Saturday, 10 November 2012

David Petraeus, 60 year old, is married to Holly Petraeus for 38 years, whom he met at West Point. She was the daughter of the academy superintendent. They have two children. Former four star general and current CIA director.

Paula Broadwell, a West Point graduate, is supposedly a national security analyst and Army veteran. She’s married to a radiologist and has two children, both boys. She’s a research associate at Harvard University's Centre for Public Leadership and a doctoral candidate in the Department of War Studies at King's College London. This supposedly intelligent woman is unable to contain herself, and spreads her legs for what? Has she never heard of delayed gratification, or professionalism? Maybe this is what she should be studying. Is this what they teach at West Point?

Petraeus on the other hand, can’t keep his hands off. Clearly the head of the CIA hasn’t enough ‘intelligence’ to keep his dick to himself. If he’s that easily waylaid by a skirt then he’s a potential security disaster in the making. All a foreign power has to do to subvert him is to present him with a skirt.

Both these adulterers have disgraced themselves and their families. Shame on such careless self-indulgent behaviour.

But then if you allow the marketing merchants to sexualise society the way the Yanks have, where Hollywood is the world’s biggest centre for porn films, where everything is marketed as ‘sexy,’ where bar owners rely on pole dancers to pull in customers, then surely this is the natural outcome—that people behave like Bonobo monkeys.

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.