Sunday, 22 August 2010

Cynical Dysfunctional UK Policy

Britain’s politics seems to be aimed at destroying all of British indigenous culture. Brown encouraged Muslim immigrants so they could vote and keep a Labour government permanently in power (and failed)—now Cameron is helping the US to undermine the EU by extending EU borders to Iraq and Iran by supporting Turkey’s EU application.

Turkey is NOT European, has NO links to Europe’s culture, and is NOT in Europe—so why the hell would Europeans invite these Asiatic invaders into Europe. Its irrational but yet follows the self-destructive ‘Internationalist Principle.’

One can see why the US would want to destabilise a strong Europe where a Euro currency outperforms the dollar at every level, and a EU population and economy is twice the size of the US. But why would a conservative PM help to destroy the EU by encouraging 72 million extra Muslims to join the EU? The US seems to be saddled with a crackpot Republican Palin while the UK is now led by a Muslim defending wet conservative PM and whose installed a Muslim as Conservative Party Chairperson. I’d like to blame this lunacy on the Liberals, but I fear it is all Cameron’s own work—influenced no doubt by his bosom-pal, Turkish loving Boris Johnson. WHERE ARE THE CONSERVATIVE DEFENDERS OF BRITAIN? Seemingly only the BNP is aware of the danger to Britain, and they are unelectable.

What it boils down to—is that Britain in 50 years will have Sharia law instead of British law and be a member of an Islamic Europe, if the Muslim birth figures are any indicator. All thanks to wet permissive thinking that is now ubiquitous throughout Europe and the US.

Crap Political Correctness, Misguided Human Rights, Pernicious Soft Lefty policies followed even by the conservatives, leading to an eventual demise of European culture. The devious mendacious Muslims are playing the dogma ridden Europeans for very high stakes—and seemingly winning. RIP to EU.
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