More flamable thoughts from my carer.
Europe having borders with Iraq? With Syria? With Iran? Are you out of your bloody British Labour minds. Both Blair and gormless Gordon. How stupid can you get when you insist Asia Minor becomes part of the European Union. Letting Cyprus join was down to the Greeks there, not the Turks—and is the ONLY exception I would allow, otherwise where does it stop? Do we invite Japan to join—maybe China?.

Turkey is not European by culture, by religion, by language, by custom and by any other criteria one cares to mention.
It is Asian! So what qualifies Turkey to join the EU—because Britain and the US want it to—
NOT ENOUGH. If NATO’s efforts are taken in to account in Afghanistan, then NATO is useless and that’s one reason why the US wants Turkey in the EU. The only reason Britain wants Turkey in the EU is to weaken the EU—and that is the truth. Britain virulently objects to the Paris-Berlin axis and wants to use Turkey to weaken and destroy it. Selfish Blair and Labour want to be the
prima donnas in Europe. De Gaulle was right to distrust Britain’s entry into the EU.
Europe united in a strong Federal States of Europe—not divided by Britain insisting on Turkey’s entry. I’d rather have Britain kicked
OUT of the EU than allow Turkey in. We have loony Putin’s Russia to the east and the psychotic Muslims to the south—and for that we do need a