Sunday, 6 November 2011

The British indigenous People are profoundly disturbed by the havoc that mass immigration has wreaked on parts of Britain. The Office for National Statistics has discovered that one in eight people in the UK is now foreign born. (ie 7½ million). This is NOT counting the estimated 1½ million illegal immigrants plus those false students with bogus visas, those brought in by people-smugglers and those entering via the horrific practice of forced marriages. Nevertheless, Politicians’ consistently refuse to recognise the fractures and strains placed on communities by mass immigration, which has led to the ordinary voter on the street becoming more disillusioned than ever.

Political correctness, is being used to stifle freedom of speech, particularly about mass immigration. “You’re a racist if you say anything about all these foreigners coming here,” Joe Public would grumble to his mates, as he looked over his shoulder. “You can’t say anything about immigrants because complaining about them immediately has lefties labelling you a…Racist….as loud as their lungs can scream.”

Southall has long since become an ethnic ghetto, with more Indian(?) (Bangladeshi) restaurants in South Ealing than anyone could possibly require. Tower Hamlets and New Cross are communities far more fractured than South Ealing. These areas also suffer from the worrying spread of trash Islamism.

A recent Populus poll showed that 63 per cent of whites, 43 per cent of Asians and 17 per cent of blacks thought immigration had been bad for Britain. Another Populus poll put the following question: “A new party is going to be set up which says it wants to defend the English, create an English Parliament, control immigration, challenge Islamic extremism, restrict the building of mosques and make it compulsory for all public buildings to fly the St George’s flag or the Union Jack.” The public’s response to this was: 21 per cent said they would support it; 27 per cent would consider doing so; only 27 per cent would definitely not.

Well-meaning soft headed multiculturalism has totally wrecked local communities with immigrant riots and race riots. Soft Police tactics have encouraged Somali criminal gangs in Camden, Kosovan gangs in Stockwell and Stamford Hill, Turkish and Kurdish criminal gangs in Haringay and Finsbury Park, Bangladeshi yobs roaming the streets of the East End accosting young girls, Pakistani sex gangs raping young girls in Yorkshire, and Muslim yobs accosting passers-by outside the East London Mosque. Immigrant murderers are released from jail and NOT deported, Asian gangs are increasing in their communities of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Southall. And to add to the chaos, recently the UK Border Agency has reported that they’ve lost the whereabouts of 124,000 so-called asylum seekers.

As the white population contract, immigration and high birth-rates are driving up non-white numbers: a quarter of primary school children speak English as a foreign language, and so ghettoised are ethnic minorities that there some primary schools where not one of the children speak English as a first language. And these problems are magnified in places like Luton, Bradford and Leicester.

Everywhere, council housing is under extreme pressure as is Housing Benefits. The National Health Service and the Benefits System is way overloaded, all because the immigrants came here looking for the easy life—as encouraged by the BBC World Service. Employers maintain the ridiculous fiction that all the immigrants are working for less pay—whereas in fact huge numbers simply park themselves on Town Hall Housing Services and head straight for the local Benefits office, dragging ten kids and three wives after them. Every extreme Muslim cleric has been exposed as living on Housing Benefit and Benefit handouts.

But so seemingly “taboo” are the above thoughts that politicians avoid them like questions on their overstuffed expenses. No large party in Britain today presses for a solution to this self destructive problem. That it is destroying Britain must be obvious to anyone with a little common sense—which is the stated aim of the Sharia pushers with their false “Human Right” societies, their Muslim Parliaments, and their cosy Committees within the Foreign Office. But what’s most depressing is that the lefties of every hue are pushing as hard as they possibly can to support this destruction of Britain, all in the spurious name of “Socialism” vis-a-vie the immigration policies of Messer’s Blair, Brown, and Milliband.

Friday, 4 November 2011

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