Thursday, 22 November 2007

Wake up Europe

This is my carer being angry.
A full scale invasion is in progress by Islam. Weapons being used are:—illegal entry—asylum seeking—human rights—Political Correctness—Liberty—liberal leftwing values—Trotskyism.

We now consider North Africa as Arab—but that was not always the case. It is now Arab due to their invasions in the 7th and 8th centuries. The indigenous inhabitants were overwhelmed by the sword. Following the Muslim-Arab conquest in the 7th century AD, the entire Middle East underwent a process of Arabization and Islamization that eradicated the indigenous cultures. Prior to the Arab invasion, the Middle East was rich with Berber peoples, Vandals, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptian Copts, Nubians, and Ethiopians.

The Arabs come from Arabia, not Iraq (Old Persian-Iranian–Greek), Syria (Assyria), Egypt (Copt), Tunisia (Berber), Algeria (Berber), or Morocco (Berber). Other pre-Arab peoples in the Middle East such as the Berbers, Copts, Jews, and Maronites have been swamped by Arabs and their malevolent Islamic culture. All these other countries were invaded and now the Arabs are dominant there. This scenario is waiting for us in Britain and Europe—the Arabs have scheduled it. The Gulf States, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia are legitimate Arab states—the other ones are Arab due to invasion. Not a pretty story.
The Arabs tried to invade Europe once before but got only as far as Tours in France before being beaten by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours on October 10th, 732, and finally driven out of Europe in 1492. This second invasion will need Europe to firstly wake up and dump its leftwing dogma, then to deport Muslims en mass from Europe. Its that or go under—the choice is for the people of Europe—leftwing liberal junk followed by Sharia, or kicking the Muslims back to where they came from.

On the current form of wet European thinking, I suggest you learn Arabic.
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