Sunday, 21 August 2011

The only alienation is Blair’s alienation from real society. Once again, this abuser of socialism wants the Government to throw taxpayers money at the thuggish kids that his weird pseudo socialist mind-set has spawned in the successive Labour Governments since the 1960’s.

This millionaire musician come lawyer, turned into a money grabbing socialist, wants us to mollycoddle the nasty rioting thugs who insist on demanding something for nothing.

As for dysfunctional families—who the hell created them? Will the loony socialist who emphasises single parents please put his hand up—and that means you Tony Blair.

His government made a real mess of things and the decent thing for him to do is to SHUT UP and go quietly into obscurity.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

When Banker’s Morality leads our society’s ethics, followed closely by expenses hungry politicians—is it any surprise that the kids on our streets smash and loot.

It’s a grab and run mentality that permeates down to the thugs in the streets. The dystopia seeking Left bickering with the soft Right; the liberal intelligentsia waffling in the clouds about “rights of criminals” while the body of our society lies bleeding in the riot-strewn streets of Paris, Athens, and now London.

Europe has been filled with destructive illegal migrants wanting to overturn our culture; families destroyed by political correctness (only loony gay "marriages" are promoted); classrooms without discipline or education; innumerate University students unable to write an essay, corrupt politicians stuffing their pockets and bloated Bankers leading the charge demanding ever bigger bonuses. The rotten American junk mentality with its gangster rappers has finally reached Europe and will sink this undefended culture under a blanket of imported human excrement.

All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.