Friday, 30 December 2011

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The British indigenous People are profoundly disturbed by the havoc that mass immigration has wreaked on parts of Britain. The Office for National Statistics has discovered that one in eight people in the UK is now foreign born. (ie 7½ million). This is NOT counting the estimated 1½ million illegal immigrants plus those false students with bogus visas, those brought in by people-smugglers and those entering via the horrific practice of forced marriages. Nevertheless, Politicians’ consistently refuse to recognise the fractures and strains placed on communities by mass immigration, which has led to the ordinary voter on the street becoming more disillusioned than ever.

Political correctness, is being used to stifle freedom of speech, particularly about mass immigration. “You’re a racist if you say anything about all these foreigners coming here,” Joe Public would grumble to his mates, as he looked over his shoulder. “You can’t say anything about immigrants because complaining about them immediately has lefties labelling you a…Racist….as loud as their lungs can scream.”

Southall has long since become an ethnic ghetto, with more Indian(?) (Bangladeshi) restaurants in South Ealing than anyone could possibly require. Tower Hamlets and New Cross are communities far more fractured than South Ealing. These areas also suffer from the worrying spread of trash Islamism.

A recent Populus poll showed that 63 per cent of whites, 43 per cent of Asians and 17 per cent of blacks thought immigration had been bad for Britain. Another Populus poll put the following question: “A new party is going to be set up which says it wants to defend the English, create an English Parliament, control immigration, challenge Islamic extremism, restrict the building of mosques and make it compulsory for all public buildings to fly the St George’s flag or the Union Jack.” The public’s response to this was: 21 per cent said they would support it; 27 per cent would consider doing so; only 27 per cent would definitely not.

Well-meaning soft headed multiculturalism has totally wrecked local communities with immigrant riots and race riots. Soft Police tactics have encouraged Somali criminal gangs in Camden, Kosovan gangs in Stockwell and Stamford Hill, Turkish and Kurdish criminal gangs in Haringay and Finsbury Park, Bangladeshi yobs roaming the streets of the East End accosting young girls, Pakistani sex gangs raping young girls in Yorkshire, and Muslim yobs accosting passers-by outside the East London Mosque. Immigrant murderers are released from jail and NOT deported, Asian gangs are increasing in their communities of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Southall. And to add to the chaos, recently the UK Border Agency has reported that they’ve lost the whereabouts of 124,000 so-called asylum seekers.

As the white population contract, immigration and high birth-rates are driving up non-white numbers: a quarter of primary school children speak English as a foreign language, and so ghettoised are ethnic minorities that there some primary schools where not one of the children speak English as a first language. And these problems are magnified in places like Luton, Bradford and Leicester.

Everywhere, council housing is under extreme pressure as is Housing Benefits. The National Health Service and the Benefits System is way overloaded, all because the immigrants came here looking for the easy life—as encouraged by the BBC World Service. Employers maintain the ridiculous fiction that all the immigrants are working for less pay—whereas in fact huge numbers simply park themselves on Town Hall Housing Services and head straight for the local Benefits office, dragging ten kids and three wives after them. Every extreme Muslim cleric has been exposed as living on Housing Benefit and Benefit handouts.

But so seemingly “taboo” are the above thoughts that politicians avoid them like questions on their overstuffed expenses. No large party in Britain today presses for a solution to this self destructive problem. That it is destroying Britain must be obvious to anyone with a little common sense—which is the stated aim of the Sharia pushers with their false “Human Right” societies, their Muslim Parliaments, and their cosy Committees within the Foreign Office. But what’s most depressing is that the lefties of every hue are pushing as hard as they possibly can to support this destruction of Britain, all in the spurious name of “Socialism” vis-a-vie the immigration policies of Messer’s Blair, Brown, and Milliband.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Time to GROW UP!

The same Greek working class that's now rioting in the streets, didn’t complain when the Greek Government was handing out money like confetti buying their votes—nor did they complain when all those funny laws entrenching their employment “rights” went through Parliament—nor did they complain about the bonus culture or the early retirements—they simply grabbed everything they could.

So now come on you loud mouthed lazy Greek lefties, act like grown ups and take the medicine the big boys are handing out! By the way--that means the corrupt politicians and bloated businessmen as well. Pay your ruddy taxes! Stop trying to fiddle the system! By the way---make it easier on yourselves—leave the Eurozone and go back to your poor grubby drachma. Stop making life difficult for the rich hard working Germans!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The only alienation is Blair’s alienation from real society. Once again, this abuser of socialism wants the Government to throw taxpayers money at the thuggish kids that his weird pseudo socialist mind-set has spawned in the successive Labour Governments since the 1960’s.

This millionaire musician come lawyer, turned into a money grabbing socialist, wants us to mollycoddle the nasty rioting thugs who insist on demanding something for nothing.

As for dysfunctional families—who the hell created them? Will the loony socialist who emphasises single parents please put his hand up—and that means you Tony Blair.

His government made a real mess of things and the decent thing for him to do is to SHUT UP and go quietly into obscurity.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

When Banker’s Morality leads our society’s ethics, followed closely by expenses hungry politicians—is it any surprise that the kids on our streets smash and loot.

It’s a grab and run mentality that permeates down to the thugs in the streets. The dystopia seeking Left bickering with the soft Right; the liberal intelligentsia waffling in the clouds about “rights of criminals” while the body of our society lies bleeding in the riot-strewn streets of Paris, Athens, and now London.

Europe has been filled with destructive illegal migrants wanting to overturn our culture; families destroyed by political correctness (only loony gay "marriages" are promoted); classrooms without discipline or education; innumerate University students unable to write an essay, corrupt politicians stuffing their pockets and bloated Bankers leading the charge demanding ever bigger bonuses. The rotten American junk mentality with its gangster rappers has finally reached Europe and will sink this undefended culture under a blanket of imported human excrement.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Scrap the European Court of Human Rights

Scrap the European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights NEEDS TO BE ABOLISHED before it totally destroys Europe. The softheaded dogma pushers who set it up seem not to understand that HUMAN RIGHTS is a human CONSTRUCT and not a natural entity which is allowed to ride roughshod over all other laws. Criminals get away with murder under its jurisdiction, rapists turn to it to avoid deportation, terrorists embrace it to avoid the full weight of the law, and in general the ECHR seems to override all other countries laws based on some outdated 18th Century French notion of Droits de l'homme.

Lawyers love new laws to exploit and beat the population with for financial gain, and this silly useless court which flouts Government’s Parliaments is a massive bonus for the Human Rights lawyers who have expanded beyond credibility.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Once upon a time there was a US President eager to be re-elected in 2012 and so he announced to the world that he'd had his supposed archenemy killed in a foreign land----and quickly disposed his body in the sea so nobody could see it. The excuse used was that it was in accordance with his religious custom. Convenient, you might suggest---it certainly puts the body beyond scrutiny. Ten years of fighting terror at a cost of billions of taxpayers’ dollars and the leader of the terror is "vanished" beyond oversight of the same taxpayers. Are we really that credulous? Can someone announce the monster has been slain without showing the body as proof of fact---or can I announce anything I like and simply insist people believe what I say?

May I remind readers of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964 when the then Democratic President of the United States used this falsified incident to enter and expand the Vietnam War. Then there are Nixon’s mendacious antics and Clinton’s Lewinsky lies to bear in mind. White House falsifications are legendary and numerous.

Without clear verifiable PROOF nothing should be taken on trust from any US President—while they rely on their armies of spin merchants and have thrown out any pretence of morality and ethics.

I want clear pictures of bin Laden’s body and I want a lot of them. If there ever was something to photograph or video then surely it was this whole operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan?

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sunday, 13 March 2011

When will sanity prevail?

There’s a likelihood of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima I going into meltdown with Units No 3 and 4 in dire trouble. Only uranium fuelled reactors go into meltdown, yet there is a perfectly safe nuclear fuel available with its associated technology—but unfortunately for the military, it doesn’t produce plutonium as a by product. All nuclear scientists are clued up on the thorium nuclear fuel cycle but they can’t convince their governments to abandon the uranium nuclear fuel cycle no matter how many nuclear accidents are caused by the latter. WHY IS THAT?

Are governments that dismissive of civilian safety that they will pursue their military lunacy to the END?

Windscale/Sellafield, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and now Fukushima.

When will sanity prevail?

Friday, 11 February 2011

Why can’t the imbecile lefties in Europe get it through their thick skulls, when Angela Merkel, David Cameron, and now Nokolas Sarkozy say that MULTICULTURISM IN EUROPE HAS FAILED, they mean it has failed the NORMAL indigenous Europeans, which clearly doesn’t include the Internationalist Lefties who have pushed it over the cliff. It’s great for the Muslim invaders and the economic migrants but its been a disaster for the ordinary NORMAL European.

Show me this lefty multiculturism in the Islamic countries????? Show me this dumb pandering to the immigrants in any other part of the world other than the crumbling USA and the self destructive EU. Where is it in Pakistan—whose immigrant loud mouths shout and kill for Islam in Europe???? WHERE IS THE MULTICULTURISM IN BANGLADESH, CHINA, ARABIA?????

Even the sensible people of France, those inventers of Human Rights, are calling for the dumping of multiculturism as a failed notion. If the immigrants don’t want to integrate—then go back to where you came from and live your culture. Don’t try to export FAILED ideas and failed cultures into Europe.

The reassertion of the indigenous people of Europe will continue and we will clear Europe of the rotten invaders and their rotten cultural contamination.

The cultural ideas of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Friedrich Hayek, and Karl Popper will reassert themselves.

Europe will awaken!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

All contents of The Cat Talks copyright © 2007 The Cat Talks. unless otherwise noted.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.