Monday, 22 October 2007

Curse of all Ages——Dogma

Another rant by my carer on Dogma.

Trotskyites in bed with Islamic Fascists? What could possibly unite them? Could it be their extreme dogmas. That logically and pedantically they should be throttling each other seems to have escaped both sides.


Terry Eagleton and Ken Livingstone both stand on the same Marxist platform, promoting Islam and decrying Islamophobia—a platform made in between Jahannum and Fardaus. One, a failed Catholic rationalising his way through life; the other a leftwing sycophant looking for succour from halfwits like Chavez. And what do we get from this platform: a godless form of sharia? Are Shahīd consequently offered prostitutes instead of virgins in their fantasy fardaus (paradise)? By the way, am I missing something? These Shahīds are suposedly dead--so what could they possibly do with a virgin?

How has it come about that the Left is so cosy with the Islamic Fascists? Well, the Trots are such a hopeless case that they seek alliances with every available minority—gays, Muslims, asylum seekers—all in the futile hope that the added numbers will somehow make them blossom into a substantive political force. Marxism died with the Soviets—and the Chinese billionairs are hardly Marxist. The trend away from the left has hit the Trots hard, and so now they’ve taken to supporting Muslim Fascists.

From my point I say a pox on all their houses. I would have sharpened the famous pickaxe to help Trotsky on his way; but then I would have done the same for Lenin, Stalin, or Mao. Lets not leave Hitler and Mussonlin out. Pickaxes for both of them. For the Pope and that loony Druidic Archbishop of Cantebury. Every major religion deseves to be dismatled. All dogma merchants of the worst degree. I’ve no intention of leaving out Adam Smith et al. Thoughtless capitalism is as ridden with dogma as is the anti-global campaigners. The more rabid the screaming and shouting the more I’m convinced that the loony bin is waiting for them.
Is mild dogma allowable then—well no! So PC and New Labour is also out, as is the conservatives with a small or capital C. Lets be fair and include the Lib Dems. and a pox on those Liberty libertarian people with their own form of dogma.

So what is the way forward? Has it never occurred to people that every situation is different and deserves a unique solution. Each problem needs to be solved without dogma, but based on the requirements and circumastances. Total Macro solutions are out. Micro solutions are in. Down with all dogma!

PS By 1991 Ramirez Sanchez, aka Carlos the Jackal, had converted from Trotskyism to radical Fascist Islam. One extreme crackpot dogma simply replaced by another. This is characteristic of a dysfunctional personality engrossed in a dysfunctional dogma.
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