Monday, 2 June 2008

Immigration—Economic Benefits or Social Chaos

Why do Governments think that ‘Economic Benefits’ override ‘Societal Benefits’ so that Big Business can run roughshod over Society and make outrageous mendacious ‘benefits’ claims that clearly don’t stand up to open scrutiny. Even illegal migrants are acceptable to Big Business although it causes chaos within normal society, and by implication, holds the Government to ransom with its fallacious claims. Immigration is the only time in history that the ‘left’ gets into bed with ‘big business’ and makes common cause with their arch enemy.
The mantra I’ve been sold for a long time is that “what’s good for the economy is good for society as a whole.” WELL, NO, MATE, NOT IN THIS CASE! The cost to society is hooliganism, housing shortage, educational chaos, and an almost bankrupt welfare system. Gangsters from Kurdistan, terrorists from Somalia and Pakistan, Egyptian and Jordanian Islamic fascists are on Housing Benefits in council housing and living off Social Security. Yet still the Immigration Police take the weekends off—ever relaxed with a mañana attitude. WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP?
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