This judge was a former chairman of the National Council for Civil Liberties (now known as Liberty), and has a long record of furthering human rights causes. So why is this cloud-cuckoo-land Liberty dogma judge the senior judge at AIT?
One of Kendeh's victims, Gabrielle Browne, 42, a mother of two, who was dragged into the bushes and sexually assaulted while running in a London park in 2003, has waived her right to anonymity to condemn the judgment. Mrs Browne, said, “I feel devastated and let down. How can it be that somebody who has offended so seriously against defenceless women is allowed to remain in this country? It is more than likely he will rape or kill a future victim. It’s a farce.” Well, not just a farce, but a Human Rights farce!
Who is at fault? Not Kendeh’s lawyers for invoking the Human Rights Act. I’m not even able to blame the judge for his ruling—since the law is there. Britain signed up for this rubbish. It’s clearly not in the interests of British Women that Mohammed Kendeh remains in this country. Unless Britain pulls out of this stupendously stupid Human Rights Convention, foreign criminals and other migrants will continue to utilise it cynically to circumvent BRITISH LAW.
The European Convention on Human Rights defines and guarantees, since 1950, human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe. All 47 member states of the Council of Europe have signed this Convention and are therefore under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg—and it is perverting the Law of Europe.
If those in Europe abide by the law, then the Human Rights Convention should apply, but if the law of the land is transgressed, then there should be NO ability to hide behind the Human Rights Convention to avoid deportation. The number of deportations that have failed due to this Human Rights Convention is simply staggering.
The inhabitants of Britain have to put up with Muslim Fascist Imams and other foreign criminals because of this stupid Human Rights Convention. It’s the dogma argument all over again. Criminals are not dealt with on the basis of their transgression but on Human Rights dogma. Come on people—kick the MP’s where it hurts. Stop voting for dogma driven imbeciles.