Friday, 11 February 2011

Why can’t the imbecile lefties in Europe get it through their thick skulls, when Angela Merkel, David Cameron, and now Nokolas Sarkozy say that MULTICULTURISM IN EUROPE HAS FAILED, they mean it has failed the NORMAL indigenous Europeans, which clearly doesn’t include the Internationalist Lefties who have pushed it over the cliff. It’s great for the Muslim invaders and the economic migrants but its been a disaster for the ordinary NORMAL European.

Show me this lefty multiculturism in the Islamic countries????? Show me this dumb pandering to the immigrants in any other part of the world other than the crumbling USA and the self destructive EU. Where is it in Pakistan—whose immigrant loud mouths shout and kill for Islam in Europe???? WHERE IS THE MULTICULTURISM IN BANGLADESH, CHINA, ARABIA?????

Even the sensible people of France, those inventers of Human Rights, are calling for the dumping of multiculturism as a failed notion. If the immigrants don’t want to integrate—then go back to where you came from and live your culture. Don’t try to export FAILED ideas and failed cultures into Europe.

The reassertion of the indigenous people of Europe will continue and we will clear Europe of the rotten invaders and their rotten cultural contamination.

The cultural ideas of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Friedrich Hayek, and Karl Popper will reassert themselves.

Europe will awaken!
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