Moscow, Russia would be a civilized state with democratic ambitions, but Putin would never allow that, and the docile brainwashed Russian people won't topple Putin.

Merkel, you moneygrubbing Oster, wake up and see some sense. No more MONEY from Russia. STOP being so greedy.
Arm the Ukraine!

All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.