Thursday, 9 September 2010

Because of the Loon below I am vehemently against Islam

Not if we fight back. Even the smallest western country is militarily a lot stronger than all of Islam put together

Created by a nasty paedophile and hate filled self-styled Prophet and omnipotent lunatic called Mohamed

Lets just be clear---the Muslims want to destroy the West---and WE DO NEED TO FIGHT TO PROTECT our culture
Enough of this Islamic stealth invasion of the West

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

William Hague still shows little signs of any definitive persuasions of his own. He hires people to tell him what to wear, what to think—just as he has speech writers to tell him what to say.

Thus it is that a Bosnian Muslim, Arminka Helic, formerly Chief of Staff to the soft minded Liberal Paddy Ashdown, has become Hague’s Chief of Staff. As a consequence, instead of following a pro Israel line, which is in the Conservative Party’s best interests, Hague now favours the Arab Palestinian cause, trailing in the footsteps of the Labour Party. To be fair, historically the gays at the F.O. has always been soft on Islam—for services rendered, one presumes.

Prior to Helic’s influence, Hague instinctively sided with Israel, but with the 21 member Arab League increasingly pressurising the international community, he’s taken the line of least resistance and taken the easy way out by listening to Arminka Helic’s twisted Muslim advice.

The Civil Service has been heavily stacked with non-English immigrants and has been shown time and again to do few favours to the English or their cultural heritage. Just one example amongst many: Nigerians working for Immigration in Reading have corrupted the service on behalf of their own country people by allowing long stay visas when they should not have done. The tip of the iceberg.

Muslim Arminka Halic favours her coreligionists in Palestine—and that surely is an obvious scenario—but is it in the interests of Britain? NO!

Isn’t it enough that the whole of the Labour Party supports Islamic expansion in Britain without the Conservative Party following the Labour Party line.

Muslims advising on Britain’s Foreign Policy; a Muslim as Conservative Party Chair. The Conservative Muslim Forum, led by Mohamed Iltaf Sheikh, which has William Hague on its committee, wrote a report An Unquiet World: A Response which wants the British history curriculum taught in schools to be changed to favour Muslims, wants Muslim extremist preachers allowed to preach here in Britain, and wants British relations with Israel to be distanced because it could "damage Britain’s relationships with 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, including those in Britain,” and also calls on the Conservative Party to be more sympathetic towards Iran's nuclear ambitions, in contravention to UN resolutions.

Melanie Philips, a columnist for the Daily Mail and Spectator magazine, has said of its report An Unquiet World: A Response, that, "The recent paper written for the Tories by the Conservative Muslim Forum is a deeply troubling document. Set up to provide a dialogue with Britain’s Muslims and advise on tackling Islamist extremism, the group merely demonstrated depressingly that it shares many of the culturally belligerent attitudes driving that extremism."

Nile Gardiner in the National Review Online criticized the same report, suggesting that it "openly appeases Islamic radicalism." Gardiner said in the same article that, "The establishment of the Conservative Muslim Forum is a dangerous flirtation with Islamic extremism that should be brought to an end."

A. Millar in The Brussels Journal has remarked, "A radical form of Islam is on the rise in Britain. It is facilitated by sharia courts, and, in my personal opinion, by the Conservative Muslim Forum."

It would seem I’m not alone to think the Conservatives have got their attitude to Islam somewhat skewed the wrong way. Time will tell—but by then it will be too late.
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