Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Here we are again, the US, UK and France vying to support the Sunni rebels in Syria so as to disguise the legitimate outrage at the US NSA PRISM spying programme. The one where Obama lied on camera to everyone that the NSA only targeted terrorism. Obama’s cry, parroting Bush jnr., ‘Let loose the dogs of war!’ seems a bit sick.

Any excuse will do to obfuscate the PRISM spying and help the Saudis; if it weren’t an alleged gas attack, then they would have found another reason. The West is constantly egged on by Sunni Turkey, Sunni Emirates, and the Wahhabi (Sunni) Saudis to do the dirty on the Shia.

The West should sit back and watch with contentment in Syria at the Sunni and Shia battling it out, destroying each other, as they did with the Iraqi Iranian war—just shows how the petrodollars have changed the world since the 1980’s. The Sunni hooligans have acquired a Yank protector thanks to the 9 trillion dollars the Arabs have invested in America. The so-called Arab Chaos (Spring) has allowed Islamic fanatics to gain power in Tunisia, almost in Libya, and nearly in Egypt—all supported by Turkey’s sly Islamist Erdogan. “Free Syrian Army?” Who you’re kidding?

Currently the BIG story out in the media and on the web is how the US’s NSA uses its global Embassy’s to spy on the host country and on the UN, be they friend or foe. Then they have the cheek to accuse China of global hacking. Well done Snowdon for revealing the extent of US criminality. 

I cynically assumed the extent of this spying went on by default—shame there was proof to support my assumption.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Governments inviting trouble

Whose side are our so-called elected governments on?

When the Christian Serbs and Croats took on the Muslim Bosnians, the US and EU sided with the Bosnian Muslims. When Muslim Kosovo demanded a piece of Serbia, the EU and the US sided with the Muslims  and NATO bombed Serbia.

Now both the stupid US government and the EU are getting involved in the religious war in Syria and siding with the Sunnis against the Shia.

The media invented this silly ‘Arab Spring,’ which in reality is the usual ‘Arab Chaos,’ and keeps lauding it.

Obama has given his approval to the Muslim Brotherhood fanatics and is currently upset the Egyptian military have kicked them out. This I would expect from Hussain Obama, but that British fool Haig is warning Egypt regarding the military clampdown and seems to have sided with the Brotherhood fanatics as well, probably as a result of his Muslim advisers at the FO.

These PR orientated western governments are wedded to the Sunni cause—due to the oil? The Saudis have 7 trillion invested in the US and there must be a similar sum invested in the EU.

Is that why our governments are selling out their own people—siding with that fascist Muslim rot? 

It looks like common sense has deserted our politicians!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

“The European Commission told Malta on Tuesday it had a duty to admit the 102 African economic migrants.”

The left-wing mindset of the European Commission will eventually destroy the European cultural character of the EU turning it into a mishmash of Internationalism that the lefties are so fond of.

It doesn’t stop there; the EU becomes a battleground for the various cultures that have invaded it i.e. like Bosnia and Kosovo. The Muslim invaders are already bombing and killing the Europeans, yet here we are—the stupid dogma ridden Commission insisting tiny Malta take in more economic migrants. People who try to enforce these ‘refugee’ and ‘human rights’ dogma driven edicts don’t have to live with the consequences.

The consequences show up clearly within some 40 years, vis-a-vie Europe of the 1970’s. The social contrast is so dramatic that it’s hard to believe it’s the same country or the same continent. Housing under pressure; all the services under pressure; transport and infrastructure under extreme pressure—and this is only getting worse as time goes on.

Back in Brussels, the bloated uncaring politicians continue to pronounce their liberal dogma to all and sundry oblivious of the consequences.

It is estimated that people of Muslim background account for 25.5% of Brussels' population, a much higher concentration than those of the other regions. People of foreign origin make up nearly 70% of the population of Brussels. So that is the so-called capital of the European Union.

Now how surprising is that?
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