The manipulation of this law by the unscrupulous is undermining the rule of Law itself. Criminals, terrorists, and now the pirates—when are the lawmakers going to see sense? All three latter categories can only misuse this law while it is in force—and thus I argue; it needs to be suspended for these latter categories.
The precursor to the current Human Rights laws was by the French National Assembly when it drafted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen): Adopted in 1789. The latter laws were constructed to prevent the despicable abuses of the Aristocracy perpetrated against the poor. The Declaration was a step in the transition of France from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional state.
Following WWII the UN invited Eleanor Roosevelt to head a UN commission which wrote and adopted in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has become the moral backbone of the UN and an aspiration for the world.
There are now more than two hundred human rights instruments that are now a part of the laws of various countries of the world, however, these two hundred human rights instruments have now been themselves abused by terrorists, criminals, and now pirates, aided by the legal vultures, to make a mockery of the original principles. Loopholes, tricks, prevarications and wide scale misuse of these laws are an industry for the legal vultures out to make money. I say again; for the convicted criminals, terrorists and pirates, these laws MUST be suspended so that the law enforcers can do their job effectively.
Why waste Taxpayers money to send an Anti Pirate Task Force to Somalia and then shackle their hands with prissy Human Rights?