Muhammad and Allah the Moon god,
His three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat,
and the Ka’bah temple with the black meteorite stone in Makkah
His three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat,
and the Ka’bah temple with the black meteorite stone in Makkah
An insight into Islam’s pagan origins and redressing some of the nonsense talked about Islam by so called Muslim “Scholars”.
A crescent in honour of the all powerful moon god Al-lah Hubal in the Ka’bah Temple
For more than three millennia before Islam, polytheism had been part of the psyche of the Bedouin Arabs who inhabited the Arabian Peninsula. Before Islam was founded, the Arabs worshipped some 360 gods and goddesses throughout the Peninsula, and due to the clarity of the Arabian night sky, the moon god was paramount.
Seven of these gods in the form of stones were housed in the small Ka’bah, a cube shaped room cared for by the Qurayshi tribe in Makkah, a large oasis near the Red Sea, and who made themselves rich charging an entrance fee to the temple for all the pilgrims and worshipers. Al-lah—is a generic name meaning “the god” and for the Qurayshi tribe this means Hubal the moon god. Allah and Hubal are one and the same. “The god Hubal.”
In addition to the moon god who was only one of the many god stones, the Ka’bah also contained Al-lah’s daughter stones, al-Uzza (Strong-goddess of the morning star and the patron goddess of Makkah), al-Lat (a cube white stone -goddess and judge of the afterlife - Jahannum), and Manat (goddess of fate). These goddesses stones were looked upon as daughters of Al-lah Hubal—and lay in the Ka’bah on a shelf along with male god stones like Shams and Dhu-shara. Al-lah is a contraction of the Arabic definite article “al-” = “the” and “ilāh” = “deity, god” giving “al-lāh”.
Long before Muhammad was born, Al-lah was the Qurayshi tribe’s pagan moon god who lived in a black meteorite—a rock that fell from the sky. The relationship between Muhammad, the Ka’bah (cube) and the Al-lah stone begins around 570 AD when Muhammad was born. Muhammad’s father, Abdallah, was the custodian of the small cube shaped temple called the Ka’bah which housed the various rock/pebble deities. Abdallah is conjugated from Abd-allah (Abdullah), meaning ‘slave to Allah.’
Having lost his father, the orphan Mohammad wanted to venerate his father’s memory and to honour this, Mohammad chose the Allah stone among the many pre-Islamic Arab deities—to be the only divine being to be worshipped by the Muslims. It could have been any of the other pre-Islamic Arab male deities such as Hubal, Bēl, Bēl-Šamīn, Abgal, Aglibol, Wadd, and Yaghūth (the last two are in fact referred to in the Qur’an (71:23) as gods of the era of the Prophet Noah). Instead, now it is that black pagan Allah stone that sits on the top of the current Ka’bah—the most exalted of all the Islamic idols.
Muhammad’s Al-lah is the apex of this great monotheistic religion, which began life as a pagan moon rock, and was just one among hundreds of god-rocks. The rock in which Al-lah, the moon god lived, had three daughters—these pebbles were named al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manat.
Mohammad felt so dejected, so tired of constantly being harassed by the pagan rock worshipers of the oasis of Makkah after he invented his new religion, that one day, he told the Makkahns that it was all right to worship the other pagan pebble goddesses in addition to the meteorite moon god, Al-lah. Peace and harmony reigned after this pronouncement since his Qurayshi tribe no longer saw Mohammad’s new religion as a threat to their golden goose of charging entrance fees into the small Ka’bah temple to venerate the meteorite.
Afterwards, when he degenerated into a paedophile, when he had sex with 9 year old Aisha (Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad), Muhammad claims he made a mistake. He later insists Satan got to him, and went on to call his earlier pronouncements ‘Satanic Verses.’ He had these verses expunged from his new plagiarised Qur’an (from Qurrah which means to collect). I’m of the opinion Satan, not angels, dictated the whole of the Qur’an while Mohammad was having his epileptic fits. Mohammad’s epileptic fits were said to be behind his hallucinations that an angel spoke to him revealing the Qur’an. This is the Qur’an that has huge chunks from the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Bible inserted in it—with the remainder coming from the tortured epileptic mind of Muhammad.
A few snippets from the book of peace; the Qur’an (tell your friends):-Seven of these gods in the form of stones were housed in the small Ka’bah, a cube shaped room cared for by the Qurayshi tribe in Makkah, a large oasis near the Red Sea, and who made themselves rich charging an entrance fee to the temple for all the pilgrims and worshipers. Al-lah—is a generic name meaning “the god” and for the Qurayshi tribe this means Hubal the moon god. Allah and Hubal are one and the same. “The god Hubal.”
In addition to the moon god who was only one of the many god stones, the Ka’bah also contained Al-lah’s daughter stones, al-Uzza (Strong-goddess of the morning star and the patron goddess of Makkah), al-Lat (a cube white stone -goddess and judge of the afterlife - Jahannum), and Manat (goddess of fate). These goddesses stones were looked upon as daughters of Al-lah Hubal—and lay in the Ka’bah on a shelf along with male god stones like Shams and Dhu-shara. Al-lah is a contraction of the Arabic definite article “al-” = “the” and “ilāh” = “deity, god” giving “al-lāh”.
Long before Muhammad was born, Al-lah was the Qurayshi tribe’s pagan moon god who lived in a black meteorite—a rock that fell from the sky. The relationship between Muhammad, the Ka’bah (cube) and the Al-lah stone begins around 570 AD when Muhammad was born. Muhammad’s father, Abdallah, was the custodian of the small cube shaped temple called the Ka’bah which housed the various rock/pebble deities. Abdallah is conjugated from Abd-allah (Abdullah), meaning ‘slave to Allah.’
Having lost his father, the orphan Mohammad wanted to venerate his father’s memory and to honour this, Mohammad chose the Allah stone among the many pre-Islamic Arab deities—to be the only divine being to be worshipped by the Muslims. It could have been any of the other pre-Islamic Arab male deities such as Hubal, Bēl, Bēl-Šamīn, Abgal, Aglibol, Wadd, and Yaghūth (the last two are in fact referred to in the Qur’an (71:23) as gods of the era of the Prophet Noah). Instead, now it is that black pagan Allah stone that sits on the top of the current Ka’bah—the most exalted of all the Islamic idols.
Muhammad’s Al-lah is the apex of this great monotheistic religion, which began life as a pagan moon rock, and was just one among hundreds of god-rocks. The rock in which Al-lah, the moon god lived, had three daughters—these pebbles were named al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manat.
Mohammad felt so dejected, so tired of constantly being harassed by the pagan rock worshipers of the oasis of Makkah after he invented his new religion, that one day, he told the Makkahns that it was all right to worship the other pagan pebble goddesses in addition to the meteorite moon god, Al-lah. Peace and harmony reigned after this pronouncement since his Qurayshi tribe no longer saw Mohammad’s new religion as a threat to their golden goose of charging entrance fees into the small Ka’bah temple to venerate the meteorite.
Afterwards, when he degenerated into a paedophile, when he had sex with 9 year old Aisha (Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad), Muhammad claims he made a mistake. He later insists Satan got to him, and went on to call his earlier pronouncements ‘Satanic Verses.’ He had these verses expunged from his new plagiarised Qur’an (from Qurrah which means to collect). I’m of the opinion Satan, not angels, dictated the whole of the Qur’an while Mohammad was having his epileptic fits. Mohammad’s epileptic fits were said to be behind his hallucinations that an angel spoke to him revealing the Qur’an. This is the Qur’an that has huge chunks from the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Bible inserted in it—with the remainder coming from the tortured epileptic mind of Muhammad.
• “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made the one superior to the other...” (Qur’an 4:34)
• “Then, when the sacred months are drawn away, slay the idolaters (The non-Muslims) wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush” (Al-Taubah, IX: 5)
• “Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute” (Al-Taubah IX: 29)
• “The worst of beasts in Allah’s sight are the ungrateful, who will not believe” (Al-Anfaal: 55)
• “Oh ye who believe! The non-Muslims are unclean” (Al-Taubah: 17) but “Eat of what you have taken as booty, such is lawful and good” (Al-Anfaal, VIII: 70)
• “Oh believers, do not treat your fathers and mothers as your friends, if they prefer unbelief to belief, whosoever of you takes them for friends, they are evil-doers” (Al-Taubah: 20)
• “Certainly, Allah is an enemy to the unbelievers” (Al-Baqara: II: 90)
• “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Al-Taubah: 123)
• Did the Qur’an at one point tell Muslims to worship al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat? Yes! In Surah 53:19-20. Have those verses been “abrogated” (expunged) out of the present Qur’an? Yes. Were they called “The Satanic Verses.” Yes!
The reason why Muslims rush onto the streets screaming and shouting at anyone who questions either Mohammad or his savage Qur’an is because neither stand up to scholarly scrutiny without ridicule being poured on both. Islam’s response to all sensible questions about their “religion” is the knife, sword, the gun, and the bomb. Kill the infidel so he can’t ask the questions. Jihad! Kill his wife and children—kill, kill, kill!