Friday, 28 November 2008

In Sympathy With the People of Mumbai

Operation success-

A National Security Guard commando shows the victory sign from a window of the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai on Saturday, moments after the siege of the hotel ended.

We Must Reject Islam Whenever We Can!
It is a nasty filthy pseudo religion with no respect for life.
The World must force Muslims to deal with their terrorists if they want respect from the World community. Muslims---Clean your House Up!

From an online post by an Indian Muslim, saying that the only way to avoid Islam being condemned, “is for the Muslims in India to police their own? All too often, it’s an ‘open secret’ in our communities as to which elements among us support such things, and unless we clamp down on our own extremists, I think it’s awfully hard to cry foul when the backlash begins.”

Yet whilst the Koran contains such outrageous invocations as below, to the faithful, I can’t see any accommodation with Islam, nor any change in their approach to others.

From the Koran:

“Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in God, or in the last day, and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and who profess not the profession of the truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled.” Sura 9:29

From the Koran:

“Say to the infidels: If they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven them, but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God’s. If they desist, verily God beholdeth what they do:” - Sura 8:39-40

Monday, 24 November 2008

Gordon Brown Encouraging a Spending Madness to Get Out of Deflation????

A disgusting cynical ploy by Darling and Brown is going to add £180 billion of debt to the UK economy by trying to con people, who are already over consuming, to spend more money—they don’t have. Has Brown or Darling ever heard of the word—savings? That’s what people should be doing in a recession—not worrying about deflation or saving this Labour government’s arse.

“You can’t spend your way out of a recession,” was something James Callaghan, a previous Labour Prime Minister seemed to have taken to heart, and it was even a mantra Brown used to put out in his sane days—under Blair. Now suddenly the ex-Trotskyite Chancellor Darling, and the dim-witted spinner, Gordon Brown, are pushing for the population’s approval by seemingly giving away money—hoping no one will notice that this incontinent spending spree will have to be paid for later on with a whopping big tax hike.

The US Government officially owes $10 trillion (real figure is $53 trillion) in public debt and still seems to be spending as if there were no tomorrow. Who is going to pay for it? Iceland has gone bankrupt—and the US is going the same way. Fiscally canny China owns a huge chunk of the US Government debt and so do the Arabs. They will want paying.

Now this fiscally irresponsible UK Government is hiking up UK public debt to fantasy levels—while someone is going to have to pay for this irresponsible behaviour. Officially, the UK debt is £536.5 billion—but unofficially it is £1,847.5 billion when the PFI, public sector pensions, and all the other debts are added. Guess who is going to pick up the bill—yep, the taxpaying population. As a Scot, Gordon Brown is the worst example of fiscal probity that it is possible to come across—and he is giving the Scots a bad name. Roll on the next General Election.

African Aid

A comment overheard from an African Aid Worker.
Question:- “When will Africa learn to live without ‘Aid’?”
Answer:- When Africa learns to live without corruption—and pigs learn to fly.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Westfield in Shepherd’s Bush win “Cretins of the Year” award

Shepherds bush has over the last 20 years become a sleazy mix of cheap restaurants and Middle East £1 per item shops, until now.

Suddenly Westfield opened up at the end of October 2008, and there is a new Bond St. atmosphere inside this huge Mall.

De Beers, Tiffany & Co., Dior, Mulberry, Zadig & Voltaire, Myla, Montblanc, Kurt Geiger, and a host of other overpriced stores have been conned into setting up shop in Shepherds Bush thanks to The Westfield Group’s Australian owners brilliant marketing. To add to the fantasy, all of this can be washed down in Searcys Champagne Bar with your Platinum Credit Card, parked within easy access of the Shepherds Bush sleaze. You can sit and stare at the marble floors and crystal chandeliers while pondering the Ski slopes, before you climb into your Ferrari and exit into the Shepherds Bush traffic.

Bear in mind, this is in a time of a deepening recession and the Credit Crunch.I keep moaning that people are disappearing into a fantasy world of Avatars, Dungeons & Dragons and other computer games—but here we have serious upmarket stores who have joined this fantasy trek.

I simply cannot imagine anyone going to buy a £500,000 diamond from the De Beers cartel in Shepherds Bush.

The sheer arrogance of Westfield’s Australian owners who thought they could impose a Mayfair into the Shepherds Bush environs and expect to make a profit. Even without the recessionary downturn, it was an idiotic placing, but now it merits the “Cretins of the Year” award.

I always understood that market research was de rigueur before one opened a business in a location—but clearly; no one has bothered in this case.

I’m watching for the “Closed” signs to appear sometime next year.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Amnesty International — "Self Righteous Toss Pots"

Headlines in The Australian:—
“Amnesty International Slams Aussie Government for not Intervening to Save Lives of Bali Bombers”

On the execution of the Bali Terrorist Bombers Amnesty International put this statement out:—
“We oppose the death penalty for absolutely everyone, be it Saddam Hussein or be it a 13 year-old Somali girl who is stoned to death for allegedly committing adultery. We oppose it for all cases, for all nationalities, for all kinds.”

Rex Hump of Australia posted this on the internet 9/11/ 2008 at 12:14 am
“Would Amnesty International still be acting like a pack of "Self Righteous Toss Pots" if The Bali Bombers had bombed and killed 202 Amnesty International staff members at their headquarters?”

My response to Rex:-
Yes Rex, they would, because we have a new dogma out there that is as fixated as any religious fanatic could ever be—the dogma of lefty supported liberalism.
● In this Liberalist dogma we fight the Death Penalty for all crimes yet carelessly kill the unborn—and abortion is as casual as was the sex.
● We play brutal violent computer games where killing and rape are
de rigueur
● We are permissive and shag happy despite HIV, AIDS, Chlamydia,
Gonorrhoea, Genital herpes, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, and girls are victimized for wearing chastity rings.
● The above is caused by indulgent permissive parenting.
● The above encourages immaturity, leaving many European females with tocophobia.
● Instead of advancing equality between the sexes, we encourage women to behave like men—and call that equality.
● We promote all other races above our own.
● We don’t support our cultural heritage as not worth defending.
● We are forgiving to illegal immigrants lest we be thought racist—instead of evicting them.
● We embrace the Muslim crap, but turn against our own Christianity, unless they are the church run by Gays.
● Our legal system is full of Human Rights crap.
● We have no respect for ourselves—or others.
● We think drugs and booze are synonymous with having a good time.
● We listen to moron music and think we’re hip
● We actually have been brainwashed into believing that Damien Hirst and Tracy Ermine are Artists.

The world’s population is bursting at the seams and dogma driven drivel is pumped out by this self serving Amnesty International NGO, staffed by permissive liberal fanatics peddling heart bleeding nonsense—somewhat reminiscent of that French NGO, Arche de Zoe, who kidnapped black kids from Chad (pretending they were from Darfur) to “rescue” them to Europe. Did nobody stop and ask if we wanted more Africans in Europe?

So, yes Rex, Amnesty International would still be acting like a pack of "Self Righteous Toss Pots" if the Bali Bombers had bombed and killed 202 Amnesty International staff, because they are lost to reason and driven exclusively by liberalist dogma.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Without further comment!

Boss Brown hands down friendly advice to his pet Chancellor
Brown’s backside magic suits his lefty cronies like the communist Harriet Harman
Two politicians trying to shaft each other

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Ridiculous STUPID Human Rights laws in Europe prevent EU Navies from prosecuting Somali pirates

Are the EU politicians so engrossed in swindling their expenses that they ignore the real world? Left and Right are BUSY aggrandising themselves so that laws are passed without regard as to the effect it has in general. The adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights into EU law was a matter of principle, dogma. While it has a principled role to play in the UN, its implementation by the EU was a huge mistake. OK if the whole world played by the same rules—obviously this is not the case.

The manipulation of this law by the unscrupulous is undermining the rule of Law itself. Criminals, terrorists, and now the pirates—when are the lawmakers going to see sense? All three latter categories can only misuse this law while it is in force—and thus I argue; it needs to be suspended for these latter categories.

The precursor to the current Human Rights laws was by the French National Assembly when it drafted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen): Adopted in 1789. The latter laws were constructed to prevent the despicable abuses of the Aristocracy perpetrated against the poor. The Declaration was a step in the transition of France from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional state.

Following WWII the UN invited Eleanor Roosevelt to head a UN commission which wrote and adopted in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has become the moral backbone of the UN and an aspiration for the world.

There are now more than two hundred human rights instruments that are now a part of the laws of various countries of the world, however, these two hundred human rights instruments have now been themselves abused by terrorists, criminals, and now pirates, aided by the legal vultures, to make a mockery of the original principles. Loopholes, tricks, prevarications and wide scale misuse of these laws are an industry for the legal vultures out to make money. I say again; for the convicted criminals, terrorists and pirates, these laws MUST be suspended so that the law enforcers can do their job effectively.

Why waste Taxpayers money to send an Anti Pirate Task Force to Somalia and then shackle their hands with prissy Human Rights?

Saturday, 1 November 2008


With the lefty wimps currently in power in the EU—how long before
Using Human Rights, Multiculturalism, PC, Communist Equality and second hand guilt, these lefties want to make the Europeans second class citizens on their own continent. Al Gathafi (Muamar el Gadafi) says 50 years before the current Muslim invasion turns Europe Islamic green. Brussels is already 65% Muslim, Köln’s iconic cathedral soon to be replaced by a mosque. What’s the point of uniting Europe simply to hand it over to the Muslims? When do the Europeans say STOP—NO MORE. Where is the modern day Charles Martel?

How have we Europeans become so self-destructive that we hand over our European house to Muslim invaders?

On a balancing note: I welcome the Hindu Indians and the Chinese—they are not blowing us up and don’t want to take over Europe!
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