Monday, 25 August 2008

Medvedev copies Hitler—but ignores Sarkozy

President Medvedev of Russia 18/8/08 promised a “shattering blow” against any foreign power that moved against Russian citizens. Substitute “Chancellor Hitler” in place of “President Medvedev” and “German citizens” instead of “Russian citizens,” and we have are the very same threats made in 1939. First HITLER annexed the Rhineland; nobody stopped him. Appeasement! Then he annexed Austria; nobody stopped him. Appeasement! Then he annexed the Sudetenland; nobody stopped him. Appeasement! Then he invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and still it was appeasement. What the hell, he went for Poland next—since there was only an “allied” paper tiger to oppose him.
One short arse to another—“Naughty, naughty…you must leave Georgia.” Sarkozy on behalf of the EU is serious. Can you read Medvedev’s response? He’s laughing—or is he smirking, while thinking, “He’s even shorter than me and he’s giving me orders.” (My suggestion)

Toothless NATO Tiger Confronts Predatory Russian Bear

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Nuclear threats against NATO’s Poland by a Dunce

Russian dunce Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Horde

Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn seems to be particularly stupid, which is why he sent his Russian Horde into Georgia. He asks why NATO vessels are in the Black Sea, BECAUSE OF YOU GENERAL! Nuclear threats against a NATO member—Poland, and earlier unacceptable behaviour over some silly bronze statue in Tallinn, Estonia, another NATO member, not to mention the continued occupation of Moldova and Crimea, makes you and your Horde a menace to civilised society.

Russian Narcissism causes Russophobes thanks to Russian Imperialism

A fat Russian in Kyiv was heard moaning, "It's become really hard for us Russians here. Everything is pressure to use Ukrainian and people get really mad if we don't," she said. "But who cares about Ukrainian? Who learns that language?” And with the latter comment this immigrant into another’s country makes most Eastern Europeans hate Russians. The outrageous narcissism of this Russian colonizer who arrogantly dismisses the native Ukrainian language, suggests Russians have no business being let outside Russia since they are not yet civilised enough to be amongst other Europeans.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

NO Russian winter Olympics in Sochi 2014

In the light of Russia’s aggression against Georgia—the IOC must consider switching the venue for the XXII Olympic Winter Games to:—
ORwhich are far more stable areas of the world AND because

Friday, 15 August 2008

Lessons from Putin Sr. and his Nazi pals

It is being reported that the Russian horde with its mercenaries, currently ravaging Georgia, in some kind of vindictive lesson, is destroying the old military and naval infrastructure left to the Georgians by the withdrawing USSR. The Georgians ought to thank them for this spiteful act as all the smashed equipment will simply be replaced, gratis, by an embarrassed US and EU, who allowed this to happen by denying Georgia NATO membership, with up-to-date modern equipment.

Before the Russians can teach lessons, they will have needed to have learned something, and clearly Judo reactive Adolf Putin has learned nothing—therefore there is nothing they can teach. Judo inspired lessons have no place on the world political scene. The thugs in the Kremlin have NOT thought their dim-witted invasion through at all. The civilised world condemns it, and the one’s who were supposed to be intimidated by it, have instead banded together and have been strengthened by this lunacy. Russia’s reputation is now shit on the International stage. Putin’s rational, however, has clearly been inspired by his dear old papa.
Fighting for the Nazis in 1944, during the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising, was Vladimir Putin’s father, a Nazi collaborator. The first lieutenant on the left (circled in red) may seem familiar. That is because he is Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, Vladimir Putin Sr. The father of current Russian Premier Vladimir Putin. Three of the soldiers are wearing Russian Cossack uniforms. The second from left is wearing a Nazi uniform. The uniformed Russian Cossacks working with the German officer are members of General Vlasov's collaborationist army which during WW2 defected to the invading Nazi Germans. Now it seems clear to me where Adolf Putin picked up his authoritarian habits—from Putin Sr. (red circle) and his Nazi pals.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Dysfunctional Russian Leaders

The Georgians seem to have been suckered into attacking their wayward province of South Ossetia in that the South Ossetian Russian mercenaries provoked the Georgians by firing on them. The Georgians responded by shelling them in return, which then gave the excuse for the Russian “peacekeepers” into attacking Georgia with overwhelming force.

It doesn’t show how clever the Russians are, with people quoting Clausewitz, but it does show instead how predatory the Russians are. The Nazi Germans did exactly the same just prior to invading Poland. Russia’s behaviour reminds me of the US invasion of Grenada in 1983. I was appalled by that US manoeuvre as I am sickened by the present Russian THUGS.

Look what you’ve done you Russian thugs

The Russians now talk about “regime change” as if that were their business. My sincerest hope is that the Georgians will instead rally around their President Shakashvilli, and instead of the ex Soviet nations quaking in their shoes at Russia’s gangster behaviour, they will look to their defences and enlarge GUAM. The Ukrainians have never feared Russia because the Ukraine has the military clout to hit Russia hard—and I would flatten the Kremlin as a lesson to those bullies. The Ukrainians have the missiles to do that. Чорт пабрал вас, Расейская скурва блять!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Canny Scots

The canny Scots have kept the best for themselves and left Westminster with their outcasts

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Russian “peacekeepers” — a sick JOKE

Another gripe from my carer.

So called Russian “peacekeepers” have currently grabbed two provinces of Georgia, the eastern part of Moldova, and are threatening Ukraine’s Crimea. Hitler called such “peacekeepers” — the SS.

Russia’s “peacekeepers” are currently trying to annexe the Georgian province of South Ossetia, having already done so with the Georgian province of Abkhazia. The eastern part of Moldova has been annexed by these same “peacekeepers” producing the fictitious entity of "Transnistriya".
When Moscow adopted the imperial insignia from the Tsarist days it presaged its aspirations, and was a precursor to their ambitions. There is a sickness in the Kremlin which equates Imperial desires with strength, however, it is in fact the same analogy as with a school yard bully who throws his weight around because he’s too stupid not to. The Russians have a long history of bullying: 1930’s Holodomor in the Ukraine; 1944 Ethnic cleansing of the Crimean Tatars including the Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Karachays, and Meskhetian Turks from the Caucasus; More than 200,000 people are estimated to have been deported from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in 1940-1953; 1953 East Germany; 1956 Hungary; 1968 Czechoslovakia; 1979 Afghanistan.
Russian Troops invade Georgia

Putin’s KGB mentality is the same old Russian habit of imposing themselves on their neighbours rather than living as a neighbour should. Britain and France had the same mentality in their imperial days, and Germany attempted this failed policy during WWII. Muslim fanatics are striving to use it to force their will on others because they know no other way of proselytising. In this, the Chechen fanatics have the same thinking as the Kremlin, and until proper democracy reaches Russia, the new “tsars” like Putin and Medvedev are destined to repeat the mistakes of their Kremlin predecessors.

After the collapse of the USSR the KGB encouraged shit-stirring by Russians living among their neighbours. By the end of the Abkhazian fighting in December 1993, the whole Georgian population of Abkhazia—over 250.000—was ethnically cleansed by the Russians, leaving the self-proclaimed "independent state" in the hands of barely 50.000 Muslim Abkhazians and several thousands of Russian “peacekeeping” troops. The simple reason for Russia’s intervention was because it WANTED to secure Abkhazia’s coastal region for Russia, having lost the Crimean coast. Look at the map. It was a land grab by the Kremlin.
Allow the Russians to attack Georgia with impunity and the whole of Eastern Europe begins to resemble pre WWII Europe when the powers then mistakenly appeased Nazi Germany. NATO should have embraced Georgia and Ukraine the way it did with Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Putting a stop to Russia’s grandiose expansion schemes is vital to European security. Take note Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The innocent Georgians suffer

“Sieg Heil” Medvedev invades Georgia

Monday, 4 August 2008

Barack bloody HUSSEIN Obama

This seems to be more vitriol coming from my carer--better out than in, I suppose.How stupid is the American public? The spin doctors are trying to sell Obama as a latter day ‘Kennedy’ and so they send him on the ‘Kennedy style’ compulsory European tour in Kennedy’s footsteps, ignoring the inconvenient fact that times have CHANGED. Kennedy broke the Protestant mould by being Catholic. Kennedy was in a surrounded Berlin to bolster the Berliners—what the hell was Obama doing there on a stage?
Obama’s spin merchants keep pushing that Obama stands for CHANGE—what kind of STUPID policy is that? Well lets see….if something is white, Obama will paint it black. If something is up, Obama will put it down. If something is right, Obama will swing it to the left….etc. Is that what America wants from it next President? Oh by the way—has nobody noticed the HUSSEIN portion of his name?The American Muslims claim him as theirs.
“My Name is African Swahili”—Well NO it isn't. The first two names are all Arabic. Barack comes from ‘Baraka’ meaning ‘blessed’. Hussein is from Arabic Hasuna meaning “beautiful”, whereas Obama means “crooked” in Luo, not Swahili.

Obama has lied about his name )above), Cleaning his act up.
About his birth (Selma was in 1965; parents met in 1960 while both were attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa), his religion (brought up as a Muslim), his professional qualifications (Senior Lecturer NOT Professor)—but what he has not lied about is his desire to foster change upon an ignorant American public. HIS change will be to implement POLITICAL CORRECTNESS PLUS. Obama was a rights, race and gender Law Lecturer and that is the substance of his CHANGE. The white population will be marginalised to accommodate blacks, Latinos, sodomites, dykes, Muslims, and all the other left wing garbage that makes up the prissy wing of the Democratic Party of America (with apologies to non Dem Latinos). This is where the Kennedy Clan gets in by the back door, wrecking the US in vengeance for the assassinations.

Obama is Allah sent for the blacks but a curse for the whites of America. The world is still a tribal society and this election is a struggle of the two tribes from Europe and Africa (take note Latinos). Next time you’re looking in a mirror—ask which side your mirror image should be on—sod the brainwashing and lumpenproletariat dogma—think for yourself. Both black and white.
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