This seems to be more vitriol coming from my carer--better out than in, I suppose.How stupid is the American public? The spin doctors are trying to sell Obama as a latter day ‘Kennedy’ and so they send him on the ‘Kennedy style’ compulsory European tour in Kennedy’s footsteps, ignoring the inconvenient fact that times have CHANGED. Kennedy broke the Protestant mould by being Catholic. Kennedy was in a surrounded Berlin to bolster the Berliners—what the hell was Obama doing there on a stage?
Obama’s spin merchants keep pushing that Obama stands for CHANGE—what kind of STUPID policy is that? Well lets see….if something is white, Obama will paint it black. If something is up, Obama will put it down. If something is right, Obama will swing it to the left….etc. Is that what America wants from it next President? Oh by the way—has nobody noticed the HUSSEIN portion of his name?The American Muslims claim him as theirs.
“My Name is African Swahili”—Well NO it isn't. The first two names are all Arabic. Barack comes from ‘Baraka’ meaning ‘blessed’. Hussein is from Arabic Hasuna meaning “beautiful”, whereas Obama means “crooked” in Luo, not Swahili.
Obama has lied about his name )above), Cleaning his act up.
About his birth (Selma was in 1965; parents met in 1960 while both were attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa), his religion (brought up as a Muslim), his professional qualifications (Senior Lecturer NOT Professor)—but what he has not lied about is his desire to foster change upon an ignorant American public. HIS change will be to implement POLITICAL CORRECTNESS PLUS. Obama was a rights, race and gender Law Lecturer and that is the substance of his CHANGE. The white population will be marginalised to accommodate blacks, Latinos, sodomites, dykes, Muslims, and all the other left wing garbage that makes up the prissy wing of the Democratic Party of America (with apologies to non Dem Latinos). This is where the Kennedy Clan gets in by the back door, wrecking the US in vengeance for the assassinations.
Obama is Allah sent for the blacks but a curse for the whites of America. The world is still a tribal society and this election is a struggle of the two tribes from Europe and Africa (take note Latinos). Next time you’re looking in a mirror—ask which side your mirror image should be on—sod the brainwashing and lumpenproletariat dogma—think for yourself. Both black and white.
Monday, 4 August 2008
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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.