The level of UK Government incompetence is astounding and shocking—and the MP’s don’t even comprehend that it reflects upon them directly. It was under Blair and Brown that they relaxed the drinking laws using spurious excuses of a European example. They saw their tobacco taxes intake diminishing after the smoking ban and so immorally, they were going to make it up with more booze tax money. Using the internet, we now have RBS banker hooligans throwing binge parties on the Underground—or did he get the idea from the drinks industry?

Meet the party ORGANISER
Alexandre Graham, 26 who works for
RBS as a
banker and who caused the scenes below because his
lefty friend lost her job when the new Mayor was elected.

The Governments aim was cynically and plainly obvious to make money from booze—but it was depraved and dishonest. Unlike the hooligan revellers above who are simply depraved. The CoE has no morality nor does the Government, so where is morality to come from for the young of Britain? The social system is falling apart while the Government dithers. The answer to the current knife crime epidemic has the PM Gordon dozy Brown following his wife’s PR methods and hurriedly putting out an ‘advertising’ campaign. It would be funny if it weren’t so criminally sad. Parliament is stacked full with self-servers who have little or no interest in the common good. The education system is at its wits end. One million illegal immigrants and the Police is bogged down with Health and Safety concerns. How will all this incompetence end? I fear badly. Probably with Muslims taking over Britain.
All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.