A disgusting cynical ploy by Darling and Brown is going to add £180 billion of debt to the UK economy by trying to con people, who are already over consuming, to spend more money—they don’t have. Has Brown or Darling ever heard of the word—savings? That’s what people should be doing in a recession—not worrying about deflation or saving this Labour government’s arse.
“You can’t spend your way out of a recession,” was something James Callaghan, a previous Labour Prime Minister seemed to have taken to heart, and it was even a mantra Brown used to put out in his sane days—under Blair. Now suddenly the ex-Trotskyite Chancellor Darling, and the dim-witted spinner, Gordon Brown, are pushing for the population’s approval by seemingly giving away money—hoping no one will notice that this incontinent spending spree will have to be paid for later on with a whopping big tax hike.
The US Government officially owes $10 trillion (real figure is $53 trillion) in public debt and still seems to be spending as if there were no tomorrow. Who is going to pay for it? Iceland has gone bankrupt—and the US is going the same way. Fiscally canny China owns a huge chunk of the US Government debt and so do the Arabs. They will want paying.
Now this fiscally irresponsible UK Government is hiking up UK public debt to fantasy levels—while someone is going to have to pay for this irresponsible behaviour. Officially, the UK debt is £536.5 billion—but unofficially it is £1,847.5 billion when the PFI, public sector pensions, and all the other debts are added. Guess who is going to pick up the bill—yep, the taxpaying population. As a Scot, Gordon Brown is the worst example of fiscal probity that it is possible to come across—and he is giving the Scots a bad name. Roll on the next General Election.