Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Putinnochio Speaks

President Putin told his favourite Russian rag LIFENEWS, that Russia “poses no threat to anyone,” and would “resist efforts to draw it into geopolitical intrigue.” Hah! That’s a Putin joke—right?

Now that’s also a might peculiar—bearing in mind that Putin does nothing BUT threaten his neighbours. Is this a change of mind? Does he mean that he’s going to withdraw his Russian troops from Moldova’s Transnistria, and from Georgian Abkhazia, and Georgian South Ossetia, and Ukrainian Crimea and from Eastern Ukraine altogether. Otherwise the statement makes no sense in a rational world. If he doesn’t, it simply means Putin is drivelling vile mendacity once more. It must also presuppose he stops sending subs into Swedish waters, returns the kidnapped Estonian agent, stops threatening Lithuania and Latvia? Maybe he’ll also cease funding the neo-Nazi parties in the European Union in an underhanded threat to European democracy? 

What about threatening Belarus with an economic boycott if they didn’t sell all their gas pipeline network to Gazprom—wait on, that’s a done thing isn’t it. Lukashenka caved in, and as a result, there’s now a Russian Airforce squadron in Baranovichi, and Russia’s built another Russian controlled base in Babruysk, with another to follow in Lida. Russian airbases are to follow in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and any other country stupid enough to allow it, all in a sick effort to revive the Russian Empire and its pathetic ambitions of domination. That's Putin's Russian Empire!

Putin only admitted later his ‘little green men’ were actually Russian troops after the annexation of Crimea, having previously denied their presence in Crimea altogether. So NO threat there?

Not surprising then, that France has stopped the outrageous Mistral helicopter carrier sale, since both ships were likely to head for Mariupol to invade Eastern Ukraine so that Putin could have his land-bridge to Crimea.

It’s clear that nobody really takes Putin’s drivel seriously—not coming from the mouth of a KGB thug. Remember Katyń? That’s the work of NKVD/KGB and his pals.

Come on, Western Media, you’re being played for a sucker by the Kremlin—wake up!

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