Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Alleged victim brands BBC a cesspit of depravity as he recalled assault.

It’s been known for many years that the BBC was staffed by gays, lesbians, transvestites and other abnormal highbrow layabouts from Oxbridge. People who would find it difficult to fit into normal jobs. These same people have gone out of their way to defend this group of misfits and even to promote them in various programmes, force-feeding their long suffering listeners and viewers, and giving the impression this was normal in society and ought to be accepted by others as such.

Finally the BBC temple is crumbling; enough is enough!

One abnormality leads to a culture of abnormality until they overstep the line by a long margin.

Jimmy Savile, John Peel, Gary Glitter, Jonathan King, Chris Denning, and a host of other predatory weirdoes who felt at home within the BBC are being forced out into the open, and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Isn’t it time this disgraceful burden on the public purse is forced into working for a living out in the business community? Privatise the BBC, or is this still a taboo subject for the greedy spin politicians fearful of the media lashing it might entail?

Come on you gutless politicians, grab this chance and set this loony bunch of overpaid fat-cats adrift into the commercial world. See if they will put up with their weird antics.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

For some people who have never known “democracy,” when they are plunged into its quagmire, they are at the whim and mercy of marketing gurus and unscrupulous KGB manipulators without any recourse to a higher morality. Clearly it’s no accident that a 'prison scandal' broke just before the Georgian election—and only a fool would not point at Russia as the ultimate source of that scandal.

Unfortunately, it succeeded in collapsing Georgia’s fragile attempt at independence and nationhood. They will now follow in the footsteps of the Ukraine, and become a tool of Moscow once again. It’s no use fooling oneself—Russia has won that which it couldn’t win on the battlefield or otherwise, or by fair means. There will be no further fair elections in the Ukraine OR Georgia, Russia will see to that. The election model will be Belarus and Russia. The Ukraine fell back in Russia’s sphere thanks to destructive squabbling between a power hungry Tymoshenko and a weakened Yushchenko—which let in Yanukovych as a puppet with real power in the hands of the Russian Azarov.

I wish there were better news. Of one thing everyone can be certain, Ivanishvili will never be speaking the truth. Like a Muslim or a Russian, he will lie through his teeth.

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.