What the hell are you doing David Milliban????
A spokesman for the British Foreign Office said the ministry 'does have a policy of promoting LGBT ( lesbian gay bisexual transgender) rights' abroad.'——What the shit? What the hell are you doing David Milliban????
Last year, 2008, the British Ambassador to Poland, Ric Todd, hoisted a 'rainbow flag' - a symbol of gay rights - next to the Union Flag in front of the British embassy, causing British expatriates in Warsaw to dub him 'Rainbow Ric'. Would this gay promoting Ambassador raise the rainbow flag at the British embassies in Iran or Saudi Arabia???? I think not! They’d string him up at the nearest lampost. What kind of message is this sending about Britain to Poland? That Britain is full of queers? Is this what a British Ambassador is supposed to do, Mr Millibrand????
This same loony Milliband is a frontrunner in the race to become leader of the new Brownite “Red Flag” Labour Party.
This new Brownite Labour Party supports the Hamas Palestinians and all the gays in the world. When Hamas and its fanatics hand out sharia to the gays, how will we recognise the Brownite Labour Party with all that egg on its face?
This same so-called British Ambassador handed out a manual to homosexual rights leaders entitled a “UK Guide To Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender People And Their Rights”, translated into Polish at British taxpayers expense. This useless manual was adapted from the so-called Transgender Toolkit, a political correctness manual for civil servants that the Foreign Office funds with taxpayers' money. This is Britain's future! Promoting a DEAD END campaign!