Why do the Americans think that their lobbyist infested Congress
allied with other vested interest groups actually constitute a democratic institution?
Surely, it’s the personification of corruption (Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal)? Not one US major Corporation pays its allocated tax--they ALL claw most of it back through loopholes and scams. Hence the $14 trillion debt!
Why would anybody in their right mind think this was a form
of FREEDOM, or would want to emulate such a degenerate Plutocracy. The entire society
is pornographically orientated, with this or that being pushed as sexy, and with
Hollywood at the centre of World
In only 236 years, the Pilgrim Fathers ethos has been transformed
to wholesale pole dancing, widespread drugs and porn. What is even more
pathetic is that Europe seems to be intent and content
to follow the US
The EU Parliament has turned into a clone of the US Congress,
with its own panoply of disgusting gangster type lobbyist’s intent on twisting
the bureaucratic process into their corrupt mould. How was Greece
allowed into the Eurozone? Why is the taxpayer picking up the greedy Bank’s gambling
debts? Why is the taxpayer subsidising the European Union's Common Agricultural
Policy? There’s a host of subsidies going into all sorts of loony projects, all
down to industry lobbyists. From what is observable, neither Europe
nor America has
anything to teach the world when it comes to governance or ethics.
The corruption is endemic and terminal!