Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Iran’s Contemptuous Nuclear Game with the West

Iran is playing the West like some cheap fiddle—and has managed to drag out its confrontation for well over 13 years, giving it plenty of time to develop its ambition to produce nuclear weapons. In 1996 the omnipotent Ayatollahs determined to build Atomic Weapons and a delivery system. To this end, with Russian, Chinese and North Korean help, they’ve built long range ballistic missiles such as the Fajr-3 (MIRV) and Shahab-3, to deliver the nuclear warheads that are under development. All protestations to the contrary are pointless mind games intended to delay sanctions.

On January 29, 2002 U.S. President George W. Bush gave his "Axis of evil" speech, and 7 years later the current putty brained softies in Washington have done sod all, simply allowing this Iranian mind game to continue.

Washington blames the Russians and Chinese for not being tougher, but the US shows NO signs of ramming the Iranians with their own hefty sanctions, nor of insisting others join it—or else. In the Cold War there was an effective embargo on Russia and China and it was enforced.

It would seem the will has gone out of the US to behave like the superpower it likes to project itself as being to the international community at large. If ever there was a loony rogue state then surely Iran is worthy of that title. Prevaricating and putting off the heavy sanctions is just encouraging this theocratic dictatorship to continue as if the US was simply an irritating fly.

Play games softly with any of the Muslims and the West will eventually regret it.

I’m of the opinion that the EU is past saving but maybe the US is still just barely able to pull itself together. Dump the loony lefties, and begin to play hardball, or end up like the EU—run by the soft loony lefties.
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