Saturday, 10 November 2012

David Petraeus, 60 year old, is married to Holly Petraeus for 38 years, whom he met at West Point. She was the daughter of the academy superintendent. They have two children. Former four star general and current CIA director.

Paula Broadwell, a West Point graduate, is supposedly a national security analyst and Army veteran. She’s married to a radiologist and has two children, both boys. She’s a research associate at Harvard University's Centre for Public Leadership and a doctoral candidate in the Department of War Studies at King's College London. This supposedly intelligent woman is unable to contain herself, and spreads her legs for what? Has she never heard of delayed gratification, or professionalism? Maybe this is what she should be studying. Is this what they teach at West Point?

Petraeus on the other hand, can’t keep his hands off. Clearly the head of the CIA hasn’t enough ‘intelligence’ to keep his dick to himself. If he’s that easily waylaid by a skirt then he’s a potential security disaster in the making. All a foreign power has to do to subvert him is to present him with a skirt.

Both these adulterers have disgraced themselves and their families. Shame on such careless self-indulgent behaviour.

But then if you allow the marketing merchants to sexualise society the way the Yanks have, where Hollywood is the world’s biggest centre for porn films, where everything is marketed as ‘sexy,’ where bar owners rely on pole dancers to pull in customers, then surely this is the natural outcome—that people behave like Bonobo monkeys.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Alleged victim brands BBC a cesspit of depravity as he recalled assault.

It’s been known for many years that the BBC was staffed by gays, lesbians, transvestites and other abnormal highbrow layabouts from Oxbridge. People who would find it difficult to fit into normal jobs. These same people have gone out of their way to defend this group of misfits and even to promote them in various programmes, force-feeding their long suffering listeners and viewers, and giving the impression this was normal in society and ought to be accepted by others as such.

Finally the BBC temple is crumbling; enough is enough!

One abnormality leads to a culture of abnormality until they overstep the line by a long margin.

Jimmy Savile, John Peel, Gary Glitter, Jonathan King, Chris Denning, and a host of other predatory weirdoes who felt at home within the BBC are being forced out into the open, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Isn’t it time this disgraceful burden on the public purse is forced into working for a living out in the business community? Privatise the BBC, or is this still a taboo subject for the greedy spin politicians fearful of the media lashing it might entail?

Come on you gutless politicians, grab this chance and set this loony bunch of overpaid fat-cats adrift into the commercial world. See if they will put up with their weird antics.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

For some people who have never known “democracy,” when they are plunged into its quagmire, they are at the whim and mercy of marketing gurus and unscrupulous KGB manipulators without any recourse to a higher morality. Clearly it’s no accident that a 'prison scandal' broke just before the Georgian election—and only a fool would not point at Russia as the ultimate source of that scandal.

Unfortunately, it succeeded in collapsing Georgia’s fragile attempt at independence and nationhood. They will now follow in the footsteps of the Ukraine, and become a tool of Moscow once again. It’s no use fooling oneself—Russia has won that which it couldn’t win on the battlefield or otherwise, or by fair means. There will be no further fair elections in the Ukraine OR Georgia, Russia will see to that. The election model will be Belarus and Russia. The Ukraine fell back in Russia’s sphere thanks to destructive squabbling between a power hungry Tymoshenko and a weakened Yushchenko—which let in Yanukovych as a puppet with real power in the hands of the Russian Azarov.

I wish there were better news. Of one thing everyone can be certain, Ivanishvili will never be speaking the truth. Like a Muslim or a Russian, he will lie through his teeth.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Why do the Americans think that their lobbyist infested Congress allied with other vested interest groups actually constitute a democratic institution? Surely, it’s the personification of corruption (Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal)? Not one US major Corporation pays its allocated tax--they ALL claw most of it back through loopholes and scams. Hence the $14 trillion debt!

Why would anybody in their right mind think this was a form of FREEDOM, or would want to emulate such a degenerate Plutocracy. The entire society is pornographically orientated, with this or that being pushed as sexy, and with Hollywood at the centre of World pornography.

In only 236 years, the Pilgrim Fathers ethos has been transformed to wholesale pole dancing, widespread drugs and porn. What is even more pathetic is that Europe seems to be intent and content to follow the US example.

The EU Parliament has turned into a clone of the US Congress, with its own panoply of disgusting gangster type lobbyist’s intent on twisting the bureaucratic process into their corrupt mould. How was Greece allowed into the Eurozone? Why is the taxpayer picking up the greedy Bank’s gambling debts? Why is the taxpayer subsidising the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy? There’s a host of subsidies going into all sorts of loony projects, all down to industry lobbyists. From what is observable, neither Europe nor America has anything to teach the world when it comes to governance or ethics.

The corruption is endemic and terminal!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

It must be obvious by now that Yanukovich is a half-educated thug and moron, yet he is the misplaced Western target for Russia’s interference in the Ukraine. The real power has always been the Russian Mykola Azarov who now plays at being the Prime Minister. Azarov was born in Kaluga, Russia, of Russian and Estonian stock, and has kept well in the background, allowing Yanukovich to take the flack for him. It is the Russian Azarov that needs to be outed as Russian’s real tool and power in the Ukraine. Russia’s Azarov says jump and Yanukovich asks how high.

The best way to put pressure on Azarov and his Russian backers is to totally boycott UEUFA EURO 2012 in the Ukraine and transfer all scheduled matches to Poland. It won’t change the Russo/Ukrainian regime but it will give one hell of a kick up the Russo/Ukrainian backside and make people aware in the Ukraine of how the rest of Europe feels about their treatment of Ukraine’s imprisoned national leaders. The damage to Ukraine’s economy, now gearing up to rake in money from UEFA 2012, will definitely make a bigger impression than all the current Government protests put together.

Boycott UEFA EURO 2012 
in the Ukraine!

Friday, 27 April 2012

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Socialist presidential candidate François Hollande said Wednesday that if elected he would next year give foreigners from outside the EU, living in France, the right to vote in all elections.

This is the same self destructive message that was given out by UK’s Labour Party. Pack the country with immigrants so they could have a permanent Labour Government.

The same nasty handout that all European Socialists are spreading. “Here you are, take Europe…its all yours.”

The current immigrant crisis is the worse dystopia for the indigenous Europeans that has ever been thought up by the disfuntional lefties.

Is it any surprise that the electorate are voting for the right. This needn’t be the case if the politicians had policies that worked on behalf of their European electorate. 

Come on! Wake up Europe!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Let These Fanatics Muslims Kill Each Other

In Syria there is a Sunni (74%) uprising against the Alawite Shia (12%) Government of Assad, and this uprising is supported by Wahhabi Sunni Saudi Arabia and other Sunni governments such as Turkey. Supporting the Syrian Shia government is Shia Iran, Shia Hezbollah in Lebanon and Shia dominated Iraq.

Europe and the US should either stay well clear of this immolation, other than half wits such as Kofi Anan, and allow the Muslims to reduce their numbers. It has nothing to do with Europe and Europe should NOT allow the Sunni Arabs to suck them into this domestic Muslim war for religious supremacy. Why fight the Sunni battles for them?

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

SOPA and PIPA Protest!

This blog deprecates the US Congress considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open internet. The SOPA bill is so badly written, so over broad, that it's going to impact on all kinds of innocent websites, and it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with stopping piracy. Unless there is a strong protest, SOPA won’t go away, nor will its terrible twin PIPA.

SOPA and PIPA are just indicators of a much broader global problem. Governments all around the world are trying to infringe on the internet by pushing through control legislations, nominally intended to fight online piracy, but in effect to regulate the internet for their own purposes and damage online freedoms. If you think this is wrong, as we do, then you need to make yourself heard—NOW, before it’s too late.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

We have been informed by the media that the US S&P credit rating agency has downgraded nine European Government Economies. This is the same rating agency that rated the infamous Credit Default Swap (CDS) junk bonds before the Credit Crunch as triple A. Would you buy a used car from such ‘credible’ salesman?

Why does anybody listen to such junk pronouncements?

Credit ratings are used by investors in the same way punters use tipsters to justify their uncertain bets, issuers to up-value their so called securities, investment banks to promote their iffy securities, broker-dealers to sell the same, and governments to sell their government bond issues so they can pay off their corrupt borrowings (I call them corrupt because they are the result of promised spendings, by the politicians, to the electorate, so they will get re-elected i.e. bribes). One has to remember that Stock Markets are basically overblown gambling dens and they need tipsters to point the punters in presumed secure directions—and these tipsters, in this case, are called rating agencies.

Investors in volatile equity, debt securities, real estate, currency, commodity, derivatives such as put and call options, etc. have only one objective, that of turning a quick profit. Issuers develop, register and sell misnamed securities for the purpose of financing their own operations and lining their own pockets. To sell, they need a provenance for their so called securities—and the rating agencies provide that provenance. Investment Banks promote individuals, corporations and governments in raising capital by underwriting the issuance of so called securities, again the rating agencies provide the provenance for those so called securities.

Who are these ‘Big Three’ rating agencies that pronounce on governments credit:

  • Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a US-based financial services company. It is a division of McGraw-Hill that publishes financial research and analysis on stocks and bonds. Would anyone say that this company can be impartial? Any US company is under US political influence—it’s a sine qua non of being based in the US.
  • Moody's is a bond credit rating business and used by the markets to rate the bonds market.
  • Fitch is a majority-owned subsidiary of FIMALAC, headquartered in Paris. Fitch Ratings and Fitch Solutions are part of the Fitch Group. FIMALAC was created by Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière in 1991. He is the CEO, and holds 100% of the shares of the FIMALAC Group. This is a French rating agency that has tried to play the Wall St game, and failed. It usually follows the two US agencies.

Personally I would rate the ‘Big Three’ as C, and any country that takes any notice of them deserves all they get. Mostly it’s the silly media that pushes them for the lack of any better material to publish, having abandoned serious ‘news’ reporting.

The US politicians have long wanted to undermine the EU by demanding the EU allow Turkey to join, making the European borders a laughing stock as European, and adding 90 million Muslims to a Christian enterprise. Why would the US politicians be so vindictive—because the EU market is by far bigger than the US and the Euro is replacing the dollar as a world currency. The Eurozone crisis is largely made in the US—Goldman & Sachs helped fiddle the Greek figures so they could enter the EU. US banks encouraged Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain to borrow and borrow and borrow yet again, until they sink under their own debt, the way the US is sinking under its own $15 trillion debt.

One of the weapons in the US armoury is clearly the Rating Agencies. By S&P downgrading the nine EU economies, the US throws another spanner into the machinery of the EU.


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