Wednesday, 26 February 2014

It’s must be clear to any economically educated person, that Yanukovych and his Russian PM Azarov, were ordered by Putin to cause the maximum of chaos to the Ukrainian economy, as was done in Belarus, so that the Kremlin could then come in and bail the poor incompetent Ukrainians out. 

Yanukovych’s sons used the Ukrainian budget as their own piggy bank, as did Yanukovych himself. Yanukovych's son Oleksandr, a poor dentist, was running a bank and became a billionaire, thanks to daddy. Dmitry Firtash, Rinat Akhmetov, Viktor Pinchuk, snot nose Sergey Kurchenko, and the other Donbas oligarchs helped themselves to the same piggy bank until they notched up a state debt that now stands at $73 billion, a good portion of which is in the oligarch’s overseas bank accounts.

Putin wanted to do the same to Ukraine as he did to Belarus, indebt them to ‘mother’ Russia—so he offered the Ukraine a miserly $15 billion credit line to glue them to the Kremlin forever. Since 1654 and the Treaty of Pereyaslav, Russia has oppressed the Ukrainian nation. When the Ukrainians protested in the Maidan Nezalezhnosti at their treatment, and overthrew Yanukovych’s corrupt maladministration, Medvedev’s and Lavrov’s reaction was to call the Ukrainians fascists—these are Russian fascists calling others by a communist sobriquet

It’s alright, in the Kremlin’s eyes, to be a Russian nationalist, but NOT a Ukrainian one. A Russian nationalist is a patriot—a Ukrainian one is a fascist and a Nazi. 

Sergey Lavrov, a so-called diplomat, and Dmitry Medvedev, a failed lawyer, are poor frustrated Russians who don’t even understand the language they misuse. 

Слава Україні!

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