Saturday, 13 November 2010


In a speech to APEC in Yokohama on Friday 12th, President Barack Hussein Obama called for surplus economies such as China, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, and Germany, to end reliance on exports for growth. “For too long many countries oriented their economies toward producing for export,” he proclaimed (does he also mean Columbia, I wonder), “rather than consuming at home—counting on the United States to import more of their goods and services than they bought of ours.”

This is rich coming from America which for the best part of the 20th Century until 1984, made its wealth by exporting coca cola, junk food, agriculture, cars, wall street, deadly tobacco products, cheap films, computers, pharmaceuticals, aircraft, and massive amounts of arms to people who could least afford it. While the money was coming in, NO US President complained to a world forum that they were raking it in at other’s expense. Now we suddenly have these crocodile tears.

In 1999 Clinton claimed that the US Government budget surplus would be $1,000bn (£600bn) higher than previously planned over the next decade and a half. The government's coffers were supposed to have been boosted by the strong economy, which then was supposed to have registered nine straight years of economic growth—the longest peacetime boom in history. The Clinton administration further said it wanted to use the budget surplus to pay off the entire $3,700bn national debt by 2015.

By 2001 the national debt was $5.7 trillion and little sign of any “pay off.” We are now in 2010 and the US budget has a deficit of some $13,000bn—thanks to the CR card mentality of both the US government and its people. On January 28, 2010, the US debt ceiling was raised further to $14.3 trillion dollars. Only the banks are smiling. It is a “Las Vegas” country which spends, spends, and spends again—all on credit. Every facet of the US economy is in trouble, barring the huge porn industry, Wall St. and arms peddling. It is hedonism gone berserk. Now Hussein Obama complains that people are making money from America, rather than as it used to be, America gouging out money from the rest of the world. When America was getting fat on its exports, where were the complaints?

Public debt $13.2 trillion (July 2010) 88% of GDP. As of 2009 US households, businesses, and governments owed some $50.7 trillion of debt, representing more than 3.5 times the annual gross domestic product of the United States. It is a country fiscally out of control.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Because of the Loon below I am vehemently against Islam

Not if we fight back. Even the smallest western country is militarily a lot stronger than all of Islam put together

Created by a nasty paedophile and hate filled self-styled Prophet and omnipotent lunatic called Mohamed

Lets just be clear---the Muslims want to destroy the West---and WE DO NEED TO FIGHT TO PROTECT our culture
Enough of this Islamic stealth invasion of the West

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

William Hague still shows little signs of any definitive persuasions of his own. He hires people to tell him what to wear, what to think—just as he has speech writers to tell him what to say.

Thus it is that a Bosnian Muslim, Arminka Helic, formerly Chief of Staff to the soft minded Liberal Paddy Ashdown, has become Hague’s Chief of Staff. As a consequence, instead of following a pro Israel line, which is in the Conservative Party’s best interests, Hague now favours the Arab Palestinian cause, trailing in the footsteps of the Labour Party. To be fair, historically the gays at the F.O. has always been soft on Islam—for services rendered, one presumes.

Prior to Helic’s influence, Hague instinctively sided with Israel, but with the 21 member Arab League increasingly pressurising the international community, he’s taken the line of least resistance and taken the easy way out by listening to Arminka Helic’s twisted Muslim advice.

The Civil Service has been heavily stacked with non-English immigrants and has been shown time and again to do few favours to the English or their cultural heritage. Just one example amongst many: Nigerians working for Immigration in Reading have corrupted the service on behalf of their own country people by allowing long stay visas when they should not have done. The tip of the iceberg.

Muslim Arminka Halic favours her coreligionists in Palestine—and that surely is an obvious scenario—but is it in the interests of Britain? NO!

Isn’t it enough that the whole of the Labour Party supports Islamic expansion in Britain without the Conservative Party following the Labour Party line.

Muslims advising on Britain’s Foreign Policy; a Muslim as Conservative Party Chair. The Conservative Muslim Forum, led by Mohamed Iltaf Sheikh, which has William Hague on its committee, wrote a report An Unquiet World: A Response which wants the British history curriculum taught in schools to be changed to favour Muslims, wants Muslim extremist preachers allowed to preach here in Britain, and wants British relations with Israel to be distanced because it could "damage Britain’s relationships with 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, including those in Britain,” and also calls on the Conservative Party to be more sympathetic towards Iran's nuclear ambitions, in contravention to UN resolutions.

Melanie Philips, a columnist for the Daily Mail and Spectator magazine, has said of its report An Unquiet World: A Response, that, "The recent paper written for the Tories by the Conservative Muslim Forum is a deeply troubling document. Set up to provide a dialogue with Britain’s Muslims and advise on tackling Islamist extremism, the group merely demonstrated depressingly that it shares many of the culturally belligerent attitudes driving that extremism."

Nile Gardiner in the National Review Online criticized the same report, suggesting that it "openly appeases Islamic radicalism." Gardiner said in the same article that, "The establishment of the Conservative Muslim Forum is a dangerous flirtation with Islamic extremism that should be brought to an end."

A. Millar in The Brussels Journal has remarked, "A radical form of Islam is on the rise in Britain. It is facilitated by sharia courts, and, in my personal opinion, by the Conservative Muslim Forum."

It would seem I’m not alone to think the Conservatives have got their attitude to Islam somewhat skewed the wrong way. Time will tell—but by then it will be too late.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

In 2009 a group of British doctors—including Michael Powers, a physician, barrister, and former coroner; and Julian Blon, a Professor of intensive care medicine argued that the ulnar artery is small and difficult to access, and severing it would NOT have triggered sufficient blood loss to cause death, particularly when outside in the cold (where vasoconstriction would cause slow blood loss). Moreover, the minimal amount of blood found at the scene suggested blood loss was not the cause of death. This challenged Lord Hutton's official verdict, arguing that the cause of Kelly’s death was untenable and unproven.

Dave Bartlett and Vanessa Hunt, the two paramedics who were called to the scene of Kelly's death, have since gone public with their that there was not enough blood at the scene of his death to justify the belief that he died from blood loss. Bartlett and Hunt were adamant that they saw a small amount of blood on plants near Kelly's body and a patch of blood the size of a coin on his trousers. They said they would expect to find several pints of blood at the scene of a suicide involving an arterial cut.

The same group of eminent doctors also contended that the amount of co-proxamol found in Dr Kelly (29 tablets) was only about a third of what would normally be fatal.

  • Finally, the most sinister finding of all: On 15 October 2007, it was discovered, through a Freedom of Information request, that the knife with which Kelly committed suicide had no fingerprints on it.

After Dr Kelly’s death, his computer hard drive had been wiped remotely. Nothing of Kelly’s work should have been classified. For it to have been outwardly convincing, it should all have been transparent—but then one can’t manipulate transparent findings, can one?

Instead of allowing an inquest to proceed by the Oxfordshire Coroner, Nicholas Gardiner, as would be usual, Tony Blair's government set up the obfuscational Hutton Inquiry, a public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death, so that the findings could be controlled by Blair’s corrupt government.

In January 2010, Lord Hutton controversially ordered that all files and evidence relating to the post-mortem, including the post-mortem report and photographs of the body, remain secret for 70 years. Baron Hutton, of Bresagh in the County of Downwhat have you got to hide?

In July 2010 a former KGB agent Boris Karpichkov said he was told by Intelligence contacts that Kelly had been "exterminated" and his death made to look like suicide.

During the Hutton inquiry, the British ambassador to the conference on disarmament in Geneva, David Broucher, reported a conversation with Dr Kelly at a Geneva meeting in February 2003. Broucher related that Kelly said he had assured his Iraqi sources that there would be no war if they co-operated, and that a war would put him in an "ambiguous" moral position. Broucher had asked Kelly what would happen if Iraq were invaded, and Kelly had replied, "I will probably be found dead in the woods."

Dr Kelly’s self-prophesy should be in the realm of outlandish fiction; unfortunately someone has chosen to translate them into fact—contrary to the usually accepted norms of ethics and morality. That person or persons unknown should be held to account!

Cynical Dysfunctional UK Policy

Britain’s politics seems to be aimed at destroying all of British indigenous culture. Brown encouraged Muslim immigrants so they could vote and keep a Labour government permanently in power (and failed)—now Cameron is helping the US to undermine the EU by extending EU borders to Iraq and Iran by supporting Turkey’s EU application.

Turkey is NOT European, has NO links to Europe’s culture, and is NOT in Europe—so why the hell would Europeans invite these Asiatic invaders into Europe. Its irrational but yet follows the self-destructive ‘Internationalist Principle.’

One can see why the US would want to destabilise a strong Europe where a Euro currency outperforms the dollar at every level, and a EU population and economy is twice the size of the US. But why would a conservative PM help to destroy the EU by encouraging 72 million extra Muslims to join the EU? The US seems to be saddled with a crackpot Republican Palin while the UK is now led by a Muslim defending wet conservative PM and whose installed a Muslim as Conservative Party Chairperson. I’d like to blame this lunacy on the Liberals, but I fear it is all Cameron’s own work—influenced no doubt by his bosom-pal, Turkish loving Boris Johnson. WHERE ARE THE CONSERVATIVE DEFENDERS OF BRITAIN? Seemingly only the BNP is aware of the danger to Britain, and they are unelectable.

What it boils down to—is that Britain in 50 years will have Sharia law instead of British law and be a member of an Islamic Europe, if the Muslim birth figures are any indicator. All thanks to wet permissive thinking that is now ubiquitous throughout Europe and the US.

Crap Political Correctness, Misguided Human Rights, Pernicious Soft Lefty policies followed even by the conservatives, leading to an eventual demise of European culture. The devious mendacious Muslims are playing the dogma ridden Europeans for very high stakes—and seemingly winning. RIP to EU.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

This site wholeheartedly supports British Armed Forces Day
It is a response to those loathsome Muslim immigrants who protest against the British Armed Forces and who should never have been let in to this country by Labour, and really need to be evicted from the UK ASP!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Wherever there is TERRORISM—you sure to find a PAKISTANI!
Vis-a-vie New York, Times Square, 1/5/2010—Faisal Shahzad, 30
All the London bombings! Mumbai! et al

The totalitarian Paki Government nurtured the extremists with the intention of using them to fight India in Kashmir and the Punjab. The Government used their Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (also Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI) as its controlling agent, yet the terrorists subverted the ISI to their own agenda.

The Government thought it could control the terrorists but these same extremists have now turned round and kicked the same Government in the teeth. In the political turmoil that is totalitarian Pakistan, the extremists almost controlled the capital until the Government took jurisdiction of the Red Mosque. The Government has lost control of the Afghan border regions and the civil war is now in full swing. Wherever you find a Pakistani—treat him as a fanatical Islamic terrorist before all else.

Let it be a lesson to ALL Islamic Governments who think they can use the extremists as a tool to spread Arabism—because that is what Islam is—the spread of an Arab cancer in the world. Simple minded people delude themselves that Islam is a religion like Christianity. It isn’t! It’s a vehicle for a land grab by the Arabs. Ask the Copts of Egypt! Ask the Berbers of North Africa! Ask the Assyrians in Iraq and Syria! Look at history! Look at the 54 countries of the Arab League! Europe needs to learn before it’s too late!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

The unelected spinned PM whose disastrous spell is coming to an end

All the clapped out spin coming from his weird PR wife!

Good riddance to the Commie Harriet Harman and her lot!

Good riddance to the Expenses Fiddlers!

Hello to the New Expenses Fiddlers!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Oferuje kondolencje po tragicznej śmierci Lecha i Marii Kaczyńskich oraz wszystkich 96 pasażerów prezydenckiego samolotu TU-154, który rozbił się wczoraj na lotnisku pod Smoleńskiem.

Condolences for the tragic death of Lech and Maria Kaczyński and all the 96 passengers on the President’s aeroplane TU-154, which crashed yesterday near the Smolensk aerodrome.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Catholic priest’s abuse of children in Canada, United States, Mexico, Latin America, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Philippines, etc is endemic——the list is endless where Catholic priests abuse children. The CC is almost bankrupt in the US paying out compensation. The scandal has only just begun—and the Pope’s answer—“join me in prayer.” It’s the same answer that was given by the Catalan Pope Alexander VI while he fornicated with his mistresses. “Join me in prayer” while you pay for your indulgences. “Join me in prayer” while I torture you for heresy.

In the past such a scandal has always been brushed under the carpet with gagging orders, and then quietly ignored. NOT this time—the long reach of the Internet won’t allow it!

Latest-2/4/2010: The head of Germany's Roman Catholic bishops, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg said, in an unusually forthright Good Friday statement, that the church in the pope’s homeland had failed to help victims of clerical sex abuse because it wanted to protect its reputation, leaving the church with "sadness, horror and shame," he said.

Now YOU have it from the horses mouth. The Church is more SELFISHLY concerned with ITSELF than with its parishioners, or SEX ABUSE VICTIMS.
Would you buy a used car from this Pope?

The head of new German task-force on Sex Abuse Prevention, Elke Huemmeler, set up to deal with abuse by Roman Catholic priests in the Pope's former archdiocese in Munich, said the group had been overwhelmed by a "tsunami" of sex abuse claims. Fresh claims emerged that Benedict XVI failed to do enough to safeguard children from paedophile priests when, as Joseph Ratzinger, he was the archbishop of Munich from 1977 to 1982.

New reports have emerged almost daily of sex abuse cases involving Catholic clergy in several European countries. Around 100 of the claims involve a boarding school run by Benedictine monks at Ettal, in the foothills of the Alps in southern Bavaria. The sex abuse scandal, which has also swept through the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland, reached Italy this week. The Bishop of Bolzano, in northern Italy, asked forgiveness from the growing number of people in his diocese who have come forward in the last 10 days saying they were abused in religious institutions in the 1960s. Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, who also heads the German Bishops Conference, said that "sexual abuse was covered up for centuries by the church." The tip of the iceberg.

How many of the kids standing behind the 3 frustrated old men at the front, have been molested by them?
According to the Irish, 1 in 4.

Would I let a child of mine near the Catholic Church? Not a chance in Hell!

Celibacy = frustration = paedophilia.
Celibacy was originally designed to mentally control the priests, monks and nuns—but it has backfired in a huge way. Benedictines, Capuchins, Jesuits et al are all involved in producing dysfunctional holier than thou hypocrites. Even the church hierarchy accepts that celibacy is psychologically dysfunctional with Archbishop Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, calling for a debate on celibacy. There is NO reason for a priest to be celibate, vis a vie the Orthodox Church, whose priests are allowed to marry and live healthy sexual lives.

Recruiting Priests have always looked for the vulnerable and dysfunctional to join the priesthood, those that don’t fit into normal society. The single parent child, the gay, the disillusioned, the orphan. So is it any wonder that they then produce dysfunctional priests? The Vatican has always insisted that its brainwashing methods are par to none. That they can remould any dysfunction, can straighten out any problem and eventually produce a functional priest. Clearly they delude themselves—but then they are experts at delusions. Deluding the public with their 3 in 1 ‘mysteries’ their bizarre saints and miracles. Deluding themselves that in the current state of society they can control the abused with ‘silence clauses’. The Vatican deludes itself that the Bull they’ve put out on this scandal will ameliorate catholic society at large.

Power hungry Cardinals living in the past still think they are ‘princes’ of the church and the Pope is their absolute infallible king. There is nothing so pathetic in the twenty-first century as these kinds of monarchical self delusions. Thus the churches empty and people learn that God is the ultimate delusion perpetrated by the Vatican in pursuit of power. Thus it is with all organised religion!

Pope Benedict's apology:

Dear brothers and sisters of the Church of Ireland,
It is with great concern that I write to you as Pastor of the universal Church. Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To the victims of abuse and their families:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To priests and religious who have abused children:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To parents:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To the children and young people of Ireland:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To the priests and religious of Ireland:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To my brother bishops:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

To all the faithful of Ireland:
Blah….blah….blah…. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah….. blah….. blah….. blah…… blah…… blah…… blah

I hope I’ve covered it all! With great ‘affection’ and unswerving ‘confidence’ in ‘God's promises,’ I cordially impart to all of you my ‘Apostolic Blessing’ as a pledge of strength and ‘peace’ in the Lord.
(infallible) Pope Benedict XVIthe buck stops here!

PS In place of Ireland you may substitute Canada, United States, Germany etc.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Muhammad and Allah the Moon god,
His three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat,
and the Ka’bah temple with the black meteorite stone in Makkah
An insight into Islam’s pagan origins and redressing some of the nonsense talked about Islam by so called Muslim “Scholars”.

A crescent in honour of the all powerful moon god Al-lah Hubal in the Ka’bah Temple

For more than three millennia before Islam, polytheism had been part of the psyche of the Bedouin Arabs who inhabited the Arabian Peninsula. Before Islam was founded, the Arabs worshipped some 360 gods and goddesses throughout the Peninsula, and due to the clarity of the Arabian night sky, the moon god was paramount.

Seven of these gods in the form of stones were housed in the small Ka’bah, a cube shaped room cared for by the Qurayshi tribe in Makkah, a large oasis near the Red Sea, and who made themselves rich charging an entrance fee to the temple for all the pilgrims and worshipers. Al-lah—is a generic name meaning “the god” and for the Qurayshi tribe this means Hubal the moon god. Allah and Hubal are one and the same. “The god Hubal.”

In addition to the moon god who was only one of the many god stones, the Ka’bah also contained Al-lah’s daughter stones, al-Uzza (Strong-goddess of the morning star and the patron goddess of Makkah), al-Lat (a cube white stone -goddess and judge of the afterlife - Jahannum), and Manat (goddess of fate). These goddesses stones were looked upon as daughters of Al-lah Hubal—and lay in the Ka’bah on a shelf along with male god stones like Shams and Dhu-shara. Al-lah is a contraction of the Arabic definite article “al-” = “the” and “ilāh” = “deity, god” giving “al-lāh”.

Long before Muhammad was born, Al-lah was the Qurayshi tribe’s pagan moon god who lived in a black meteorite—a rock that fell from the sky. The relationship between Muhammad, the Ka’bah (cube) and the Al-lah stone begins around 570 AD when Muhammad was born. Muhammad’s father, Abdallah, was the custodian of the small cube shaped temple called the Ka’bah which housed the various rock/pebble deities. Abdallah is conjugated from Abd-allah (Abdullah), meaning ‘slave to Allah.’

Having lost his father, the orphan Mohammad wanted to venerate his father’s memory and to honour this, Mohammad chose the Allah stone among the many pre-Islamic Arab deities—to be the only divine being to be worshipped by the Muslims. It could have been any of the other pre-Islamic Arab male deities such as Hubal, Bēl, Bēl-Šamīn, Abgal, Aglibol, Wadd, and Yaghūth (the last two are in fact referred to in the Qur’an (71:23) as gods of the era of the Prophet Noah). Instead, now it is that black pagan Allah stone that sits on the top of the current Ka’bah—the most exalted of all the Islamic idols.

Muhammad’s Al-lah is the apex of this great monotheistic religion, which began life as a pagan moon rock, and was just one among hundreds of god-rocks. The rock in which Al-lah, the moon god lived, had three daughters—these pebbles were named al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manat.

Mohammad felt so dejected, so tired of constantly being harassed by the pagan rock worshipers of the oasis of Makkah after he invented his new religion, that one day, he told the Makkahns that it was all right to worship the other pagan pebble goddesses in addition to the meteorite moon god, Al-lah. Peace and harmony reigned after this pronouncement since his Qurayshi tribe no longer saw Mohammad’s new religion as a threat to their golden goose of charging entrance fees into the small Ka’bah temple to venerate the meteorite.

Afterwards, when he degenerated into a paedophile, when he had sex with 9 year old Aisha (Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad), Muhammad claims he made a mistake. He later insists Satan got to him, and went on to call his earlier pronouncements ‘Satanic Verses.’ He had these verses expunged from his new plagiarised Qur’an (from Qurrah which means to collect). I’m of the opinion Satan, not angels, dictated the whole of the Qur’an while Mohammad was having his epileptic fits. Mohammad’s epileptic fits were said to be behind his hallucinations that an angel spoke to him revealing the Qur’an. This is the Qur’an that has huge chunks from the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Bible inserted in it—with the remainder coming from the tortured epileptic mind of Muhammad.

A few snippets from the book of peace; the Qur’an (tell your friends):-
• “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made the one superior to the other...” (Qur’an 4:34)
• “Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters (The non-Muslims) wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush” (Al-Taubah, IX: 5)
• “Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute” (Al-Taubah IX: 29)
• “The worst of beasts in Allah’s sight are the ungrateful, who will not believe” (Al-Anfaal: 55)
• “Oh ye who believe! The non-Muslims are unclean” (Al-Taubah: 17) but “Eat of what you have taken as booty, such is lawful and good” (Al-Anfaal, VIII: 70)
• “Oh believers, do not treat your fathers and mothers as your friends, if they prefer unbelief to belief, whosoever of you takes them for friends, they are evil-doers” (Al-Taubah: 20)
• “Certainly, Allah is an enemy to the unbelievers” (Al-Baqara: II: 90)
• “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Al-Taubah: 123)

• Did the Qur’an at one point tell Muslims to worship al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat? Yes! In Surah 53:19-20. Have those verses been “abrogated” (expunged) out of the present Qur’an? Yes. Were they called “The Satanic Verses.” Yes!

The reason why Muslims rush onto the streets screaming and shouting at anyone who questions either Mohammad or his savage Qur’an is because neither stand up to scholarly scrutiny without ridicule being poured on both. Islam’s response to all sensible questions about their “religion” is the knife, sword, the gun, and the bomb. Kill the infidel so he can’t ask the questions. Jihad! Kill his wife and children—kill, kill, kill!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Iran’s Contemptuous Nuclear Game with the West

Iran is playing the West like some cheap fiddle—and has managed to drag out its confrontation for well over 13 years, giving it plenty of time to develop its ambition to produce nuclear weapons. In 1996 the omnipotent Ayatollahs determined to build Atomic Weapons and a delivery system. To this end, with Russian, Chinese and North Korean help, they’ve built long range ballistic missiles such as the Fajr-3 (MIRV) and Shahab-3, to deliver the nuclear warheads that are under development. All protestations to the contrary are pointless mind games intended to delay sanctions.

On January 29, 2002 U.S. President George W. Bush gave his "Axis of evil" speech, and 7 years later the current putty brained softies in Washington have done sod all, simply allowing this Iranian mind game to continue.

Washington blames the Russians and Chinese for not being tougher, but the US shows NO signs of ramming the Iranians with their own hefty sanctions, nor of insisting others join it—or else. In the Cold War there was an effective embargo on Russia and China and it was enforced.

It would seem the will has gone out of the US to behave like the superpower it likes to project itself as being to the international community at large. If ever there was a loony rogue state then surely Iran is worthy of that title. Prevaricating and putting off the heavy sanctions is just encouraging this theocratic dictatorship to continue as if the US was simply an irritating fly.

Play games softly with any of the Muslims and the West will eventually regret it.

I’m of the opinion that the EU is past saving but maybe the US is still just barely able to pull itself together. Dump the loony lefties, and begin to play hardball, or end up like the EU—run by the soft loony lefties.
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.