Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Supposed Arab Land

Those loony Arabs keep drivelling on and shouting about Arab land in Morocco, in Iraq, in Palestine, even in Darfur. The only true Arab lands are that of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and Yemen. The rest are conquered lands—and what’s been conquered can be unconquered.Arabs grabbed land from the Coptic Egyptians, from the Iraqi and Syrian Assyrians, from the North African Berbers. Now they claim its Arab lands. NO IT ISN’T. Sod the Palestinians and Hezbollah Shia land—the Jew have more right to be there than the Palestinians—and sod the Arab claims to any land at all.

Turkey in the EU—Most definitely NOT!

More flamable thoughts from my carer.
Europe having borders with Iraq? With Syria? With Iran? Are you out of your bloody British Labour minds. Both Blair and gormless Gordon. How stupid can you get when you insist Asia Minor becomes part of the European Union. Letting Cyprus join was down to the Greeks there, not the Turks—and is the ONLY exception I would allow, otherwise where does it stop? Do we invite Japan to join—maybe China?.Turkey is not European by culture, by religion, by language, by custom and by any other criteria one cares to mention. It is Asian! So what qualifies Turkey to join the EU—because Britain and the US want it to—NOT ENOUGH. If NATO’s efforts are taken in to account in Afghanistan, then NATO is useless and that’s one reason why the US wants Turkey in the EU. The only reason Britain wants Turkey in the EU is to weaken the EU—and that is the truth. Britain virulently objects to the Paris-Berlin axis and wants to use Turkey to weaken and destroy it. Selfish Blair and Labour want to be the prima donnas in Europe. De Gaulle was right to distrust Britain’s entry into the EU.

Europe united in a strong Federal States of Europe—not divided by Britain insisting on Turkey’s entry. I’d rather have Britain kicked OUT of the EU than allow Turkey in. We have loony Putin’s Russia to the east and the psychotic Muslims to the south—and for that we do need a STRONG UNITED EUROPE.

Gates of Vienna: Coming Soon to an Islamophobe Near You

Gates of Vienna: Coming Soon to an Islamophobe Near You

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Ahmeddinnerjacket serenades bin Dusbin

Taliban is mainly self-funding through opium poppies turned into heroin. Destroy the opium crop—destroy the Taliban.

More from my carer.
I’ve discovered from the Senlis Report that the western troops in Afghanistan are wasting their time. Not only are the Taliban creeping back, but our troops are dying for nothing—in fact over who controls the drug trade.
“Everyone in the Government is corrupt,” said a high-up Kabul source who feared for his life. The fight in Helmand province is all about who controls the drugs, Kabul or the Taliban. Western advisors are also disgusted at how narco-kleptocracy has extended its grip around President Karzai, a figure regarded by some as increasingly isolated by a cadre of corrupt officials—now fed false and distorted advise by corrupt officials. Instead of fighting to assert Western values, our soldiers are dying to protect the poppy trade for Kabul so they don’t go to the Taliban. DESTROY THE POPPY FIELDS AND YOU DESTROY THE TALIBAN. How stupid can NATO be. Has everyone gone simple minded?

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Wake up Europe

This is my carer being angry.
A full scale invasion is in progress by Islam. Weapons being used are:—illegal entry—asylum seeking—human rights—Political Correctness—Liberty—liberal leftwing values—Trotskyism.

We now consider North Africa as Arab—but that was not always the case. It is now Arab due to their invasions in the 7th and 8th centuries. The indigenous inhabitants were overwhelmed by the sword. Following the Muslim-Arab conquest in the 7th century AD, the entire Middle East underwent a process of Arabization and Islamization that eradicated the indigenous cultures. Prior to the Arab invasion, the Middle East was rich with Berber peoples, Vandals, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptian Copts, Nubians, and Ethiopians.

The Arabs come from Arabia, not Iraq (Old Persian-Iranian–Greek), Syria (Assyria), Egypt (Copt), Tunisia (Berber), Algeria (Berber), or Morocco (Berber). Other pre-Arab peoples in the Middle East such as the Berbers, Copts, Jews, and Maronites have been swamped by Arabs and their malevolent Islamic culture. All these other countries were invaded and now the Arabs are dominant there. This scenario is waiting for us in Britain and Europe—the Arabs have scheduled it. The Gulf States, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia are legitimate Arab states—the other ones are Arab due to invasion. Not a pretty story.
The Arabs tried to invade Europe once before but got only as far as Tours in France before being beaten by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours on October 10th, 732, and finally driven out of Europe in 1492. This second invasion will need Europe to firstly wake up and dump its leftwing dogma, then to deport Muslims en mass from Europe. Its that or go under—the choice is for the people of Europe—leftwing liberal junk followed by Sharia, or kicking the Muslims back to where they came from.

On the current form of wet European thinking, I suggest you learn Arabic.

Dis--Respect Galloway


Saturday, 17 November 2007

Let the Shia and Sunni kill each other in the name of Allah.

Abit more from my carer.
The West has parked itself between Shia Iran/Iraq and Sunni Iraqis/Saudi and has to date lost 4,161 coalition deaths in Iraq and some 30,000 wounded—without counting the Iraqi casualties. Shia and Sunni are determined to kill each other, why are we sitting in the middle—and being spat on by both sides. Why is it in our interests to stop them? Let them get on with it! Let them kill each other in the name of Allah!

This is a “Mohammed Cartoon” and as a free cat, I assert my right to publish it.

Bush Jnr. and the neoconservatives in Washington thought they could tame Iraq—well tame it after the Shia/Sunni battle is over.

In the meantime, the West managed to beat the Taliban in 2001 but in 2007 Afghanistan is still producing more poppies than ever. A bumper harvest this year! Is NATO totally useless that it allows this to go on? Destroy the whole bloody crop while you have the chance—and sod the moaning farmers and that useless Karzai. At the moment, it is a half hearted struggle in Afghanistan, much in the manner of Vietnam, and will give the same result. Put some backbone into it.

The final point is, that inasmuch Pakistan is close to civil war, the West needs to napalm Waziristan and help push Pakistan’s military into doing what’s right. There is never going to be the remotest possibility of any democracy in that country and the US should face reality shut up about pushing “democracy” dogma.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Bulimia Arabia

Bloated and obese Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani wants to buy Sainsbury with our petrodollars so he can practice his binge eating.

Mr Islamic fascist and owner of Al Jazeera—have you NO self control?

Petrol Engine—a dangerous Dinosaur

Another gem from my carer. You should see the number I've talked him out of.

Not only is the petrol engine polluting but it pours billions of petrodollars into Arab coffers fuelling Muslim fascism. A hundred years ago, most Arabs lived in tents, NOW they want to take over the world—impose sharia on everyone.

Have we in the west gone simple minded with our asinine attachment to this lefty US Political Correctness (PC) dogma?

"Islam will take over Europe without violence within a few decades," oil rich Libya’s Col. Gaddafi said in a speech aired on Al Jazeera. This is a nominally poor country mostly of desert, and this lunatic usurper of power has his eyes firmly fixed on Europe, sending thousands of Muslims across to Lampedusa, situated 205 km from Sicily and 113 km from Tunisia, to invade Europe. All made possible thanks to oil and the West’s gluttony for petrol.

Dubai, another tiny piece of desert with pretensions, spending some $100 billion on home improvements thanks to petrodollars. The good news with Dubai, is that rising waters will swamp all their handiwork and leave the fools that have invested in this duff real estate, underwater.

We badly need to get rid of PC and our dependence on oil. Lazy greedy auto manufacturers, in cahoots with voracious oil companies, are changing the face of Western civilization, and not for the betterment of the indigenous inhabitants.

"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe," Gaddafi told Al Jazeera, “and the 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Support Musharaff to the hilt!

More from my carer, bless him.
Bush Jnr. keeps mouthing off on Musharaff—calling for “free” elections—calling for “democracy,” presumably democracy American style, by which he means plutocracy. In a phone call, Bush Jnr. told Gen Musharraf he could not be both army head and President. Is that in America or Pakistan? If Bush Jnr. can’t say anything sensible, then at least he ought to shut up.

Pakistan is on the verge of a civil war with the Sharia louts tearing at its throat in Waziristan and Swat, aided by the suicidal Gul types, even in Islamabad in the Red Mosque—and now the over inflated legal merchants have decided to assert their pathetic power. Has every single screaming lunatic, from Benazir Bhutto to Mohammad Chaudhry and ex-ISI chief Hamid Gul forgotten that Pakistan has nuclear weapons? Imagine a nuclear-armed Somalia or Sudan? Wasn’t the war initiated in Iraq over Saddam’s supposed nuclear weapons?

Thanks to the greedy stupid Canadians, Pakistan now has nuclear weapons, financed by Saudi Arabia—the Sunni bomb—which is why Shia Iran is so desperate to get ITS hands on the “bomb.”

Pakistan isn’t America, isn’t Europe—it’s a backward Muslim country tearing itself apart with the help of their homegrown Taliban. The only person with sense to deal with this dangerous situation, General Pervez Musharraf, ought to be left alone—moreover, supported to the hilt—for all our sakes.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Democracy in Russia Stifled at Birth

Hi, A few more thoughts from my carer,

Ever since the 25th of July 1998 when the drunk Yel'tsin proposed the catastrophic nomination of Colonel Vladimir Putin as Director of the 75,000-person Federal Security Service (FSB), democracy in Russia has spiralled ever downwards towards totalitarianism. It’s no accident that a series of explosions occurred in Moscow throughout September only one year later, culminating in the Moscow apartment bombings, killing some 300 people. That eased the way into the second Chechen War, and more importantly, it initiated the grab for power and finance by the various members of the KGB such as Andrei Lugovoi, and his KGB cronies.

Quiet naturally this eventually culminated in Russia’s two most powerful Secret Police factions pursuing a turf war in a standoff between the FSB, the former KGB, headed by General Nikolai Patrushev, and the Federal Narcotics Control Service (FSKN), headed by General Viktor Cherkesov, which supposedly fights organised crime as well as drug trafficking. Both quiet rightly see each other as opposing gangs of Mafiosi grabbing what they can in this free-for-all. This is the reality of power in modern 21st Century space age Russia.

Ignoring the above, dogma wielding Bush Jnr. invited General Putin to his New England home to meet the family, but now preaches General Musharraf on democracy. Is this a conundrum I ask? Have I missed something salient? I must leave you, dear reader, to work that out.

We have General Putin attempting to regain control over his neighbours such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Georgia, while his underlings help themselves to the lolly in Russia. There is even a bizarre sick attempt to portray Russian soldiers occupying Georgia’s Abkhazia region as “peacekeepers.” Ask Moldova about Russian “peacekeepers,” there to keep a piece of Moldova but not the peace. The situation is far worse than it ever was ever since Stalin’s time. Not a single independent newspaper, radio, or TV station has survived General Putin’s regime.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Death of a Worthless Brazilian

My carer warns—this may contain strong views.

There is something fundamentally wrong when Trotskyites and Conservatives both climb into bed with the Liberals—don’t you think? What on earth have they got in common? Well, it seems the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair. They all want to get rid of him. Left, right and centre of the political spectrum want to force Sir Ian Blair, the top policeman in Britain, to resign over a worthless illegal Brazilian worker—who has been deified by the media. Sometimes the media likes to throw its weight around, to display its raw power over others. Usually they pick a politician, but this time they chose Sir Ian Blair. He made the mistake of trying to manipulate them at his inaugural press conference, and the media can’t forgive that. It is THEY who manipulate, not get manipulated themselves. So, Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, a bricklayer’s son from Brazil living in the UK on forged papers, illegally—was shot in the traumatic aftermath of 7/7, when all the police were jittery. Since then, how many people have died illegally of gun shots in London? Died illegally on the roads from joy riders. One dead illegal immigrant—so what?

He even looks like a convict.

For that we should crucify the chief policeman in Britain over this worthless Brazilian. Has this society lost ALL perspective?

Where is the media outcry for the Muslim fascists tearing at the fabric of our society? WHY ARE THEY NOT HOUNDING THE ROTTEN IMAMS out of this country, LIVING here OFF THE SOCIAL SECURITY and FREE COUNCIL HOUSING? It is underestimated that we have allowed well in excess of 50,000 Muslim terrorists into this country since the collapse of the Taliban training camps—and our media, ever short-sighted in the pursuit of sensationalism, is trying to get the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair sacked, or force him to resign over some illegal Brazilian nobody. Not for the first time do I ask, in which society do the media live in? They live amongst us but DO NOT share any of our societies values. In nature these are called PARASITES. Something like Julian Manyon prancing about Lebanon, during the recent battle, giving a helping hand to Hezbollah terrorist families, reporting false staged ambulance attacks, trying to elicit viewer’s sympathy for a bunch of fascist Shia terrorists. He’s a British disgrace. The fabric of our Western society is being torn to shreds by these loathsome tactics—they could almost be called societal suicide.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Unfinished Business

Without Comment

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